When Chen Wei receives a call from Guan Tianpeng, he always feels that his tone is not right.

"Brother Guan. What's the matter? " Chen Wei asked.

"It's not clear on the phone. Let's meet and say." Guan Tianpeng and Chen Wei made an appointment to meet at a place. After hanging up the phone, he turned to the old criminal policeman and said, "I may know where Zhao Qiming is!"

Guan Tianpeng and they came out of the office and drove to the appointed place.

The police car sounded the siren and sped along the road. Guan Tianpeng was sitting in the car. No wonder Zhao Qiming's expression was like that when he heard that he was a criminal policeman. It seems that the boy's heart is empty. There must be something wrong.

Guan Tianpeng told his inference to the old criminal police. The old criminal police nodded: "this guy must have a guilty conscience. When you hear that you are a criminal police, you are afraid. I remember a case I handled before. It's a coincidence that we didn't know there was something wrong with the people in the car. When our police car stopped next to their car and waited for the traffic light, those people became nervous. I got out of the car with our team leader immediately, searched the car and found more than ten tiger skins from the car. "

Guan Tianpeng has similar experience. Sometimes his intuition is accurate. That's because intuition is the feeling that experience has accumulated to a certain extent. Many experienced old criminal policemen have this kind of expertise. Fighting criminals is not only a matter of wisdom and courage, but also a matter of momentum.

The police car stopped. Without waiting for the car to stop, Guan Tianpeng opened the door, jumped out of the car and rushed to Chen Wei: "remember the case I told you about? Gao Yu, the deceased, was a girl named Lin Ling. We found that Lin Ling was on two boats at that time. She also had a boyfriend named Zhao Qiming. Now I suspect that Zhao Qiming is the murderer. Can you contact Zhao Qiming now? "

Chen Wei was surprised. No wonder Guan Tianpeng was so anxious to see him just now.

"No! He doesn't look like such a ferocious man

"A lot of people seem to be honest, but they are cruel. Of course, now it's just a guess. If he killed anyone, just ask."

"I've just had dinner with him. You wait. I'll call him now!" Chen Wei can't help getting nervous. How could Zhao Qiming be involved in such a case for no reason? He didn't really kill people, did he! If so, isn't Liu Jie dangerous?

The more he thought about it, the more scared he was. He called Zhao Qiming and turned off his cell phone.

In this way, Chen Wei sweating, looking at Guan Tianpeng: "cell phone off!"

"Do you know where his family lives?"

"Companies should be registered."

As they were saying this, the old criminal police quickly came over: "my people have been to Zhao Qiming's house, and there is no one at home."

"He might be with an employee of my company!" Chen Wei said and called Liu Jie in a hurry.

"How's it going?"

"The phone is not in the service area." Chen Wei is completely flustered. If Zhao Qiming is a murderer, Liu Jie is now in danger. Thinking of the scene that Zhao Qiming appeared in Liu Jie's house that night, Chen Wei quickly said: "they may have gone to Liu Jie's house, that is, a female employee's house of our company. I once saw Zhao Qiming appear downstairs in her house. Today Zhao Qiming sent Liu Jie home."

"Take us to Liu Jie's house at once." Guan Tianpeng is aware of the seriousness of the problem. If Gao Yu's case is related to Zhao Qiming, he may commit the crime again.

Chen Wei got on the police car and sat on the co pilot to show the way to the old criminal police. While driving, the old criminal police informed other criminal police to rush to Liu Jie's residence with walkie talkie. At the same time, when the police arrived, they divided into two groups. One group took the property to knock on the door, and the other group went to check the small area monitoring.

By the time they arrived, the police from the nearby police station had already arrived.

"We used to knock on the door. There is no one at home. Do you want to break the door?"

The old criminal policeman didn't speak, so he took someone upstairs and let Chen Wei knock on the door, but no one answered.

Interphone came the voice of the police: "we checked the monitoring of the community, they did not come back."

They didn't go home. They couldn't get through. Where can they go? Chen Wei was so anxious that he seemed to see the bloody scene.

Liu Jie has a lot of bad luck. Is it hard to escape this time?

Chen Wei picked up his mobile phone and dialed Liu Jie's phone again. The phone got through, but no one answered.

"Immediately let people locate Liu Jie's mobile phone and see where she is." Guan Tianpeng said to the criminal police beside him.

Soon there was news that Liu Jie's mobile phone signal appeared in the bar street. Now advanced smart phones can accurately locate, just like some talk watches now, some can even accurately locate buildings. E city police's system is very advanced, basically locking Liu Jie's location.The old criminal police informed the police of the nearby police station to send out the police quickly. There is still some distance from here to the bar street.

Guan Tianpeng asks Chen Wei to continue to call Liu Jie. Zhao Qiming is now very suspicious and needs to inform Liu Jie as soon as possible.

"There's still no answer."

A large group of people rush to the bar street. Chen Wei is very worried. It's like a TV play. Who can think that a plain life will be related to a murder suspect.

Chen Wei was very upset. He had known that he would send Liu Jie home today.

The police stop at the bar street, and the people in the bar think it's anti pornography? All of a sudden, let the bar people off guard.

It seems that the police are not interested in their evil in the dark. The police went to the front desk of the bar and asked the front desk to identify the photos of Zhao Qiming and Liu Jie. The front desk Ya shook his head and said he didn't see them.

Guan Tianpeng they arrived, one by one search box, finally found Liu Jie's phone in a box, box in addition to the phone, empty.

Guan Tianpeng cried: "this bastard's anti reconnaissance ability is very strong!"

The old criminal police came over and said, "I just got Zhao Qiming's information. This guy was a soldier when he was in college. After he was demobilized, he went back to his original school and finished college. It's normal for him to have anti investigation ability. In addition, judging from Gao Yu's autopsy, Gao Yu should have been abused before he died, and his technique is similar to the damage of a fighting skill in the army. "

"Didn't you say the fatal wound was a knife wound?" Guan Tianpeng vaguely feels that something is not right. Sometimes when he gets closer to the truth, he may deviate. They just learned about the relationship between Zhao Qiming and Lin Ling. Zhao Qiming couldn't have noticed it so soon. Did Zhao Qiming see Zhao Qiming when he sent someone to Zhao Qiming's house just now.

Everything seems to be smooth, but with the intuition of the criminal police for many years, Guan Tianpeng still thinks it doesn't make sense there.

"The fatal wound is indeed a knife wound, but the victim was obviously abused before he died." Said the old criminal.

"The most urgent thing now is to find Zhao Qiming. Where has this bastard gone?"

Chen Wei is as anxious as an ant on a hot pot. If Gao Yu's death has something to do with Zhao Qiming, Liu Jie will be more or less in danger.

"What are you doing here?" A woman's voice came from behind. Chen Wei looked back and was overjoyed

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