The young girl is smart, and she is smart enough to know what to say under what circumstances.

When the young girl here has gone through a lot of interviews by herself.

She found a problem in the organization here.

The organization's words are because it deliberately tested its members.

So the attitude towards these newcomers is extremely relaxed.

But when the young girl here discovered the secret behind it, in fact, the young girl here was shocked by what she said here.

In this case, it is obvious that the newcomer in the organization deliberately made this.

Because for these newcomers, if they know too much on their own, in fact, for the organization here, it is not very good news.

So in this case.

The organization here also said to test the hungry of others.

Therefore, in the organization here, the first thing to do is to let the trust here feel that the words in this world are not so dangerous.

Because many people can be in such a good environment without any sense of danger.

What's more, it is also said that because there is no sense of danger, people here can expose their own nature.

So if you think about this situation, really for these newcomers, what the organization here deliberately makes them feel is to better test them.

Otherwise, the good intentions of the organization will be wasted.

Under such circumstances, it is not a good opportunity for the newcomers here.

The young girl at this moment also said that it was because she understood this point in her heart.

So in such a situation, the young girl also knows the degree of danger.

So he knew that even if his words were so clear, they could neither be told to other people, nor could they have any meaning they wanted to reveal.

If you think about this, the young girls here can only do it by themselves.

And looking at these people's actions, if young girls are very sure in their hearts, then they say that their decision is correct.

After all, the young girl at the time said what she said just now after she entered the organization, and she discovered the problems in the organization here, so for young girls, she knew it clearly in her heart. It is estimated that at present, the first thing I need to do here is to say that it is best to investigate all the unfavorable factors for myself.

What can be seen after all is that the young girl here also said that she didn't think wrong.

However, what she said here was to be able to investigate such things out.

It also took a lot of experience and time.

At that time, when the characteristics of the young girl bar organization here were completely researched out, in fact, his own words also said that it had gone through a long period of time.

And with such a time, it is probably about half a year.

At that time, the words on the organization's side, those newcomers who had just joined the organization, also said that one by one was safe and survived those dangerous situations.

As far as the newcomers in these organizations are concerned, they feel that what they are now can be regarded as a member of the organization.

Moreover, for them, they may feel that what they are in the organization should not be a threat.

So live a chic life like this.

In fact, everyone thought that at the beginning, and the words included the young girl here herself.

However, because the young girl here also understands that, in fact, things here are never as easy as it seems on the surface, so he has never given up on his own investigation. For the overall situation of myself here today.

According to the results of the current investigation, the young girl is also very satisfied.

Just because of this result, the young girl here knows that she can't say it casually.

If the consequences are too serious, she can only do it herself.

In the course of such an action, the young girl also understands what she has said here, and there are still a lot of friends around him, so it is better to cover up his own words while acting.

Otherwise, people will discover the questioning, the young girl here feels that she can't answer her words better.

Therefore, the current young girl herself sighed silently after she wanted to understand such things.

Regarding such a situation, sometimes when she finds a fatal secret in her own words, she can't share her own words with others. Such a situation is really very bad.

And when it was said, the young girl and Yu Le met.

At that time, Yu Le had been paying attention to young girls for a long time. The young girls at that time also said that at the beginning, he also said that he had noticed the Yu Le here. But at that time, Yu Le's words here hadn't completely entered the sight of the young girl here.

So what the young girl said is that the car doesn't care too much about the pleasure here.

Later, the young girl here also thought that Yu Le was a good friend. Later, the two people would have known each other.

At that time, when Yu Le met the young girl himself, in fact, what the young girl here said happened to be the time to implement his own plan.

The young girl at that time was actually very sad and distressed in her heart.

After all, only oneself knows about such things, and for the right things like this, the young girl here also wants to share with everyone.

But because the young girl at that time couldn't tell herself here, she was very depressed.

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