Outside the bathroom on the second floor of the factory.

Outside the bathroom is a corridor that is two meters wide and five meters long. You can go straight down the corridor to the cafeteria. There are no forks along the road. There is only a man with a ponytail standing in the middle.

Cliff is not very skilled in the use of perception, and he still doesn't know what Matthew's strength is, but Matthew does not give him the sense of pressure like Rebanna, nor the sense of tension like Abel. Thinking about the opponent's strength and He shouldn't be much different.

Cliff stared at Matthew. Matthew was wearing white overalls and could be seen at a glance. He had no weapons on him. With weapons and without weapons, Cliff had an inherent advantage.

Are you Matthew?

Matthew turned around, his ponytail swaying, and he frowned. He did not remember such a watermelon-headed worker in the factory, and his clothes did not suggest that of a worker.

Who are you? Matthew asked.

Cliff, a bounty hunter who wants to travel around the world. Cliff's tone was calm. He didn't take Matthew seriously.

Matthew was alert. How could the bounty hunter appear here? Could it be that someone tipped off the news? He ran out of the bathroom window. Hell, Mike made the noise just to open that rotten window in the bathroom so that the cover man could go out and find reinforcements!

He was actually plotted by Mike.

It only took Matthew a while to figure out the cause and effect of the matter. Matthew was angry at Mike for daring to deceive him, but now was not the time to deal with Mike. Mike was still useful, but the bounty hunter in front of him could be used Have a good time and vent.

Matthew's strength is equivalent to Abel who met Ray Banner for the first time, but it is also much stronger than Cliff's strength.

Bounty hunter? Are you the only one? Let the others come out together! Matthew was testing. He was not sure whether there were a few people on the other side. He and the boss Varu were the only ones in the factory. Once the bounty hunters came, If there are too many, then you must prepare to retreat in advance.

Cliff snorted coldly: I am the only one who can deal with you! Matthew should die!

Mike and a group of workers were hiding in the bathroom door, watching the fight between the two men. Mike was really speechless towards Cliff. He could have honestly left and found more people, but he chose to face Matthew alone. He knew Matthew's strength. More than thirty workers were no match for him. What could a sixteen-year-old boy do?

Mike doesn't think highly of Cliff, but Cliff came here to save them, and he had good intentions anyway. So, Mike said to everyone: In a moment, as long as something goes wrong, everyone will rush out together to help Cliff.

Boss Mike, rush out to help? Don't be kidding. You and I both know how strong Matthew is. It's useless for us to go up, so why go up and get beaten in vain?

Another worker also echoed: That's right! Boss Mike, that bastard is looking for trouble on his own. He is just an idiot, let's just leave him alone!

Boss Mike, his life or death has nothing to do with us. It's better not to cause trouble yourself.

Mike glared at these workers whose courage was broken, and said angrily: This kid is here to save us. Although he is a little impulsive, why would he take the risk to save us if he is not related to us? Don't forget, Jack has already fainted. Down, Cliff is defeated, is it possible for us to escape? Is it possible to wait for reinforcements?

Yes, this kid Cliff is very impulsive, but we have no choice. As long as Cliff and Matthew fight and there is a chance, we will rush out immediately, run out through the cafeteria, and go to Bobu Town to find reinforcements. .”

Mike was not optimistic about Cliff either, but he held on to the slightest hope that as long as Cliff could fight with Matthew, they would have a chance to run out through the corridor. As long as one or two of the thirty people could rush out, everyone would There is still a chance to wait for reinforcements.

Mike is praying, as long as Cliff is not a complete waste, as long as Cliff can do a little bit of interference.

Matthew looked at Cliff, who had a watermelon head and glasses, with disdain, and said, Boy, do you want to be my opponent?

Cliff replied: You will lose today!

Cliff carried the boomerang on his back and did not throw the boomerang. He held the boomerang in his right hand and used it as a long knife.

Cliff clenched the boomerang in his hand, used both legs to push out, and quickly got close to Matthew. Matthew stood still, waiting for Cliff to rush towards him.

The boomerang in Cliff's hand slashed out diagonally, and Matthew stepped back. With the experience of fighting Abel, he also learned some of Abel's knife skills. Using the boomerang as a knife, the attack gradually covered Matthew's body.

Matthew frowned. He could sense Cliff's strength. He shouldn't be exposed to such sword skills. There must be someone powerful behind Cliff. Cliff's sword skills are still very immature, but it's just that he doesn't use them well, and it has nothing to do with the sword skills themselves.

Several of them are sophisticated and have tricky attack angles. If Cliff were stronger than anything else, he would be finished.

Matthew quickly pulled away before Cliff's boomerang completely blocked his retreat.

Boy, who did you learn this sword technique from? Cliff is not scary. What is scary is the person behind Cliff. When fighting against that person, Matthew has no belief that he will win. The only way to face that person is to let Boss Varu do it himself.

Cliff was disgusted. He was obviously fighting against Matthew. Matthew didn't care about him, but cared about Abel. This seriously hurt his self-esteem, especially since Cliff inherited Bertram's will. The affirmation of Abel is the negation of him, the negation of Bertram.

It's up to you to take care of it! Die! Bastard!

Mike and others were all surprised. Cliff, a young man, could actually compete with Matthew without losing, and he could vaguely feel that Matthew was afraid.

Everyone is ready, you can run out at any time when you find the opportunity!

There was no need for Mike to give instructions in this business, and everyone felt the hope of survival.

Cliff waved the boomerang again and rushed towards Matthew. He was stimulated by Matthew. In order to defeat Matthew, he gave up Abel's knife skills and decided to use his own skills to fight Matthew.

Cliff took action again, and Matthew felt an obvious difference. Now Cliff was like a child hitting people with a big stick, open and closed, full of loopholes. He looked very powerful, but in fact he was strong on the outside and strong on the inside.

Matthew noticed a big loophole in Cliff. If he seizes this loophole, Cliff will be killed with just one punch. Aiming at Cliff's heart, Matthew's fist gathered strength.

Suddenly, Matthew felt a biting murderous intent and a chilling sense of crisis. He had to be distracted to look elsewhere, and it was this distraction that allowed Cliff to save his life.

Matthew was distracted and punched out. Cliff also sensed the danger and quickly avoided it. He was still too slow, but the punch aimed at his heart made him go past him, and the punch failed to break it. His heart just hit his chest, which was a little bit tight, but it wasn't serious, just a little painful.

Matthew's attack failed, but he didn't dare to pursue. Not only did the murderous intention and sense of crisis not subside, but it became even stronger.

Matthew gave up on Cliff, turned around, and looked in the direction of the canteen. There was no one there, and there was nothing around him. But he understood that there must be someone hiding in the canteen. This person was very dangerous, and he was the same as Wa. Boss Lu is just as dangerous, maybe even more dangerous than Boss Varu.

His strength is limited and he cannot accurately perceive the opponent's strength, but his sense of crisis is unmistakable. Who is it! Come out!

As he shouted, the sense of crisis disappeared. The man appeared and disappeared out of thin air.

Cliff looked at the ponytail swaying on the back of Matthew's head. He was furious. Matthew didn't pay attention to him at all and actually turned his back to him. This is no longer a humiliation, because in Matthew's eyes, Cliff is not even qualified to be humiliated, and he does not exist in Matthew's eyes.

Cliff stood up. He did not take this opportunity to sneak attack Matthew, but waited for Matthew to turn around. In anger, Cliff calmed down.

Hey! Your opponent is me! The bounty hunter who wants to travel around the world, the viper Cliff who inherits the name of Viper Bertram. Don't leave your back to your opponent.

Matthew turned around and swung his ponytail behind him. In Cliff's eyes, something was changing, and his aura changed. This momentum gave Matthew a sense of crisis. Can this kid hurt me?

No way, this idiot kid can't hurt me! Is it because of the person who is hiding? Was it that person who gave you courage? Then I will capture you alive and use you to threaten that mouse.

Just you?

Matthew rushed to Cliff, and Cliff rushed to Matthew. Matthew tried to grab the blade with his bare hands, but was kicked by Cliff. Not only did he fail to grab the boomerang, he also lost his balance.

Cliff seized the opportunity and swung the boomerang continuously. The boomerang made a chopping shape. Because the boomerang was very sharp, it left many marks on the wall, but Matthew dodged in danger.

Seeing that the boomerang was about to be chopped down in front of his face, Matthew threw out one hand, grabbed the boomerang with another hand, and then kicked Cliff away.

Matthew took Cliff's boomerang, but his left hand was also disabled. The boomerang cut into the bones of his left hand. If he could not be treated in time, his left hand would no longer be able to be used.

Blood fell to the ground along the boomerang. Just now, the feeling of danger appeared again. If the rat hadn't been secretly causing trouble, he would definitely be able to take the weapon from Cliff's hand without any damage.

Cliff fell to the ground and tried hard to struggle, but the kick on his chest was so painful that he couldn't get up.

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