Cliff looked around and saw some workers wearing white overalls. They all looked at Cliff with doubts. The uncle who rescued Cliff asked, Who are you? Why are you crawling outside the wall?

Cliff wore earplugs and couldn't hear clearly, so he quickly took them out and said, You...

Because Cliff had been wearing earplugs, he didn't know how loud he was speaking, so his voice was much louder. The uncle who rescued him covered his mouth. Everyone quickly formed a circle and blocked Cliff.

After a while, a person pushed open the bathroom door and shouted, Who is talking?

The uncle who saved Cliff said: I said so! Are you going to kill me?

It's you again, Mike! Don't think that I dare not kill you, it will be the same without you.

Then just kill him!

The man came over, knocked Mike down with one punch, and threatened: This is the last time, Mike, next time, I will throw you directly into the sea. I will do what I said.

The man left after cleaning up Mike, and the bathroom door was closed again. Mike was helped up, and Cliff said to Mike guiltily: I'm sorry!

It doesn't matter! Who are you? Why are you crawling outside the window?

My name is Cliff, and I'm a bounty hunter.

After everyone heard that Cliff was a bounty hunter, they became obviously happy. Since they did not dare to speak loudly, everyone just patted me on the shoulder and I patted yours.

Mike whispered: That's great! I didn't expect you guys to come so fast. It didn't take long for my brother to escape!

Speaking of this, Mike's voice gradually became smaller. After looking at Cliff carefully, he said: You look very young! Are you really a bounty hunter?

Mike's voice was very quiet, but it was quiet in the bathroom. Everyone heard it, and everyone looked at Cliff in confusion. Cliff's situation is really confusing.

Of course! I am a bounty hunter. Do you know the piranha monster that appeared on the beach? That was the one our team killed!

Really? That's great. If you can come, these two bad guys won't have anything to fear.

When Cliff heard that there were two people on the other side? Cliff's thoughts became vivid and he said, Can you tell me about the situation here? Your brother was shot on the road and is temporarily lying on the first floor of the factory. I don't know the specific situation yet.

Mike frowned again. He was always skeptical about Cliff. How could a young boy, sixteen years old, be a bounty hunter? Although he said that his team killed the piranha monster, it felt like he didn't want to mention it. His eyes are always evasive.

When he heard Cliff talking about his brother being injured on the first floor of the factory, Mike's doubts became even more serious.

Cliff, my brother was injured on the first floor of the factory? Is someone else lying on the first floor of the factory?

Cliff nodded and said, Yes, I saved him. He was hit by a defender's bullet. I performed an operation on him. The operation was successful. As long as he is sent to the hospital in time, he will be fine.

After saying this, Cliff wanted to slap himself in the mouth. Wasn't this just making others suspicious? Cliff is still thinking about how to find excuses to get back on his feet and how to keep his image high.

But everyone present was not a fool. When they heard this, they all looked at Cliff in confusion.

Mike does not doubt Cliff's kindness, but Cliff's identity is a bit suspicious, and he needs to confirm what happened.

Cliff, we believe you are a good person, and you climbed in through the window just to come to us, but we know what is going on. Please don't hide it! Please!

Mike was very sincere, and Cliff gave up on pretending to be a superior person, so he told the truth. I'm not lying to you, I am a bounty hunter and the piranha monster on the beach that our team eliminated. These are all real.

Captain Rebana and I came to your factory to find the owner of the factory. We heard that he has a chariot. We want to ask him for the chariot.

On the way here, we discovered that there was a problem in the factory, so we split up. During the operation, I found your brother. He was injured at the time, so I rescued him. And followed his Vito Save you.

Cliff said it all.

Mike sighed and said, You shouldn't have come to us. You should have gone to Bobu Town to find reinforcements.

It's okay! There are only two on the opposite side! The captain and I can solve it quickly. Cliff said confidently.

Mike said: You don't understand, these two people are very strong. More than 30 of us here have never beaten him. Instead, he imprisoned them.

Cliff said: Then can you tell me about their situation? Who are they? What weapons do they have? Are there any other reinforcements?

Mike thought for a while and told Cliff what he knew. He thought about letting Cliff go back with this information to find more people to save them. What Cliff thought was that if there were really only two people on the opposite side, he would go up alone and kill two people to prove himself.

The other party calls himself Varu's subordinates. They seem to be a very powerful gang of robbers. There are two of them. The man who came in just now is named Matthew, and his boss is named Varu. I don't know where Varu went. Maybe he went to Go find the boss.

I don't know the opponent's weapons very well. He probably doesn't have a gun.

Cliff asked again: Then why do they want to arrest you, and what is their purpose?

Mike thought about it and was very confused. This was related to the secret of the factory. Once it was revealed, the factory would be over.

Cliff said: Is there anything you can't say?

Please, stop asking! Please! Let this end here! Just save us. Mike finally decided to hide everything.

Cliff wanted to know everything, but Mike didn't want to tell, and he couldn't force him to tell everything. After thinking about it, Cliff did not continue to ask. He should wait to ask the boss about these things!

Cliff kicked open the bathroom door. Cliff's action was too fast. Mike was still struggling with whether to tell the truth. No one else expected that Cliff would go out directly.

The bathroom door was kicked open, and everyone was stunned.

Cliff walked out of the door and saw Matthew clearly. He had black hair tied into a ponytail and was wearing white work clothes.

Matthew Xiu was standing guard outside. He never expected that someone would rush out of the bathroom, and it was a young man with a watermelon head. Matthew has been undercover in the factory for almost a year, and he has never seen this watermelon head wearing glasses from beginning to end.

On this day, Rebana and Ashley were walking outside, enjoying the good time together. Taking a walk along the park, Rebana finally got away from Cliff's entanglement with him.

Ashley joked: You are so heartless! You didn't even agree to Cliff's request.

In fact, she understood that Rebana was just killing Cliff's energy. Cliff was too impulsive and did things without considering the consequences. He was an impulsive child. Although they are both sixteen years old, Rebana is a little older than Cliff, but Rebana is much more mature than Cliff.

Rebana looked at the lake and said: There is no way! Cliff and I are so similar. We both want to prove ourselves quickly, but haste makes waste. The more we want to prove ourselves, the easier it is to make mistakes. I suffered a lot and came back from the brink of life and death several times.

And when he crawled back from the edge of life and death, Bertram lost his life! If he was so impulsive and did things without thinking, then he would probably die on the adventure. I promised his brother Quenir to take care of him He can’t come back with a corpse!”

Ashley took Rebanna's hand and said coquettishly: Tell me your original story, I really want to hear it!

The two chatted happily, and a woman came over with blond hair and professional attire. She was very tall, half a head taller than Rebana. She was holding a portfolio in her hand and politely interrupted the chat between Ray Banner and Ashley.

Hello, I'm sorry to bother you. Let me introduce myself. My name is Julie. I am a member of the Bobu Town Environmental Protection Organization.

Ashley frowned. She didn't like this woman named Julie. Her eyes were full of Rebana, and this woman was taller and prettier than her.

Rebanna looked at Julie's outstretched right hand. Instead of shaking hands, he held Ashley's arm and said, I don't know you, Miss Julie.

Julie said, If you can call me by my name, doesn't it count as knowing me?

Rebana wanted to retort, this is what you just said, but before he could speak, Ashley became angry and said: If you know the name, it counts as acquaintance, but if you have met once, do you have to go to bed?

Ashley hates Julie very much, especially her familiarity. She doesn't take her seriously at all. She is Ray Banner's real girlfriend! Especially with her damn sixth sense, she felt that something must happen between Julie and Rebanna.

Regarding Ashley's rudeness, Julie said generously: If I like him, it's not a big deal to have sex after seeing him once. Rebana, would you like to talk to me?

Ashley pulled Rebana and was about to leave, saying, He doesn't want to!

Julie's words made both of them stop: Don't you want to know who created the piranha monster? I heard that you lost many people to exterminate the piranha monster, even the cadre Bertram died!

Ashley sighed and said, You guys talk slowly and come to me when you're done.

Rebanna didn't let Ashley leave. He took Ashley's hand and said, Let's go and listen together! There's nothing you can't know.

In a quiet corner of the cafe.

Julie handed the two pieces of information to Ray Banner. These two pieces of information are the piranha monster test report and the seawater test report.

Rebana couldn't understand the strange chemical numbers and symbols on it, but Ashley could. She said to Rebana: These two documents are the piranha monster's test report and the seawater test report, two Several values ​​on the test report are almost the same. It can be said that the piranha monster comes from this sea area.

Rebana said to Julie: What do you mean? Just say it!

Julie put down the coffee in her hand and said: This seawater report sheet comes from a factory in the east. We lost three investigators to obtain this seawater report sheet.

The piranha report sheet was obtained from the corpse of the piranha monster you defeated. Several data between the two are almost the same. The blood components in the monster's body and the components of seawater sewage are almost the same. The monster's body structure and the main components of seawater sewage are also the same. Almost the same.”

From this we can completely determine that the piranha mutated into a monster due to the sewage discharge from the factory in the east.

If you don't believe it, there is still evidence. The factory sewage was discharged seven years ago, but the piranha monster appeared three months after the sewage was discharged. I don't need to explain the relationship anymore!

Rebana nodded to express his understanding: Okay! I understand, do you have anything else? If not, I'll leave!

Julie frowned. Rebanna's reaction was wrong. According to her guess, Rebanna would be so angry that he wanted to destroy the factory.

It wasn't until she saw Rebana getting up that Julie panicked and said, Don't you want revenge? The factory was the culprit that caused your brother's death!

Rebanna snorted coldly: Isn't this why you are looking for me? Use me to help you get rid of the factory!

Ashley also said disdainfully: You really think we are fools!

Rebana, you are a bounty hunter! I will give you a task to investigate that factory. Julie panicked. She thought everything would be easy to come by, and Rebana would be like a toy in her hand. Unexpectedly, Rebana didn't care at all that this was the result.

Please! Lord Rebanna, no one can complete this mission except you. We have already killed five investigators in that factory. Please, don't let other investigators die. Please!

Julie's words about Mr. Rebana moved Rebana. Ashley curled her lips. She knew Rebana's character, but she couldn't criticize Rebana in front of outsiders. This woman, Julie, can only succeed.

Rebanna turned his back to Julie: Tell the truth! Don't try to lie to me! You can't do it!

Rebanna's perception has been observing Julie, and he clearly sensed that Julie was hiding something.

My name is Julie, and I am a civilian employee of the environmental protection organization in Bobu Town. Just yesterday, the environmental protection organization got this report and became suspicious of the factory. In order to get conclusive evidence, they sent my brother to perform the task . Five investigators have died because of that in that factory. I don’t want my brother to die there. Lord Rebana, please, save my brother.”

Rebana did not refuse, and the crying Julie looked very much like his sister. If he was in danger, my sister would do the same thing!

I'm not interested in your business. Then he turned around and left. As he walked out of the door, he said, Palmer Caesar has a nice tank, and I'm very interested in it.

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