I'm driving a chariot in the apocalypse

Chapter 11 Varu’s People 6

The 55mm cannon's shell flew straight to the center of the Poison Mite cannon, and the shell exploded. The exploding shells blew the Poison Mite cannon into pieces.

Of the one hundred poisonous mite cannons that were chasing after them, about twenty of them were wiped out by just one shell from the 55mm cannon. The intelligence of poisonous mites is very poor, especially the poisonous mite cannon, which increases the use of poisonous shells, which makes the control of the poisonous mite cannon even weaker.

One cannonball had a good effect, so Cliff didn't plan to continue using Gatling gun bullets. The a1 system controlled the mosquito tank to move slowly. It did not retreat in a straight line, but allowed the mosquito tank to walk slowly around the woods.

The poisonous mite cannons were gathered together as much as possible. At the moment when the poisonous mite cannons were gathered together, one 55mm cannon fired one shell after another. This time more poisonous mites were eliminated than the last time. At least more than thirty were eliminated this time.

After several consecutive shellings, many poisonous mite cannons were eliminated, leaving only a dozen scattered poisonous mite cannons. It is difficult for the remaining poisonous mite cannons to gather together. Instead of waiting for the remaining poisonous mite cannons to gather together, it is better to directly use the Gatling gun to fire.

The a1 system stopped controlling the movement of the mosquito tank, and instead controlled the Gatling gun to start firing. Cliff commanded through the control panel to eliminate the poisonous mite cannons one by one.

The poisonous mite cannon did not wait for death. Instead, after the mosquito tank stopped, it started bombarding the mosquito tank with poisonous shells. Poison shells do little harm to the Mosquito, but the poison gas will enter the interior of the Mosquito through the ventilation duct. Once Cliff is poisoned, it will be very dangerous.

Cliff covered his mouth and nose, immediately activated the mosquito tank to escape, and rushed out of the space surrounded by poisonous gas. Cliff understood that he could no longer continue with the remaining bullets. If he continued to save, he would probably pay the price with his life.

Cliff took the initiative to control the mosquito tank, and the A1 system did not pursue burst fire. The extremely powerful bullets were poured out crazily, and all the remaining dozen poisonous mite cannons were eliminated. But there were only a few bullets left in the Gatling gun.

Cliff looked at the small amount of ammunition and was worried about the future. After all, Rock Town was Marshall's territory. If everyone replenished weapons and ammunition on a large scale, it would definitely arouse the suspicion of Marshall's troops.

Cliff didn't know yet how to solve the ammunition supply problem, so he could only speed up and drive towards Rock Town.

Rebanna has arrived not far outside Rock Town. Rock Town is a town in the forest. It was originally full of green trees, but now it is surrounded by dead woods. Rock Town is also a large town, and its area is not much smaller than Odo Town.

In the forest, Rebana walked out of the Tiger tank and carried the poisoned woman on his back. Margery shouted, Rebana, what are you doing?

Rebana stopped and said: Under the current situation, we have no way to sneak into Odo Town. The Tiger Chariot is too obvious, so we can only hide the Tiger Chariot while I take her in to find a doctor.

Margaery understood that this was the best idea. Rebana left with the poisoned woman, so someone must be here to guard the chariot, so this task fell on Margaery. Margaery originally wanted to follow and see what Rebana planned to do, but under the current situation, he could only stay.

Cliff caught up and saw Margaery guarding the chariot here, and Rebanna was nowhere to be seen, and asked: Where has Rebanna gone?

Margery said: I ran away with a woman! I didn't even want the chariot!

Cliff curled his lips and said, Can't you just say it nicely? There's no need to be resentful. Where did Rebana go?

Margaery took a deep breath and said: I can still go there, Rock Town. I don't know where this woman is, but she actually ran away with her on her back. It's really too much to leave me here alone to guard the chariot!

Cliff smiled bitterly and said nothing. Regarding Margery's statement, Cliff had a feeling that she seemed to like Rebana, so she had such a big objection to Rebana caring about other women.

Margery saw Cliff laughing and asked, Why are you laughing? What's so funny!

Cliff said: Why are you laughing? Since you are worried about Rebana, then you go directly to him! I will watch the chariot here, no problem!

Margaery didn't even think about it and ran directly to Rock Town. This strengthened Cliff's conjecture that the falling flowers followed the flowing water intentionally, but the flowing water had no intention of falling in love with the falling flowers. Pearl earrings This is not a relationship that always ends.

Rebana carefully walked on the street with the poisoned woman on his back, trying to avoid Marshall's people who were patrolling the streets. He found another old woman who looked kind and asked: Mother-in-law! Do you know where there is a cure for the disease? Doctor? My friend is sick and needs help!

The mother-in-law glanced at Rebanna and said, Are you a foreigner?

Yes, mother-in-law! I'm a foreigner. Mother-in-law, please tell me where I can find a doctor. My friend is dying! Rebanna was very anxious. He felt that the poisoned woman's breathing was getting weaker and weaker, and he would die at any time. Dying from anger.

The old woman took Rebanna's hand and walked to a hidden part of the street and said, Young man, your friend was injured fighting the monsters outside, right?

Rebana explained: No! Mother-in-law, my friend is just sick! It's not a monster he encountered! Rebana was very nervous and didn't know what this old woman meant. If this was Marshall's person, it would be dangerous!

The old woman said: Don't lie to me! The old woman has lived a long time. How could she be wrong? Your friend's face turned purple. This is because he was poisoned by violets. All violets were used by Marshall for experiments. , cultivating a large number of monsters, and fighting these monsters will lead to this situation.

I know your difficulties, and I'm worried that someone will know. You just met the old lady. If you meet someone else, you will be in trouble! They will definitely tell Marshall and tell the truth. Then you will be in danger!

Follow the old lady and she will take you to a safe doctor.

As the old woman said that, she opened the way ahead. Rebanna used perception throughout the entire process. There was nothing wrong with what the old woman said, and there would be no danger. I followed the old woman down several streets, from the main street, down alleys, and into a dark street.

The old woman knocked on the door in the street, gently knocking three times, and then three times. The person inside knocked on the door twice, and at this time, the old woman knocked on the door four times.

The people inside opened the door after seeing that the code was correct. When they saw the old woman, they were shocked, especially when they saw the two unfamiliar faces behind the old woman, they were even more nervous.

Mother-in-law! Why did you bring outsiders here! This is really too dangerous! The young man who opened the door said, very dissatisfied with his mother-in-law's actions.

The mother-in-law had a good face as a young man and said, Don't worry! There won't be any problems with these two people. Just do your own thing.

The old woman said to Rebana: Come with me!

It was also pitch black inside, but to Rebanna, who had night vision, this was nothing. The old woman didn’t care at all and walked very fast. If someone else came who didn’t know the terrain, they would definitely hit the surrounding people. wall.

After walking through the dark corridor, I finally saw the light. There were many doors in the corridor. I followed the old woman to the last door and pushed the door open. Inside, there was an old man with white hair, reading a book with a magnifying glass.

The old man watched the old woman walk in, followed by two people, and said, Old woman, you are violating the rules. You will kill everyone.

But the old woman said: You have lived a long time, why are you still so afraid of death! Can you have a little bit of success!

The old man was so squeezed by the old woman but he didn't dare to refute a word. After sighing, he said: What are you two doing here? Why are you with Granny Anli!

Only then did Rebana know the old woman's name and said: Hello, my name is Rebana. My friend was poisoned by Violet. Grandma Amway said that you can only treat my friend here. Please, grandpa, help me. Be friends!”

When the old man heard that he had been poisoned by Violet, he did not pursue the identity of the two people. The person who was poisoned by Violet must not be one of Marshall's subordinates, and he must have had a feud with Marshall's people. The enemy of his enemy is his friend. Naturally, the old man understood this truth.

After carefully examining the poisoned woman's injuries, the old man sighed and said: 'It won't work! The poisoning is too deep. Even if the poison is detoxified, he will still be in a vegetative state, so he should be buried! Or kill him, don't let him continue to suffer! ’

Rebana said to the old man: Please! Grandpa, please save him. He is really important to me. Please, Grandpa! I am willing to try no matter what I do!

The old man did have an idea when Rebanna said this, but in the end he shook his head and said: It's impossible! Let's forget it! It's enough to kill her! There's no need for you to die too!

Grandma Anli was very unhappy and said to the old man: You old thing, just tell me what you have to say, why are you hiding it? What kind of stinky problem can't be changed after so many years?

The old man had no temper at all towards Grandma Anli, and said to Rebana: Rebana, it's not that I don't want to tell you, but this matter is really difficult to handle! Do you know the sweet spring water in Rock Town?

Rebanna shook his head!

The old man continued: You know the spring water in Kazakhstan!

Rebanna nodded.

The sweet spring water in Rock Town has the same restorative effect as the Kazakh spring water, but the effect is much worse than the Kazakh spring water. However, the sweet spring water has the effect of increasing the medicinal effect. As long as there is sweet spring water, I can prepare detoxification potions. Let your friend fully recover! The old man said, but Granny Anli frowned, as if there was something wrong with this.

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