I'm driving a chariot in the apocalypse

Chapter 40 Underground Level 11

Rebana moved around and resisted monsters of the opposite sex head-on. Rebana could not do it, but he could still defeat the closet monster by taking advantage of the terrain without fighting the closet monster.

Under the strong light, the closet monster's body continued to emit a dense white air, and the sizzling sound of oil splashing could be heard endlessly. The closet monster's speed is getting slower and slower. It is very weak when it goes up and will fall to the ground at any time and die.

Rebana saw the closet monster lying motionless on the ground, and did not dare to approach him. His perception was warning Rebana that it would be dangerous if he approached now. Regarding the feedback from the perception, Rebanna paid a lot of attention.

The closet monster was curled up on the ground. Under the strong light, white liquid was flowing out of its body. When the white liquid saw the strong light, it turned into white mist and dispersed.

The small research room was soon enveloped in white mist.

The closet monster is no longer moving, but Rebana's sense of crisis has not disappeared, and it is getting worse.

Lei Banner put away the sword and ran out of the laboratory. Bai Wu seemed to have vitality, chasing behind Lei Banner. It was not a very long distance, but Lei Banner did not dare to be careless at all. Being careless can lead to death.

After rushing out of the research room, Rebanna closed the research room with his backhand. He leaned against the wall and realized that there was a big hole in the clothes on his back, and his bare back was freezing cold.

Those white mists are actually extremely corrosive. It's really a terrifying thing. If you stay in there for a longer time, you might inhale the white mist, and eventually your whole body will be corroded by the white mist.

Rebana went back to find Margery and Cliff, who were watching Brian Joyce interrogate Kent Wells. As long as Kent Wells's answer made Brian Joe If Is has the slightest doubt, Brian Joyce will torture Kent Wells until the question is resolved, or Brian Joyce loses his strength.

Brian Joyce panted and looked at Kent Wells. He had indeed tried all kinds of methods, but Kent Wells just didn't tell the truth. Brian Joyce even blamed Kent Wells. Else had no other choice. At this time, Rebana came back.

The first time Kent Wells saw Rebanna, he shouted: Ghost! Ghost!

Brian Joyce looked at Ray Banner. Ray Banner was a little embarrassed, and his face was a bit tired. After a night of high-intensity fighting, his physical strength and spirit were drained.

Rebana did not care about Kent Wells, but asked Brian Joyce: You haven't asked yet?

Brian Joyce was a little ashamed and said: I didn't care, it was Kent Wells who was really difficult to deal with. I have used various methods, but this bastard just gritted his teeth and couldn't do anything. If you don’t tell me, I would be helpless!”

Rebana believed that Brian Joyce had indeed used his heart, but Rebana did not give Brian Joyce a good look. Brian Joyce is the kind of person who will shine if you give him a little sunshine, so there can be no mercy at all, otherwise, Brian Joyce will find an opportunity to escape.

Not giving Brian Joyce any chance, Rebana discovered that there were many strange things in Marshall's pharmaceutical factory. These things made Rebana wary.

He had met Marshall at the Salmonella Ape Research Base. With Marshall's ability, he could only study some drugs and genetically mutated monsters. The monsters in the closet didn't look like something Marshall could create at all, but more like the subjects of Marshall's research.

Rebana walked towards Kent Wells, squatted next to him and asked: You have a chance now to tell where the wrench key is, or I will kill you!

Kent Wells knew what kind of existence the monster in the research room was, and Rebanna was able to kill it, which made Kent Wells's last psychological defense collapse.

Draw the map or die! Rebanna said simply and rudely, a little tired.

Kent Wells immediately found paper and pen and drew the map. The wrench key is not on the underground level, but in another weapons research institute connected to the underground level. If you want to go to the weapons research institute, you have to leave the drug research and development factory and go to another weapons research institute.

Due to the forcible intrusion of everyone, the outside of the drug research and development factory has been surrounded by Kaiserlu's subordinates. They can't get out at all. With the weapons in their hands, if they go out, they are looking for death.

Is there any other way to leave? Rebanna looked at Kent Wells.

Kent Wells did not dare to hide it, and said as if he was pouring beans: From the sewer of the drug research and development factory to the sewer of the weapons research and development institute, we can walk there using the sewer!

Rebanna asked again: Where did you hide the wrench key in the weapons research and development factory?

In the drug storage box in the weapons research room, that batch of drugs was to be transported to Marshall, so no one dared to check where the wrench key was safe. Kent Wells said.

Rebana suddenly thought of something and said, How long ago will that batch of medicines be shipped away?

Kent Wells lowered his head, fearing that Rebana would come up and beat him, and said: ‘He will be sent away tomorrow morning. ’

Rebanna looked at the time, and there was less than three hours until dawn. There's not enough time! Hurry up and lead the way!

Rebana followed Kent Wells, and everyone walked toward the sewer together.

The location of the sewer is right where Rebana and the others came down. When Kent Wells used illusions to run to the underground level, he activated the monsters on each floor, hoping to use the monsters to kill all the intruders and all the people guarding the drug research and development factory.

After all, it is very dangerous to go through the sewers. The sewers are full of chemical wastewater. When these liquids gather in the sewers, they will cause strange changes in many living things. If he had the choice, he would not go through the sewers, but when he wanted to pass through When leaving the sewer, Rebanna and others blocked the entrance of the sewer and fought against the piranha monster.

Kent Wells released the piranha monsters, thinking that the piranha monsters could destroy Rebanna, but these piranha monsters started killing each other. One wrong step after another, Kent Wells felt like he was on a road of no return.

The manhole cover of the sewer was lifted, and everyone walked underneath wearing gas masks. The gas masks blocked the stench. No one had any problems, but the sewer was full of sticky, dirty things, all kinds of excrement, and all kinds of things. It's something that makes people want to vomit.

Everyone walked forward without looking too much at the garbage. In particular, Margery was worried that she would not be able to eat in the future. It was also the first time for Cliff to experience this kind of thing, which made his stomach churn.

In the sewer, the noise of rats suddenly came, and the sounds came and went, as if a large group of rats were rushing towards them. Rebanna noticed it first and shouted: Run!

Kent Wells knew that this place was extremely dangerous. After Rebana shouted to run, he immediately rushed out without any hesitation. Kent Wells was very fast. By the time everyone reacted, Kent Wells had already thrown a long distance.

Brian Joyce also wanted to run, but he was stared at by Rebana and did not dare to make any move.

At this time Cliff came out and turned off the player in his hand. Cliff looked at the direction Brian Joyce fled, then looked at the marks he made on the map, and said, This bastard has indeed deceived everyone again. The map he gave is fake again.

Rebana knew that the map given by Kent Wells was fake and did not continue to expose him. Rebanna didn't have time to interrogate Kent Wells, and even if the interrogation results came out, they might not be true.

Kent Wells has illusions. He can deceive Brian Joyce's perception. However, he has not used it because he is waiting for the news of Rebana's death.

After Kent Wells saw Rebana alive, he was not only surprised, but also filled with fear. Rebana is too strong. Kent Wells can't kill Rebana, but he can use the monsters in the sewer to besiege Rebana. So he said that he could go to the sewer to get the wrench key.

Lies must be 70% true and 30% false, in order to deceive people! Kent Wells told a lie and thought he had deceived Rebanna.

However, Rebana used his tricks. He knew that once Kent Wells was exposed, he would have to spend time interrogating him. Time was really not enough.

Deliberately creating the illusion that everyone was ambushed, as expected, Kent Wells chose to escape, and escaped in different directions. Everyone followed the direction in which Kent Wells escaped. Along the way, Kent Wells would leave footprints, and it was easy to follow him to his destination.

Cliff was very unhappy that Kent Wells didn't tell the truth. He thought that this bastard had given up on escaping, but he didn't expect there was a trap, so he said: Rebana, after you get out, can you kill Kent Wells? Will you leave it to me?

Rebanna knew Cliff's plan. What he hated most was deception, even well-intentioned deception. He used to live in deception. No problem, he's yours, I won't interfere with whatever you want to do with it.

Brian Joyce's heart dropped when he heard this. He didn't dare to deceive because he was afraid of Ray Banner. He followed the team honestly. He didn't expect that all this was a game designed by Ray Banner. If he was in the first place, Time, he and Kent Wells escaped together, so the result can be imagined.

Brian Joyce only felt that Rebana was not human.

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