That room, which followed Weena Lane, was considerably larger than expected. There will be five times as many rooms as you would imagine in the word staff room.

A slightly larger wooden desk was neatly arranged across the street like an office or staff room, with nearly 100 humans at work.

Still, the desk is only about half filled, so it seems that about 200-250 people actually use this room.

If you don't get on something like the morning auditorium you climbed up with Weena Lane, it's unlikely you can even look out the back.

"Yes, attention everyone -!"

As Weena Lane speaks as she slaps her hands with bread from the top of the table, her gaze across the room immediately concentrates on this one.

"She's Fran the Adventurer. I'll be in and out of the college for a while as a special staff insider and short-term prospective integration. And next door is that obedient Ursi. They vary slightly in size, but they're smart kids. Nice to meet you."

"Say hello."


When Weena Lane told her so, the teachers' reactions split beautifully.

He who is confused, and he who is convinced. I guess more people are confused. There are a lot of people over here who feel like so-called teachers, and I guess they don't understand Fran's prowess.

Instead, the teachers were people who felt like they were former adventurers or dressed in mage style.

Well, I guess you don't need combat skills for a sitting teacher, and you have no choice.

A man dressed in back-style clothing, who was nearest, opens his mouth on behalf of him. She looks about 50 years old and feels like a poopy uncle who lacks exercise.

"Short-term integration, I know. You won't have a problem with age either. Are you just a special official? What kind of treatment would that be?

It seems that being a student and a teacher is just unusual in this college.

"First of all, Fran is a senior class or special war class instructor."

"Huh? Doesn't that mean you're in a special war class?

He's a mock instructor.

There was a slight blurring in the words.

"What is a simulation instructor..."

"Only human beings with an Adventurer rank of D or higher can be instructors..."

"Besides, senior and special warfare mock instructors are talking about at least rank C, right?

Apparently, Fran is in charge of a class of meritocracy for both students and teachers. I guess I don't think the regular teachers have a very good role to play.

"It's okay. Fran is still a rank B adventurer with an alias. Fighting power alone, no complaints, rank A or higher."

"Huh? No, if that's what the dean says it must be true"

"Hehe. Anyway, I haven't bled in school in hundreds of years."

I get a bigger blur than I did earlier. I guess the word that Weena Lane bled out was an extra shock.

"But the dean made a pact with the Guardian Spirit to protect this college, didn't he?

"Oh. When fighting in school, they say it will be strengthened..."

"You mean you scratched that dean? You're lying."

For them, I guess it's a legendary presence of ever-winning undefeated, and they've never even heard of struggling.

Some of them seem to have thought it was a joke, but most people seem to have believed it. But some people are staring at us because of it. There will be no choice in that either.

Weena Lane is the most powerful magician in the world, a high elf who lives a long time. And founder of the School of Magic, he is a world famous hero. There must be a lot of followers.

For such followers, the story of Weena Lane being hurt must have been uncomfortable.

My uncle, who doesn't know what happened, is also confused.

"What is that...?

"There was a lot going on. Well, I assure you that Fran's strength is pushing through."

"Wow, I get it"

Your uncle's eyes on Fran have changed. Until then, the kind of eyes that identified the mysterious beautiful girl was definitely added to the fear. I guess it's not fear because it's the person Weena Lane is acknowledging.

"So what happens to the class?

"It's gonna be a special war class."

"Do you mind?

"That would be more convenient for you to be a teacher. Besides, Fran's a great magician."

Apparently, you need more than just combat skills to enter a special combat class, you also need magic skills.

"Are you sure you don't have a problem integrating into special wars classes?

"Instead, don't you have anything to gain from Fran? Too bad, though. Anyway, Fran's witchcraft is at the level where we can entrust the head of the department to our college."

"What? Well, that's... That's awesome."

I'm not on that level of bluffing or anything anymore. Everyone is exchanging words with Gayagaya. It could have been close to screaming.

Maybe, but it's a position that requires a lot of strength.


"What's up? You don't like being noticed?

(Hmm? I don't care about that. than that, I want to learn spiritual magic)

I didn't give a damn how the teachers reacted. Instead, they've been thinking about where to incorporate it.

'Isn't that nice? Ask him if he has a class in that system. "

"Mm-hmm. Hey, I'd like a class where you can learn spiritual magic"

"Oh, Fran cared about that. Then you can choose a spiritual magic class in your choice class."

Apart from the special war-class curriculum, students can choose classes as they please, they say, elective classes. There, they have a course in spiritual magic.

"You don't have spiritual witchcraft in your special war class?

"The basic knowledge is what you learn among the basic disciplines. I definitely need that knowledge more than I need to be in this college. But when you master spiritual witchcraft, you have to learn it in elective classes."


"You just don't know if you'll ever master spiritual witchcraft, do you? Fran seems to have a gift for seeing spirits, but whether or not you can get along well with spirits is completely different."



Because spirits differ from individual to individual and from preferred counterparts, they don't exist in a picturesque way of serving or contracting. It is therefore difficult to teach.

He also said that fewer people have the gift of spiritual witchcraft outside of elves, and fewer improve even with that talent. Besides, spiritual witchcraft is very unstable even if it improves, and I don't even know if I can use it.

Because of that, they say it's hard to incorporate into regular classes. It seems that a person who feels like a spirit, like Fran, is just enough to pick a class individually.

For this reason, if you are an elf, you do not have to attend the college, and you are handled by spiritual magic from inside and from your parents. However, it seems that elves have many individualists and it is recommended that training above the basics be done by individuals. Therefore, most elves attending this college would not choose spiritual witchcraft in class.

"But then I guess I'd rather have a special war class. Because the teacher in charge of that class has a spiritual mage. You should listen to me."

"Mm-hmm. That's good."

"Yeah, yeah. Well, let's get this over with."

Well, what kind of class is it?

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