"Little leaf!"

Thank you

Yan Weiguo held Ye Jiu's hand tightly, looked at his eyes, and said very sincerely.

Thank you

"Thank you very much, thank you very much..."

This is in another superior suite of the hotel.

Yan Weiguo has just returned to the hotel from the hospital.

Last night, Yan Weiguo and Anting have been together, stay in the hospital to look after the children.

When they arrived at the hospital, it was more than one o'clock in the morning. Only the emergency department of Yonghe people's hospital was still in operation, and all other departments had already finished work.

An hour later, doctors from several inspection departments rushed to the hospital to examine Yan Zijie alone.

Although Yan Weiguo is not the vice mayor of Yonghe, there is still face.

Yonghe, a big man here, specially contacted the person in charge of the hospital for him and gave the green light.

Anyone knows that the icing on the cake is not as good as sending charcoal in the snow. When this happens, you give vice mayor Yan the face. When he needs help in the future, it is a matter of one sentence.

Who can get such a high status on the scene, who is not exquisite?

In fact, after a simple examination, doctors in the emergency department can basically confirm that the child has no major problem, that is, he is hungry, and that the suspect may have used some sedative drugs. The efficacy of the drug has not yet passed, so the reaction appears to be a bit slow.

But that's not the point.

The point is that Yan Zijie is Yan Weiguo's son.

In case of misjudgment, emergency doctors can't afford it.

Even if Yan Weiguo is the vice mayor of Ping An, he is not a small emergency doctor who can afford to offend him. Besides, why should he take such a big risk?

Since the hospital is willing to toss about, let the hospital toss about, and ignore his business.

It took nearly two hours to toss back and forth. All the examinations that should be done or not should have been done were done once. To make sure that the emergency doctor's judgment was correct, Anting was still worried and insisted on staying in the hospital.

Stay in hospital for observation.

Who knows what kind of sedatives did those murderous criminals give her son?

We must wait until tomorrow, and then ask the experts of Yonghe people's hospital to do a comprehensive examination, so as to truly rest assured.

An Ting so insist, Yan for the country naturally also want to accompany in the hospital.

What's more, if Anting cares about children, doesn't he?

Forty years old gave birth to such a baby pimple, Yan Weiguo is more concerned about his son's situation than anyone else!

If something goes wrong with his son, Yan Weiguo will have to cut those criminals to pieces.

Until the next morning, Yan Weiguo could no longer support him. He left the hospital and went back to the hotel to have a rest. Anyway, the family and the secretary have all come all night, except for the secretary who went back to the hotel with him, all the other people were staying in the hospital, so there was no need to worry.

As soon as he returned to the hotel, he happened to come across Ye Jiu who came out of Huang Junqin's room. Yan Weiguo, who was exhausted, suddenly "revived with blood" and immediately invited Ye Jiu into his room.

We must pay attention to this etiquette.

If he didn't come across Ye Jiu here, thank you, you can wait and talk about it. Anyway, it's not just a good word to "fool" the past.

Although strictly speaking, ye Jiu is performing his duty to crack down on criminal cases and arrest the bad guys. This is the job of the criminal police. Even if Yan Weiguo has no indication, no one can say that he is wrong.

But in that case, vice mayor Yan's reputation for being mean and ungrateful has spread far and wide.

For no reason, why does Yan Wei have such a reputation?

It's not that he can't thank you!

As vice mayor, Yan Weiguo is confident that there are many things he can do to help Ye Jiu.

It is not too difficult for Yan Weiguo to return ye Jiu a favor.

Since I met here, I would like to ask Ye Jiu to sit in the room, say a few words of thanks and get to know the case by the way.

To be honest, Yan Weiguo is still very interested in why his son was taken away in kindergarten.

More or less, he still has some doubts in his heart. Up to now, he can not be completely sure that this matter is a 100% coincidence, and no one wants to deliberately target him.

If we don't make this matter clear, Yan Weiguo will not sleep well.

"Xiaoye, if it wasn't for you, my peas would be in danger. Oh, I'm so nervous In short, thank you very much, thank you very much! "

Yan Wei's posture is very flat, his attitude is very warm, and he holds Ye Jiu's hand for a long time.

Ye Jiu was really a little embarrassed and said: "I can't afford to be mayor Yan. It's too polite. I'm the criminal police. This is my duty. I can't afford to be mayor. Thank you!"Ye Jiu's words are not really polite. He decided to "act without authorization", not because Yan Zijie was Yan Weiguo's son. If it is not Yan Weiguo's child who is missing from the kindergarten this time, but the child of other ordinary government officials, ye Jiu will do the same.

For nothing else, just for the children!

Although Ye Jiu had done this case once in his mind, he was shocked to see those disabled begging children in the alley behind the post office in Tan Li's home, and he was very angry in his heart.

Those criminals deserve to die for their crimes!

"Yes, yes, thank you."

Yan Weiguo said sincerely.

"I participated in the whole process of investigating the whole case, and I know what happened. Xiao Ye, don't be modest. In a word, thanks to you this time. I know it in my mind. Thank you

Ye Jiu quickly and humbly a few words.

It can be seen that Yan Weiguo is very satisfied with his modesty and prudence. There is also a slight unexpected look in his eyes.

He had heard a little about ye Jiu's name. He thought that Deng Zihao could be defeated by his own efforts. He must have played a very rebellious role. However, at first sight, it was not true.

I am still very modest and know how to advance and retreat.

This young man is very nice!

He politely asked Ye Jiu to sit down. Yan Weiguo handed Ye Jiu a cigarette and lit it before asking about the case.

Yan Weiguo is not in charge of the political and legal system, so he should not disclose the case to him. But when it comes to this case, it's a different story.

He was involved in the whole investigation.

Ye Jiu immediately made a brief report to Yan Weiguo.

Yan Weiguo immediately asked, "is that certainly not ordered by others?"

If you are faced with an old criminal police officer like Liang Wenwu, Yan Weiguo will certainly have some worries in his mind. He will not be so straightforward, but he is different from ye Jiu.

Ye Jiu is so young, so he should not be the "old lake" with great ingenuity.

And ye Jiuyun mountain fog cover, Yan for the country, he simply can't understand!

"Certainly not."

Ye Jiu said firmly.

As soon as Yan Weiguo heard this, he felt relieved, and his face showed a relaxed smile of long relief.

Until this moment, he has been hanging heart finally put down.

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