I write apocrypha in Warhammer

Chapter 99 Building relationships

This is a relatively leisurely trip.

At least that's the case for Wei Mu.

Anyway, there are a bunch of big guys outside who want to cause trouble for him, so it would be better to stay in this world hidden by Silego to avoid the limelight.

There are no worries or burdens. I just follow the direction where the wind blows, walking on the land full of magic, listening to the melodious tunes in my ears.

Along the way, we ate and drank, took photos and sightseeed the beautiful scenery of the grasslands and forests. When we encountered monsters, we could even go up and slap them in the mouth to practice our skills. It was such a pleasant little life.

Except for the lack of full network coverage, everything else is perfect.

But after all the fun, business has to be done.

In order to defeat the devil and rescue the princess, according to normal procedures, they must first purify the four most powerful ancient divine weapons contaminated by the devil, which are giant mechanical gadgets known as the Four Divine Beasts by the locals.

Those who were in charge of the four divine beasts back then were representatives of the four major tribes. After being corrupted, the souls of those four were still fighting against the demons, so they had to visit the villages of these four tribes one by one.

"So, did he finally wake up?"

At nightfall, everyone set up a crude camp on a pile of ruins.

The bright moonlight shines on the tired traveler, and the chirping of insects in the wilderness keeps coming to his ears.

In his spare time, Wei Mu gathered around the ever-moving bonfire and told Link the story of mankind, while the versatile Jawa played the thumb piano on the side, adding to the atmosphere of the story.

"Yes, even though he has been sleeping in the stasis position for ten thousand years and has just woken up, he can still distinguish which ones are traitors corrupted by Chaos and which ones are not, so he immediately raised his sword and killed those traitors. The enemy and the suppressed Scions around them were also greatly encouraged by the return of the Primarch, and launched a full-scale counterattack against the traitors."

Since the Eldar warrior in front of him had just woken up from his long sleep, Vymmu was telling a story about Guilliman's return.

During the time he spent with Link, Wei Mu had been working hard to help humans improve his favorability in his mind.

"It sounds like it's very powerful."

Through Wei Mu's description, Link tried his best to imagine the scene at that time.

The ferocious rebels advanced all the way to the depths of the temple. The loyalists resisted desperately, but they still could not stop the enemy.

And at that most critical moment, the hero who had been sleeping for thousands of years revived again, and the situation on the battlefield was instantly reversed...

If only he could do this.

Since waking up, Link has been working hard to fight monsters, but his strength recovery is still not ideal.

In other words, it didn't meet his expectations.

He wished he could rush into the ruined castle right now and end it all.

"Of course, he is the Primarch created by our Emperor, a demigod-like existence. Even the most powerful warrior is not his enemy. There is even a saying - only the Primarch Only the body can kill the original body."

Moore said proudly from the side.

After all, it is rare to have the opportunity to blush in front of the Spirit Clan.

Before taking a break, he will also practice swordsmanship with Link for a period of time. The nominal purpose is of course to help Link regain his fighting strength, but when he talks about it in the future, he can say, "The savior of your Eldar Tribe was killed by our Dark Angels." Taught."

Taking advantage of the fact that this Eldar warrior was new to the world and didn't understand anything, Mor had to help humans overpower the Eldar.

The arrogant attitude of the group of black bean sprouts made him very angry.

"However, even someone as strong as Guilliman will feel powerless when facing many things."

Wei Mu continued.

"He has been sleeping for ten thousand years. Today's human beings are no longer what they were back then, full of rationality and hope. Instead, they are dominated by ignorance and paranoia. Coupled with enemies from all walks of life eyeing them, the entire empire is like a festering and decaying corpse. , is heading towards inevitable destruction step by step.”

"Not only that, but what makes him feel even more sad is that he has become the only remaining flag of the empire, and all these burdens have to fall on his shoulders."

Mentioning this, even Wei Mu couldn't help but sigh with emotion.

Although he usually likes to arrange the Lord Regent, it has to be said that Guilliman is really carrying an unbearable weight in his life, and he still does his duty.

"This is really..."

Hearing this, Link hesitated, not knowing what to say.

If you want to be a hero, you will inevitably have to shoulder these heavy responsibilities. This is the same no matter where you are.

"But there is still hope," Wei Mu said. "There will always be people willing to fight for it."

He was a little worried, if Link knew that the Demon King, his old enemy, was just a pawn, and that the real enemy he needed to face was the Lord of Joy, especially after learning about the bad things done by the Eldar , will this brave man’s mentality explode on the spot?

"If there is a chance, I hope to meet the regent of your family." Link finally said with interest.

It's always a good thing to meet like-minded people.

"No problem at all."

Wei Mu said with a smile, but what he was thinking behind his back was that if this Eldar warrior could be packaged and delivered to Guilliman, he would probably not care about arranging his affairs at will.

It's just that the regent looks amiable, but in fact he is a master of manipulation. He knows how to use words and techniques to cater to the other party in order to gain the other party's favor and the information in his hand.

It would be a bit difficult to fool him.

In this way, everyone chatted casually.

Meanwhile, on the other hand.

An Imperial warship that had just finished its expedition jumped out of subspace and hovered in the outer orbit of an unknown planet.

It can be seen from the damage on the battleship that it must have experienced many harsh battles before this, and now it is in urgent need of supplies and rest.

"This is not our destination."

On the bridge, the chapter leader, who was astonishingly tall and wore two claw-powered fist gloves, spoke in a terrifyingly low voice.

"The light of the Star Torch is becoming more and more unstable, so we have to correct the direction many times."

The adjutant on the side explained.

"We have no time to waste. The Emperor still has many enemies to conquer." The regiment leader said, "Get this done quickly!"

"Understood." The adjutant nodded.

The navigators took the time to determine their position and prepare for another subspace jump.

However, at this moment, the people below suddenly reported: "Excuse me, sir, the planet below seems a bit weird. It seems to have appeared suddenly. We didn't see it the last time we passed by."

As he spoke, the soldier also presented past navigation records in front of his regimental commander.

The Chapter Master quickly confirmed the navigation records and they had indeed passed by here before.

But in the face of such a vibrant world, according to their style, it is impossible to turn a blind eye to it, and they will definitely include it in the empire's territory in the name of the Lord of Humanity.

"What kind of trick is this?"

The chapter leader, Tiberos "Scarlet Blood Road" stared at the planet in front of him.

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