"This way."


We were being taken to the staff room by Wiener Lane right now. Many of the staff are given private rooms and laboratories, but they also have large rooms for everyone to gather in.

They say it's more convenient that way for pre-class preparation and simple sign-ups. It really feels like a staff office in Japan.

"Still, this is the first time you've made all this noise at that time since you were founded, isn't it?

"What do you mean?

"Normally, people who come to the academy for interviews know me, so they're nervous about the gutter bees. There's no normal person to make a scene like that, is there?

That would be so. If you piss off Weena Lane, that's not weird even if it's your own ruin. Fran was pretty nasty in that sense, too.

"Besides, I won't let you imitate me where I am."

"I see."

"In the case of a regular interview, I dare to make you wait about an hour, is that enough for you to go home angry there?

"Make him wait? Why?"

"Talent with only the patience and enthusiasm to go home to that extent, what you don't need"

You're a common guy in Earth interviews. I mean, I got hit a lot while I was on the job, too. A massive interview, of course, is what we've been waiting for. It is a combo of compression interviews after a long wait.

Well, there are times when the interview will be prolonged and the corporate side will make you wait unintentionally. If a company went through a time of superior superiority, it would understand.

"Some nobles who brag about big titles are unintelligible. Teachers and teachers are tough in the first place, right? Because there are a lot of fucking kids, not just honest and good kids. Enthusiasm and patience are necessary to deal with them. Or maybe a mind that goes through."


Fran, who heard what Weena Lane said, tilts her neck a little. I was just a little uncomfortable, too.

"What's going on?

"You like kids?

Yes, it is. I was uncomfortable with the tone of Weena Lane when I said I was a fucking kid. An equally child-loving Amanda wouldn't say it first, and even if I did, there would be something like affection in there. But I couldn't feel that from what Weena Lane said.

He really thinks he's a fucking kid. Then they smile slightly.

"It seems like when I do what a college director does, that's what they think for some reason... Well, you look like you're bonding with the Spirit on your own and tied to the college, and maybe that's the wrong point there, too? Well, you love honest, cute, brilliant kids, don't you? Sounds like you, huh?

That's what Weena Lane says and winks. I just kept smiling bitterly.

"But there's no way you can love everyone unconditionally and equally because you're a child, is there?

"So, why are you doing college directors?

"Adults have a lot of things. Yeah, speaking of which, you know Amanda, don't you?


Speaking of which, you were looking at Sassa and Fran's materials earlier. I guess it said that.

"I don't care if you compare me to her."

"Do you know him?"

"Didn't you hear?


"Pfft. As always...... Well, because that kid's ancestors are my children. If I told you, would that mean my descendants?

What? Are you blood related? But Amanda didn't say a word about that, did she?

"Because she doesn't like me"


"You're coming gooey. Well, there's a lot going on. One of the reasons I guess you don't like that I'm being lifted because they say I like kids. As a real child lover."

Is that all? I don't pursue it deep. I guess I don't want to tell you that it's cloudy.

That's how I walked as I talked, and I could see the wrong students staring at Fran.

"That, who? I can't believe the dean has guided himself."

"Aren't you some nobleman?

"There's no way that dean cares for that degree of reason. You're the one who punches the royalty, aren't you?

"Or is that the dean? I've never seen it before."

"Dude, I would have been greeted at the entrance ceremony"

"No, because enrollment was delayed at the convenience of the house..."

If you wonder if the incident just now is already widespread, you simply seem surprised that Wiener Lane is guiding you.

The students are going to be talking hissohisso, but it sounds to us and to Wiena Lane. I mean, it sounds like Weena Lane's face isn't very well known.

"I don't have a choice. My men do most of the work. I show my face in front of my students because it's like a mock fight for an upper class or a ceremonial greeting."

It's a school with a long history, and I guess it's not just defense, but the system of education is fully capable.

Besides, I wouldn't be in charge of classes often if I were a college director.

Me too, it's subtle when they tell me to remember the principal's face as a student. I remember when I was in high school, the headmaster's hair was a little small.

"Besides, I don't think my students recognize me because I walk in plain clothes from time to time, do I?

Well, if you couldn't feel the strength, you might just have looked like an elf.

It's just an elf and it's beautiful, but it's not the most so-called level in the world. Evolved into a high elf, I guess it doesn't change my appearance.

Even now, they do wear plain robes that are not very visible to those in power. It's a luxury product made of good materials, but if the viewer doesn't see it, he won't know.

Plus, it seems like you're holding Aura back. I guess you don't want to make a scene.

Seeing Weena Lane with such a fit, Fran nods as he was convinced too.

"Mm. Weena Lane is plain"

"Hey, doesn't that sound like something different?

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