The "missing kindergarten case" soon caused a "sensational effect" in the public security system of Ping'an City, which was even more obvious than that caused by Deng Zihao case a few days ago.

It is not that this case is more important than the case of Deng Zihao. The key point is that Deng Zihao's case was "carried out in secret". Because of the wide involvement, most people who know the case are very secretive about the case and dare not disclose it to the public easily.

Outsiders can only guess.

However, there is no strict confidentiality requirement in the case of the disappearance of an organ kindergarten.

Of course, in theory, any case should be kept secret.

But that's only in theory.

Even if you spread the case of "the missing case of government kindergartens" everywhere, it will not affect the development of the case. Naturally, no one will seriously investigate your responsibility for divulging secrets.

What's more, the case itself has a strong "legendary nature", which is a good gossip material.

In fact, everyone has the nature of gossip, and the public security personnel are no exception.

No one is an immortal who jumps out of the three realms, is not in the five elements, and does not eat the fireworks among men.

Ye Jiu's name has spread in a small area.

But to be honest, this is not necessarily a good thing for ye Jiu.

Because this time, he beat the faces of the criminal police detachment of the Municipal Bureau and the Criminal Police Brigade of the Baihua sub Bureau, and made a "Pa Pa Pa" sound.

How can Liang Wenwu, who have been working in criminal investigation for ten or twenty years, feel so sorry?

If there is a chance in the future, I'm afraid we should give ye Jiu a good look!

Especially Liang Wenwu!

The mind is not very broad-minded. Maybe he has written down Ye Jiu in his heart.

For all this, ye Jiu may have realized it or not. He just devoted himself to the investigation of the case.

At present, comrade Ye Jiu is really a busy man.

As a matter of course, he should go back to Xingzhou. His official status is a member of the special group of "Deng Zihao's gang case of underworld forces". His return to safety is also to carry out the investigation and evidence collection task entrusted to him by the leader of the special group.

As a result, he went straight to solve the "missing case" and won a great victory!

Now, I can't leave.

Huang Junqin personally ordered that he be temporarily seconded to the criminal police detachment of the Municipal Bureau to assist him in investigating and handling the "beggar Gang case". According to the preliminary interrogation of Yan Xiaoding, Tan Li, Sanmao and other suspects, this "beggars' Gang" has a lot of crimes, far more than stealing a child from an organ kindergarten.

It's worth digging.

Because of the particularity of the case, Zhao Yuping, the first brother of the municipal Party committee, and the mayor personally gave instructions to the public security organs to bite on the case and investigate it thoroughly. All the crimes committed by the "beggars' Gang" must be dug out, and these demons should be punished.

Huang Junqin understood the instructions given by the two leaders.

On the one hand, the case has begun to cause certain social panic. Although all five suspects have been arrested, there is still no way to completely calm the panic in the society.

Children are always the most concerned.

Some false and specious rumors have spread widely in the society.

One of the most outrageous rumors is that a group of peddlers specialized in catching children came to Ping'an city. When they caught the children, they opened their stomachs and took out various organs for sale.

Although this rumor is full of loopholes, you can tell that the fabricator has no common sense, but you can't help someone believe it!

At present, many parents of kindergarten children and even parents of primary and junior high school students are picking up and seeing off the whole journey. What's more, grandparents sit outside the school and wait. As soon as class time comes and they don't see their own children, these retired old people who have nothing to do immediately go crazy. They are noisy and noisy at the school gate, which has begun to affect the integrity of schools and kindergartens Regular order.

There is also a rumor that Yan Weiguo's vice mayor has offended others because he is not a good official. This time, his "enemies" deliberately retaliated against him and took his son away from kindergarten.

This kind of rumor has a nose and an eye, and it can also provide "strong evidence" - otherwise, if you say that there are so many children in government kindergartens, why do criminals not hold other children's children, but take away your children who are strict with our country?

Is there such a coincidence?

In order to quell these rumors as soon as possible, one is to start the propaganda machine and conduct correct public opinion guidance; the other is, of course, to solve the case as soon as possible, pronounce a sentence as soon as possible, and use the truth to quell the rumors.

In addition, Huang Junqin also privately analyzed that Secretary Zhao probably wanted to use this case to dilute the bad influence caused by the "Deng Zihao case".

If it is said that the "organ kindergarten missing case" has caused panic among the people in Ping'an City, then the "Deng Zihao Gang case" is to make people panic on the scene of Ping'an city.

There are even rumors that Zhao Yuping himself may be involved.

Huang Junqin fully understood Secretary Zhao's mood and made up his mind to do his best to investigate and solve the "beggar Gang case".As a result, the "first main force" of Ye Jiu's case was naturally "intercepted" by Huang Junqin and temporarily stayed here to help the ad hoc group.

After the first stage of the investigation of this case is basically completed, ye Jiu can "return to the system" and return to Deng Zihao's gang case team to continue the work there.

To this end, Huang Junqin made a special trip to Lang Zheng and asked him to "borrow someone.".

On hearing this, he was also a little embarrassed and sighed in his heart. This guy can really make trouble!

But you have to admit that ye jiuteng is able to toss and has real skills. Otherwise, how can a case be solved as soon as it is in his hands?

Do you really think that the people in the criminal police detachment and Liang Wenwu are vegetarians?

Lang Zheng naturally can't refuse the request of the immediate superior.

Because of the "Deng Zihao Gang case", to be honest, Lang Zheng has already offended many people, including Huang Junqin, the director of the Municipal Bureau. However, Deng Zihao's case is still in progress, and the dust has not been settled yet. Everyone is still watching, far from the time of "settling accounts after autumn".

When the case is really finished, the people who should deal with it are almost finished. When Lang Zheng has a real headache, he has just started!

Now naturally, we can't get too rigid with Huang Junqin.

However, Lang Zheng, who was a wolf, could not see the meat. Although he agreed to Huang Junqin's request, he also took the opportunity to put forward his own conditions.

"Mayor Huang, there must be no problem with the people. It's all your soldiers. You can transfer whoever you want. We will cooperate unconditionally..."

Lang is on the other side of the phone, ha ha, loudly said.

"Why, Lao Lang, do you still have the conditions?"

Said Huang Junqin, half jokingly and half seriously.

For Lang Zheng, Huang Junqin has always felt a little difficult to take. This guy is different from the top leaders of other district and county public security bureaus. He is a serious professional cadre, and he is very hard.

Within the public security system of Ping'an City, Lang Zheng is also famous for his strong professional ability.

Therefore, Huang Junqin has always been more polite to Lang Zheng.

Lang Zheng said with a smile: "Mayor Huang, the condition is that we can't talk about the situation of Ye Jiu. I'll give you a report. He is still a career editor, ha ha..."

Huang Junqin immediately understood what he meant and said with a smile: "Lao Lang, you are not so kind. In your pocket, you really don't even have a special indicator? I don't believe it! Not long ago, ye Jiu has already made a second-class achievement? Is it not difficult for your Yangguan sub bureau to solve the establishment for him

Lang Zheng is a member of the Standing Committee of the Yangguan District Committee and Secretary of the political and Legal Committee of Yangguan district. He has the special establishment of the political and legal system of Yangguan District in his pocket.

He was a little nervous. Huang Junqin didn't believe that even one indicator could be squeezed out.

Lang Zheng said with a smile, "Mayor Huang, am I not fighting local tyrants and eating big families? You're the head of the City Council. You don't have more indicators in your pocket than we do? "

If you don't agree with Mr. Huang, you will not be able to solve the problem. However, it is not up to me to do this favor. Someone robbed me. You don't have to worry... "

When Lang Zheng heard this, he immediately understood. Ha ha, it was so loud that he did not "entangle" Huang Junqin. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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