Chapter 435

The Mountain Ghost King glanced lightly at the source of the ghost evil, without any fluctuations in his eyes.

In the eyes of other mountain ghosts, this was the lifeblood of the mountain ghost clan, and in his eyes it was like a stone on the side of the road.

It seemed like it was a waste of time to look at it more.

Without stopping his gaze, he skipped over the source of the ghost evil spirit, and the mountain ghost king looked at the ghost town pillar covered with black stripes, his eyes full of enthusiasm.

He recklessly opened the Ten Thousand Ghosts Yinsha Great Array for this moment, the town ghost sacred pillar was too strong for their ghost clan to seal the town.

With the help of the source of the ghost, he could take out a ray of the power of the gods.

This is how the power of the gods contained in the drop of essence and blood he had bestowed on Dohasimo was taken out in this way.

But this will not only waste a lot of the power of the gods, but also great loss to him, once or twice is okay, if you accidentally even get hurt by the power of the gods many times.

But it is different to open the huge array of ghosts and gods and seal the town of ghosts and gods with the power of the whole family of the mountain ghost clan.

In this way, it can smoothly suppress the power in the pillar of ghosts and gods.

This is not to say that the great array of ghosts and evil spirits can produce the power of suppressing the gods, but that the pillar of the gods of ghosts is a kind of seal to the power of the gods within.

Combined with the vast array of ghosts and evil spirits, he can release the controllable power of the gods.

Reaching out his hand, the golden and black Jingui Shenzhu suddenly flew to the front of the mountain ghost king. He stroked the Jingui Shenzhu with surprise in his eyes.

“What a magical creation!”

Before the change, he would never dare to observe the ghosts and gods of the town from such a distance, so he didn’t even think about touching it.

Even though he had been sealed, he could still feel the powerful energy contained in the ghost town sacred pillar.

That is not at the same level as the energy he has mastered.

If his Li Aling is deadwood, the energy of the sacred pillar is fine iron, and no matter how much deadwood is in front of fine iron, it will only be futile.

It is impossible to cause even a trace of damage to the fine iron.

“This is the realm I have been pursuing!”

The mountain ghost king’s expression is full of obsession,

Ghosts and gods are another realm, which can be said to be a creature that transcends the world.

The ancient times was an era where ghosts and gods were walking all over the floor, and he could still see the magnificence of the ancient times in the ancient books.

That is the goal he has been pursuing.

Thoughts arose in his heart, and a black halo appeared on the palm of the mountain ghost king stroking the Zhengui Shenzhu.

The halo is like a black snake, spreading and beginning to contact the ghost town.

The sealed ghost town sacred pillar immediately trembled when it felt the black snake, as if it had a life.

Even the black lines surrounding it have a faint tendency to break, and every inch of golden light spreads through the black lines.

The golden light shone on the Mountain Ghost King, and the black snake on his palm instantly turned into a black smoke and disappeared, as if it had never appeared before.

Not only that, but his skin was irradiated by golden light, and he wanted to be burned by the fire, but he was smoking white smoke.

In some places, the robes were scorched, and the naked blue-black skin suddenly turned out of the red subcutaneous tissue.

The color of fear flickered in the mountain ghost king’s eyes, and under this golden light, the niche in his body couldn’t even work.

At this moment, he was like a mountain ghost who had not yet embarked on the path of spiritual practice.

Is it going to die?

Jin Guangyao, the mountain ghost king only felt that thousands of years of penance, and thousands of years of cultivation seemed to have turned into a bubble.. 0

In the face of this force, he couldn’t resist at all, and he couldn’t even think of confrontation in his heart.

Too strong!

It is completely unilateral suppression.

The intense burning sensation spread all over the body in an instant, and the suffocation of death lingered in the heart of the mountain ghost king.

Just when he thought he was going to die.

The black pattern entwined on the ghost pillar of the town gave rise to bursts of black light, and at the same time, with the spread of the black light, countless mysterious runes like tadpoles floated around the pillar of the town ghost.

There was a faint whisper in the mysterious rune, and just hearing it made the soul feel like it was about to split.

Even the mountain ghost king, hearing the sound in the tadpole rune at this moment, his brain exploded.

As if ten thousand needles were piercing his head.

But after a few breaths, there was blood flowing out of his seven orifices.


An extremely clear magic sound radiated from the mysterious rune, the rune suddenly changed from real to virtual, and then it was directly attached to the surface of the ghost town.

The town 3.0 ghost pillar, which was originally entangled by black stripes, was suddenly covered with countless mysterious tadpole runes.

With the suppression of tadpole runes and the addition of black stripes, the golden light emitted by the ghosts and gods finally disappeared.

Only strands of golden light were still scattered outwards, seeming to wipe out the seal on its surface.

The Mountain Ghost King also recovered from the boundless oppression, looking at the ghost town and the densely packed tadpole runes, his eyes were full of horror.

Just now, he really thought he was going to die.

Whether it is the ghost town or the black tadpole rune, the pressure on him is too great.

“But what is this black tadpole rune?”.

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