Brian Joyce made up his mind at this moment that as long as Rebanna didn't die, he would stay by his side, otherwise, he would die without knowing why. The serial design made Brian Joyce cringe.

Brian Joyce lowered his head and followed behind Rebana, being humble and not daring to show any disobedience.

Rebana patted Brian Joyce on the shoulder and said, How much do you know about the closet monster in the research room?

When Brian Joyce heard about the closet monster, his heart trembled, and he said tremblingly: Is this the monster you encountered in the research room?

Rebana frowned, nodded to show that he was right, and then said: What's wrong? Is there any problem?

Brian Joyce swallowed, pulled Rebana aside, and said, How did you survive?

Rebana was a little confused when he saw Brian Joyce being sneaky, but he still followed Brian Joyce to the side and asked, What's wrong? Is the closet monster scary? Why do you look like this?

Brian Joyce said: The closet monsters are monsters from Tokyo Tower. I don't know much about these monsters, but Marshall values ​​them very much. From these monsters, Marshall obtained a lot of research information, which is also the reason why Marshall potion source of progress.

Brian Joyce continued: And after Marshall creates powerful monsters, he will let the monsters fight the closet monster. No monster is the opponent of the closet monster. It is hard for me to believe that you can defeat the closet monster. You How on earth is it done?”

Rebana did not answer Brian Joyce's question, but asked: How much do you know about Tokyo Tower?

Brian Joyce replied: I don't know much about Tokyo Tower. I just know that there are dangers and you need a wrench key to get in. The computer in Tokyo Tower can control satellites and attack monsters on the ground.

I really don't know the rest. Even Kent Wells doesn't know. If you want to know more about Tokyo Tower, you can only go to Marshall. He should know. After all, he was the one who took the people there in the first place. We visited Tokyo Tower, but after that incident, Marshall never visited Tokyo Tower or even mentioned it.

Brian Joyce said it, and Rebana remembered it in his heart.

Following Kent Wells' footprints and walking in the sewer, Rebana walked at the front, carefully guarding the surroundings. In the sewer, the walls were wet, and a disgusting liquid continued to flow downwards.

Some of the liquid dripped on Margaery's body. Margaery had a sullen face and said nothing, but the three of them knew that Margaery's patience had reached its limit. Rebana sped up and wanted to go out as quickly as possible.

Kent Wells walked out of the sewer, smelling bad, but he was happy, at least he ran out. Kent Wells didn't dare to stay any longer. Maybe Rebanna would rush out at some point, so he had better leave quickly.

Kent Wells was in a warehouse, which was very close to where the wrench keys were stored. The map that Kent Wells gave to Rebanna and others can also be reached, but the location is relatively far away, and not far from the exit is the camp of the Weapons Research Institute guarding troops.

Kent Wells has long been prepared to use Rebanna to fight against the guards of the Weapons Research Institute. Taking advantage of the chaos, Kent Wells can escape from Rebanna's control. As long as he gets the wrench key, He can use illusions to run away without a trace.

Kent Wells was also worried about encountering monsters in the sewers, so he made preparations early. Fortunately, his preparations were necessary. Rebana was entangled by the monsters in the sewer. He could quickly find the wrench key. However, Rebana and the others would only appear at the guard camp of the Weapons Research Institute according to the map instructions and fight with those guards.

With the entanglement of the guards, there was no way Rebana could reach the warehouse where the wrench keys were stored faster than he could.

Kent Wells ran happily, with the blessing of illusion. He didn't have the slightest worry that none of these people would discover his existence. Bypassing the two guards at the door, Kent Wells walked into the warehouse where the medicines were stored. At the innermost side of the warehouse, he found the box where the wrench keys were stored.

When he opened the box and took a look, Kent Wells laughed excitedly. Under a bottle of potion in the box, a small wrench-shaped key appeared. Kent Wells touched the wrench key in his hand lovingly, and said happily: Baby, in order to get you, I have suffered a lot! My hands were broken and reattached, and reattached and beaten again. Duan, I have suffered so much, all because of you!

Very suddenly, Kent Wells felt the wrench key fly away. He stretched out his hand to grab the wrench key, but he couldn't catch it. Until he saw Rebanna holding the wrench key, Kent Wells I was completely desperate.

Cliff didn't give Kent Wells a chance and kicked him, breaking three of his ribs. Margery's face was gloomy and her body was full of stench. How could she accept it? She walked towards Kent Wells who fell to the ground and stepped on his arm again.

Kent Wells had no chance to scream. Cliff blocked his mouth to prevent him from making any sound. Brian Joyce did not dare to look at the miserable state of Kent Wells and turned his head to follow Rebana.

Rebana said that Kent Wells would be handed over to Cliff. As for whether Cliff took Kent Wells' life or what, he didn't care at all. He asked Brian Joyce next to him: What are the functions of these things?

Rebana's words made Brian Joyce wary. Brian Joyce did not dare to hide anything and said: These are some experimental drugs, used for human experiments, and some are weapons. These weapons also need to be tested, and the monsters produced by human experiments are used for weapon experiments.

Brian Joyce's words stung Rebana. Rebana did not continue to speak, nor did he ask. Instead, he nodded to show that he understood. Then he said to Brian Joyce: Do you know these weapons? Which ones can be used directly? What are the very powerful weapons?

Brian Joyce quickly took out a weapon from the box on the side. It was a weapon that looked like a long gun. The gun body was more than 1.5 meters tall and was huge, like a grenade gun. He said: Flying Fire Dragon, Marshall’s special flame grenade launcher has extremely high destructive power, much more powerful than the main guns of some tanks.”

It's just that this weapon has a shortcoming, that is, it requires a certain amount of strength to use. It is used in positional warfare. If it is used for a breakout charge, this weapon will be a drag.

Margaery didn't know when she walked to Brian Joyce's side, snatched the Fire Dragon from Brian Joyce's hand, held it in her hand and said: It is indeed a bit heavy, holding the Fire Dragon is indeed There is no way to run forward, but as a positional battle, the power of the flame grenade is enough to destroy those monsters.

Rebanna said to Margaery: Aren't you venting your anger on Kent Wells? Why are you here?

Margaery said helplessly: Cliff wants to do something to Kent Wells alone, so I can only let him.

Rebanna didn't go to Cliff. Rebanna understands what Cliff wants to do. A bounty hunter who has never seen human blood is not a good bounty hunter. Cliff may be in danger during the battle, but there will not be any danger now.

After a while, Cliff came out, his expression was a little dazed. After all, the first time, he couldn't accept it and forced himself to do it. After that, it was still difficult to accept it.

Rebanna patted Cliff on the shoulder and said: It's okay! You'll get used to it in the future! There's no problem in killing Kent Wells. This is a poisonous snake. If you don't kill it now, it will only cause trouble in the future.

Cliff nodded to show his understanding, but he still sat aside without saying a word.

Brian Joyce felt that his calves were getting weak at this time. Kent Wells was dead and was killed by Cliff. At this time, Brian Joyce remembered the way Cliff looked at him, sometimes a little dodgey, sometimes a little fiercely. It turns out that Cliff wanted to kill him back then, but Rebanna kept protecting him.

Brian Joyce unconsciously took two steps towards Cliff. Brian Joyce had deceived Cliff, and Cliff had planned to kill him. After all, Cliff needed to grow, and this growth required someone to pay the price of blood.

Cliff was interested in Brian Joyce at that time, but he never made up his mind. In addition, Rebanna kept keeping Brian Joyce, so Cliff gave up Brian Joyce. Set his sights on Kent Wells.

Brian Joyce's shoulder was patted by Rebana, and Brian Joyce jumped up.

Rebana asked with concern: Are you okay? You seem to be scared?

Brian Joyce said: Climbing back from the edge of death is a bit unacceptable.

Rebana didn't say much. He knew what Cliff was thinking, but Brian Joyce had always been useful, so he didn't let Cliff take action.

Tell me! How to use this wrench key? Rebana asked.

Brian Joyce said: The wrench key looks like a wrench, but in fact it is a remote control. You only need to use the unlock button next to the code door to open the code door. This wrench key can open almost all doors. Password door.”

Marshall did an experiment, and his homemade password doors were all opened by a wrench key.

Rebana nodded, indicating that he understood, and put the wrench key in his arms.

Don't worry! I won't kill you!

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