I write apocrypha in Warhammer

Chapter 100 Man-Eating Shark

"The results of the scan are out, sir. The main inhabitants of the planet below are the Savage Eldar and some other affiliated aliens."

The crew member reported.

"The Wild Spirit Clan. Those wild bean sprouts?"

This was somewhat beyond Tiberius' expectations.

The Wild Eldar are a group of Eldar who despise the degenerate society of the Ancient Eldar. They have long avoided the fall of Slaanesh and chosen to return to the primitive natural life.

They possess certain high technologies, but because they refuse industrialization, they are generally in the stage of agricultural civilization. Their numbers are small, and their combat effectiveness is not strong.

Even so, wild bean sprouts are not easy to bully because they can shake people.

The Wild Eldar are very welcoming to other Eldar compatriots and maintain good relations with most of the Ark Eldar. Once their planet is attacked, they will often receive support from one or even several Arkworlds.

Under normal circumstances, regardless of the support of several Arkworlds behind them, Tiberos would definitely hit them directly in the name of the Emperor.

Regardless of black bean sprouts or white bean sprouts, dead bean sprouts are the best bean sprouts.

A world of such value should be in the hands of human masters.

However, now they have just finished an expedition and are in dire shortage of materials and manpower. If they really start a war rashly, they may not get much benefit.

A world that didn't exist before but suddenly appeared. What secrets does it contain?

Will they completely lose the chance to figure out the secret because of this retreat?

Tiberos is just reckless, but he is not stupid. As a chapter leader, he has to ensure the normal operation of the entire team, and the risks involved must be carefully considered.

"In addition, sir, there is a certain degree of chaos pollution on that planet." The crew member adjusted the screen to the main screen and continued, "There seems to be a powerful demon hidden in the center of the ruins of the castle. , even though it is in a sealed state, its energy is still leaking out, corrupting the normal life around it, and the seal seems to be on the verge of collapse."

The ruins of the castle in the picture are surrounded by black air, sarcoma is growing, and there is a strong unclean power lingering there. Even the sunlight will become dim there - that is the place where Link and the others were defeated.

If the power of Chaos erodes the entire planet, then the planet itself will no longer be worth colonizing and developing, and throwing down the extermination order is the only solution.

In other words, if Tiberos wanted to conquer the world for the Empire, they couldn't wait until later and had to do it now.

"Then do it!" Thinking of this, Tiberos decisively ordered, "Gather the soldiers together and prepare to jump into gangs!"

Then, the entire battle barge entered combat mode.

All three precious Dreadnought mechas were pushed out of the freezer.

Every last bullet in the barren ammunition bay was dug out.

The Space Marines wiped their scarred chainswords and power axes from their hands.

And the most important thing - salute the mascot shark kept in the battle tank, praying for another victory in the war.

Subsequently, a large number of short positions were ejected from the battle barge and smashed towards the ruins of the castle below.

On the other side, located in the sky above a thousand meters, Wei Mu and the others had just finished dealing with one of the four divine beasts, the Wind Divine Beast - it was a huge mechanical bird created by the souls of ancient sages, who were Link's colleagues back then. manipulated.

The demon named Ganon used unclean power to contaminate the mechanical bird. As a result, not only was it useless back then, it was still out of control from time to time, causing disaster to the surrounding residents.

Wei Mu and others purified the demon clone by killing it, and successfully saved the sage from the long suffering.

In this way, the mythical beast was successfully under their control.

They can use the power of this ancient divine weapon to weaken the demon.

After the incident is over, he can also ask the group of oil guys to come over and study this thing that can control the power of the storm, which should be able to gain a lot of favorability.

After completing one, there are three left, and finally there is an exciting BOSS battle.

Just when Wei Mu thought everything would go according to plan, a bunch of airdrop pods crossed the sky, floating over their heads like falling meteor showers.

This sudden scene made everyone's eyes wide open.

"What the hell, isn't that the empire's airdrop warehouse?" Wei Mu said in surprise.

He thought that under Xi Lego's operation, this world could be completely isolated from outside interference. Unexpectedly, after they entered it, this world actually appeared in the physical universe and was found by the imperial army.

Since the power of Chaos in the ruins of the castle has begun to leak out, if the Imperial Expeditionary Force encounters it, they will definitely come over and take action.

The originally smooth process was going on, but it was inexplicably disrupted by this group of uninvited guests.

But it's not a big problem.

It turned out that the person who came was one of our own. With his current reputation, all he had to do was speak in front of the battle and teach the other party to obey...

"Well, look at the logo on the airdrop silo, it seems that the ones coming are the Man-Eating Shark Group." Moore reminded cautiously.

As a space warrior, he has good eyesight and can see more details.

Wei Mu almost fell to the ground: "What are you talking about...the Man-Eating Shark Chapter that was forced to leave the battle because its fighting methods were so brutal and brutal that even the teammates couldn't stand it?"

Maul nodded and said: "You also know that our empire only has one Astartes chapter with shark in its name."

Wei Mu suddenly felt bad and shouted loudly: "Quick, let this big mechanical bird take us to the ruins of the royal city!"

Link asked: "What happened? Don't you continue to weaken Ganon's power?"

Wei Mu hurriedly said: "If you are strong enough, you don't need to use the mechanism to defeat the BOSS. Those iron lumps that fell from the sky just now contain a group of super strong men. They will directly defeat the demon, and they will probably kill it." Your precious princess was also killed, so turn around quickly, we have to stop them."

Link became anxious after hearing this and asked: "Why did they kill Zelda together? Isn't their enemy a demon?"

"This matter is a bit complicated to talk about. I will explain it to you when I have the opportunity in the future." Wei Mu quickly laughed and brushed off the topic.

How could he answer?

He can't say that it's because your compatriots outside have done too many immoral things and look at people through their nostrils every day that you are disliked by everyone, right?

But no matter what, nothing can happen to Princess Zelda who contains the power of the goddess.

If she were gone, Link's mentality would be completely shattered.

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