I'm driving a chariot in the apocalypse

Chapter 10 Varu’s People 5

The woman's face was purple, as if she had been poisoned. Her breathing was very rapid, as if she would die at any time. When she woke up, she looked at three unfamiliar faces, tightly grasped the corners of Rebana's clothes and said, Help me! Help me!

Cliff was very unhappy with this woman. She looked like a good person in the clothes of a black guard. There was no need to save Gomez’s people. Moreover, she met the black guard just after meeting Varu. There is such a coincidence in the world. Something?

Margaery didn’t think much of this woman either, and said to Rebana: ‘Rebana, let’s forget it! She has been deeply poisoned and cannot be saved. It is better to let her fend for herself. If you really want to help her, why not give her a knife so that she will no longer suffer. This is good! ’

Margaery doubts the identity of this woman, but Margaery will not say it directly, but will kill him and end his pain.

After hearing Margaery's words, the woman grabbed Rebanna's hand tightly, her eyes full of pleading. She didn't want to die, and he wanted to live well. Don't kill me! Help me! Please, help me!

The woman begged and suddenly vomited out a mouthful of black blood. She, who was already seriously injured, encountered such a threat and became nervous, so she vomited out blood and passed out.

Cliff looked at this woman with disdain and said: 'Humph! There's no use pretending to be dizzy here, I'll let you wake up! ’ After saying that, Cliff took out the Death Revolver and pressed it against the woman’s forehead, trying to threaten her and make her wake up.

Seeing that the woman had no intention of waking up, Cliff said angrily: You're still pretending! Do you really think I don't dare to shoot!

Rebanna held the Death Revolver and looked at Cliff with an unmistakable reproachful look in his eyes. Only then did Cliff become more awake and put away the Death Revolver in his hand.

Cliff, I don't want to have a next time. You'd better figure out what the gun in your hand is used for. Pointing the gun at a weak woman. Are you kidding? You still have a bounty. A hunter’s sense of honor?”

Cliff's tone was very stern. Cliff lowered his head and said, 'I'm sorry! I did not do it on purpose! I was blinded by anger for a moment. I'm really sorry, Rebana, there won't be a next time! ’

Margaery also helped Cliff and said: Rebana, don't talk about Cliff. This woman is Gomez's, there is no need to have mercy on her!

I understand what you are thinking, but shooting an unconscious woman is not in line with my principles of doing things. This woman wanted to live and asked me for help. I must save her. Maybe it was a Gomez. subordinate, but my senses tell me that she can trust it.”

Rebanna's words were very firm. He did not discuss with Cliff and Margaery, but directly chose the outcome. Both Margery and Cliff understood that Rebana really wanted to save this woman, but Cliff didn't understand why he wanted to save her.

I know that what you decided cannot be changed, but Rebana, please tell me why you want to save this woman. I only need one reason. No matter whether it is reasonable or not, as long as you give me a reason, I will choose to believe you. !”

Cliff must convince himself, but now he can't find anything to convince himself to save this woman.

Margaery also looked at Rebana, hoping that Rebana could give him an explanation, a reasonable explanation. If it was unreasonable, she would choose to believe it, but her trust in Rebana would be reduced.

Rebanna carried the woman into the Tiger Chariot. After laying the woman down, he slowly said, I don't know how to explain it to you. My perception tells me that there is nothing wrong with this woman, and This woman is important to us, and she may know something that we don't.

Cliff saw Rebana's face was solemn, without any hint of joking, and he more or less paid a little attention to this woman.

After hearing Rebana's explanation, Margaery didn't know whether to believe Rebana's words. Whether this was Rebana's excuse or whether this woman was really important, Margery couldn't decide. And in Margery's heart, another voice rang out. Rebana was attracted to this woman, so he overcame everyone's objections to save her.

Although this woman was poisoned and her face was all purple, it could not hide her beauty. She was even a bit pitiful, which made people want to love and protect her.

But Rebanna had already said that, and Margaery couldn't refute directly, so she followed Cliff out of the Tiger tank.

Outside the Tiger tank, Margery asked Cliff: Do you believe what Rebana said? I don't trust it very much. I suspect Rebana is attracted to this woman.

Cliff chuckled, and the saliva flew out of his mouth. He looked really unsightly. He quickly covered his mouth with his hand, wiped away the saliva, and said: You are overthinking, Rebana has someone he likes, and I like her very much and will not fall in love with this woman because of her.

Margaery still didn't trust her, she always felt that Rebana was in something wrong and that she was taking too much care of this woman!

Do you trust him? Cliff, Rebana may have had a woman he liked before, but now, Rebana has separated from the person he likes, hasn't he? They have broken up, and Rebana is likely to see Fuck this woman, don’t you?”

Cliff, do you really believe what Ray Banner feels? Don't be fooled by his words!

Cliff looked at Margery seriously, put his right hand on Margery's right shoulder, and his left hand on Margery's left shoulder, and said to Margery seriously: I trust Rebanna, he won't Lie to me, and his feelings can be trusted.”

Margery, you don't know Rebana well enough. He has someone he likes. That person is Ashley, who is Rebana's favorite person. They have not broken up, they like each other, and Rebana has Ashley didn’t follow Ray Banner to pursue her own dream, not because the two broke up, but because she didn’t want to be a drag on Ray Banner.”

As long as Ashley opened her mouth, Rebanna would definitely take Ashley with her. However, Ashley did not speak, and Rebana did not leave with Ashley. The wilderness is dangerous, and they chose to do it for each other. Separated, but two hearts holding each other tightly.

Margaery was lost in thought and asked: Are you sure? Cliff, if you are sure, even if this woman really has a problem, I won't say anything more. This is a team of three people, and the minority obeys the majority.

Cliff got on his mosquito tank, stood on the mosquito tank and said to Margaery: Then let the minority obey the majority! I trust Rebana! I am also sure that Rebanna's feelings will not wrong!

Suddenly the alarm bell blared and the tiger chariot sounded the siren. As soon as Rebana gave the woman the antidote and her face recovered a little, she found that there were many monsters surrounding her.

At this time, the face of the woman lying in the tiger tank became ugly. The antidote just now could not remove all the poison from her. This was already the best antidote in Rebanna's hands and it still had no effect. If you want to save this woman, all you can do is go to Rock Town and hope that the doctors in Rock Town can find a solution.

At this time, he was surrounded by a group of monsters, which made Rebanna feel very upset.

If the delay continues, this woman's life will be in danger. Rebanna said to Cliff through the headset: Cliff, please stay behind and hold these monsters back. That woman is dying. I must rush to Rock Town immediately to find her. Someone save her!”

Rebana really said it on the public channel. Margery wanted to stop it, but Margery didn't speak. She thought to herself: Cliff, now you should believe that you are wrong! Rebanna really only cares about this woman and doesn't care about anyone else at all. Please wake up quickly! Say no simply and neatly!

Cliff said to Ray Banner: 'No problem! I'll come to the rear, Margery, you and Rebanna go first! ’

Margery looked at Cliff dumbfounded. He couldn't believe that there were such stupid people in the world. Rebana was going to run away and let you stand in the rear alone. You actually agreed. I really can't understand it. Gram Has Reeve been kicked in the head?

Margaery didn't speak. Cliff had already started the Tiger tank and ran away. She didn't want to watch Rebana escape with this woman, so she started the off-road tank and chased after her. She just said in the private channel of the headset : Cliff, be careful! If there is a problem, retreat immediately!

Rebanna ran away, Margaery ran away, Cliff drove the mosquito chariot slowly, and the monsters around him rushed towards him.

In the mosquito tank, Cliff stared at the control screen. Only then did he realize that what was rushing towards him was not a powerful monster, but a group of poisonous mite cannons. This group of poisonous mite cannons might have been a threat to Cliff before. It will be a threat, but now that we have mosquito tanks in our hands, these poisonous mite cannons are no match for them.

The A1 system of the Mosquito tank controls the Gatling gun to fire at these poisonous mite cannons. If the poisonous mite cannon is hit by the bullets of the Gatling gun, it will be shot into two pieces in an instant.

These poisonous mite cannons didn't care at all and rushed directly towards the mosquito tank. Some poisonous mite cannons used Gatling guns to fire from a distance.

The bullets from the Gatling gun hit the armor plate of the Mosquito, crackling like hail falling from the sky. The A1 tank reported battle damage. The rear of the Mosquito tank was already scarred and had not been repaired. If it continued to encounter continuous attacks, problems would easily occur. There was no other way. Cliff could only turn the tank's head. department.

Start driving in reverse, use the head of the tank to aim at the poisonous mite cannons and drive backward. You can only leave it to the A1 system. Cliff's driving skills are not enough to support him in driving in reverse.

There were a lot of poisonous mite cannons gathered. Cliff took the initiative to control the 55mm cannon. After adjusting the angle, he fired at the place where the poisonous mite cannons were densest.

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