With the bumps of the car, Zhao Yu's arm was moving. Chen Wei quickly grabbed Zhao Yu's hand. He didn't know whether Zhao Yu was really asleep or pretending to be asleep. Facing Zhao Yu's frequent attacks, Chen Wei really couldn't bear it.

Chen Wei gently puts Zhao Yu's hand on her leg and turns to look out of the window. Zhao Yu's eyes are slightly closed and a strange expression appears on her face. This man is very different from the man she used to know.

"Strange!" Said the taxi driver suddenly.

"What's the matter?"

"The car behind us has been following us all the way."

Chen Wei looked back and saw a car following. Their car turned and the car turned. They went straight and the car went straight.

"I just got rid of it at the traffic light. I didn't expect that after several intersections, the car appeared again. It shouldn't be your wife following you!" Taxi drivers have a high sense of vigilance. Nowadays, the convenience of wechat, Momo and various communication methods has also prompted many restless people to take advantage of this convenience to have an affair. The driver once encountered this situation, but that time he was driving to track a luxury car. As soon as the car stopped, the man jumped out of the car and rushed up to drag the man out of the luxury car, Beat up, because of this, the driver will be so alert.

Chen Wei doesn't recognize the car. Anyu knows that he's dining with his colleagues today and has already gone to her parents' house. Besides, Anyu doesn't know where he's dining with his colleagues at all. How can Anyu follow them?

"Master driver, don't worry about them. Just drive your car."

The taxi driver nodded and drove on. The taxi stopped at the gate of Zhao Yu's residential area. Now some residential areas are under closed management, and cars from outside are not allowed to enter.

Chen Wei gently pushed Zhao Yu: "Zhao Yu, home, get up quickly!"

Zhao Yu got up in a daze, with a few drops of saliva hanging at the corner of his mouth. He wiped and rubbed his eyes: "here, thank you, Mr. Chen. I got off the bus."

Zhao Yu got out of the car and staggered forward. After just a few steps, he was unsteady, sprained and fell to the ground.

As soon as Chen Wei saw it, he got out of the car, paid for it, walked quickly to Zhao Yu and squatted down: "what's the matter with you?"

"I broke my heel and sprained my ankle." Zhao Yu took off his high-heeled shoes. The heel of his shoes was broken. Fortunately, the foot injury was not very serious. There was no swelling or pain.

"I'll take you to the hospital!" Chen Wei said with worry that before Anyu wore high-heeled shoes, and the heel was broken. At that time, his foot sprained, and he didn't pay attention to it at first. Later at night, it swelled and hurt badly.

"It's OK. I'm quick. I just fell. Don't believe it Zhao Yu put her feet in front of Chen Wei. The feet were smeared with black nail polish. She deliberately twisted his feet in front of Chen Wei: "do you think it's okay?"

Zhao Yu said, took off his shoes, stood up, barefoot, and was about to go home.

"Wait a minute, you can't do this. If there's broken glass on the road, you'll get your feet punctured."

"What shall we do! You can't take me home Zhao Yu gave a soft smile.

"It can only be so."

"Thank you, Mr. Chen." With these words, Zhao Yu opened her arms and came to Chen Wei.

Chen Wei reached out and picked Zhao Yu up. As soon as he picked her up, he was stunned: "you are very tall. How can you be so light! Do you have 90 Jin? "

"Eighty five Jin."

"No wonder it's so light!" Chen Wei looked down. She looked thin, but her chest was not small. When Chen Wei walked with her in his arms, she could feel the undulating waves.

"Mr. Chen, you are a good man."

"It's right to care about subordinates."

"Subordinates!" Zhao Yu gave Chen Wei a meaningful look.

Chen Wei is walking in the night with Zhao Yu in his arms. He vaguely feels that Zhao Yu is looking at him secretly. When Chen Wei looks down at Zhao Yu, Zhao Yu looks away.

"That's it. Put me down! I'll just go up myself. "

Chen Wei puts down Zhao Yu, who stands on the ground barefoot.

"It's getting late. Go to bed early." Chen Wei said, turning to leave.

"Mr. Chen." Zhao Yu stops Chen Wei.

Chen Wei looked back at Zhao Yu and said, "is there anything else?"

"You're a good man." Zhao Yu said half of it, but didn't say the last half of it. What she wanted to say was that good people will get good results.With a smile, Chen Wei waved his hand, turned and walked forward, and soon disappeared into the twilight.

Zhao Yu has been standing there, quietly watching Chen Wei leave, murmuring: Chen Wei, I'm sorry!

Chen Wei arrived at the door and took a taxi. He was happy today and drank a lot of wine. He couldn't drive, so he had to take a car to pick up Anyu.

Chen Wei calls an Yu, and when the phone gets through, an Yu's father answers: "Chen Wei, she's busy?"

"What are you doing?"

"Busy eating pig's hooves!"

Chen Wei smiles. Why didn't he find Anyu so delicious before! Anyu is pregnant and has a big appetite. No wonder Anyu is very happy when she says she has a dinner party tonight and can't accompany her. She went to her mother's house to have a meat party. Whether a woman is pregnant or not, her appetite will change. Before, Anyu didn't touch the pig's hoof.

Chen Wei's brain fills up the picture. Maybe an Yu also thinks that it has affected her image too much, and falters on one side.

Anyu's father laughed: "Chen Wei, go home when you're finished! This girl will live here tonight. She said that if you want to go to Shanghai on business, you can rest assured! We'll take care of her! "

"All right! She's been greedy recently, so I've worked hard for you two. " Chen Wei said and hung up.

Sitting in a taxi, Chen Wei thinks of Guan Tianpeng. He had a meal together yesterday, but he doesn't know where he lives? After all, we are friends. Since he came to e city, I'm afraid it's not very good to ignore him.

Chen Wei thought of this and made a phone call to Guan Tianpeng, who said, "Chen Wei, I'm a little busy now. I'll call you later."

Guan Tianpeng said, without waiting for Chen Wei to say anything, he hung up.

"Gao Yu came to e city to find a girl named Lin Ling. Two netizens, later one developed into a lover relationship. We checked Gao Yu's room opening records. Before he disappeared, he frequently opened rooms in different hotels, which should be the room with this girl named Lin Ling." Said an old criminal policeman in his forties.

Gao Yu is the son of the real estate developer in Hangzhou. Guan Tianpeng frowned: "so, that Lin Ling should be the last person Gao Yu met. Is there any news about Lin Ling?"

"Lin Ling is a local. We went to her home. Her family said that Lin Ling was also missing. We checked the report records and found that the time of Lin Ling's disappearance coincided with Gao Yu."

"You mean, this Lin Ling may also have had an accident."

"It's possible that we searched the location of the corpse, but nothing was found nearby. It's not sure whether Lin Ling is still alive."

"If Lin Ling is still alive, there is a great possibility that she is the murderer."

The old criminal policeman nodded, and his opinion coincided with Guan Tianpeng's.

"By the way!" The old criminal policeman took a look at Guan Tianpeng. "Through investigation, we found that before Lin Ling was with Gao Yu, he had a boyfriend who had been dating for many years. Now he is working in e city, a new trading company."

Guan Tianpeng pondered for a moment: "stepping on two boats, is it love killing? What's the name of Lin Ling's boyfriend? "

"Our people have gone out to investigate, and there is no news yet. It seems that they are college classmates with Lin Ling." As the old criminal policeman was saying this, his mobile phone rang and answered: "say, OK, I know. Find this man immediately. He is likely to be the murderer of this case."

The old criminal police hung up the phone, his eyes were as sharp as an eagle, he was a criminal investigation expert in e city, and he participated in the detection of big and important cases.

"Lin Ling's boyfriend has been found out. His name is Zhao Qiming. Now he works in Weichen trading company. I've sent my men to him

After hearing this, Guan Tianpeng was surprised. Weichen trading, Zhao Qiming, isn't that Chen Wei's company? Isn't Zhao Qiming an employee of Chen Wei company?

Guan Tianpeng thought of this and immediately called Chen Wei: "where are you now? I want to see you, now

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