Although the young girl at the time was really surprised when she discovered such a thing.

And young girls also know that this is the only chance to survive in the organization.

But for young girls, such things can't be shared with their good friends and their best companions.

So for anyone, this kind of situation is extremely painful.

In fact, the young girl's words here are no exception.

In fact, the level of depression in her heart for the young girl at this time is quite high.

However, he is not allowed to talk about the situation in the organization. For this reason, if the young girl here has discovered such a good secret, his heart has been depressed for a long, long time.

And in this situation, the young girl here also said that because of meeting Yu Le.

The young girl here has also changed her mentality a lot.

For the current overall situation, the young girl now knows it very well in her heart. Yu Le's words may belong to a special girl.

And this kind of thinking is also about the young girl here, if it is really in his own heart, he has confirmed this situation.

So for the current self, in fact, the young girl here tells himself clearly what he said.

If this is the case, for such Yu Le, if the young girl here has more ideas, it is better to get along with Yu Le's words as much as possible.

Because the young girl now knows it very well in his heart.

Yu Le here seems to have nothing special about his current words.

But there is one thing that needs to be understood. At least here, Yu Le’s potential is really infinite. In this situation, in fact, for the young girls here, he really is It can be seen.

So in this state, the young girl here clearly told himself in his heart.

This girl is not easy!

And this point is also one of the reasons why today's young girl can maintain a relationship with Yu Le.

However, this is only one of the points. After all, for Yu Le now, his own words are also very cute, so that the young girl here likes his words very much.

So, what the young girl here said is that he really wants to make friends with Yu Le here.

Therefore, the relationship between two people can be said to be so good.

From the current perspective, the young girl here doesn't have any selfishness when he gets along with Yu Le.

It is precisely because of this reason that the young girl here will speak his own words. After discovering new things, if he hasn’t said anything to anyone, he will go with what he says here. Yu Le from the side said it.

It can be said that from this point of view, what you actually know is that the young girl here believes what Yu Le said now.

Otherwise, the young girl here would not choose to convey such important news to Yu Le here.

And Yu Le really didn't let the young girl here completely disappointed him.

Because at least, for the young girl now, his thoughts and plans, after talking with Yu Le, Yu Le here is also understandable and agrees.

With this kind of thinking, I know that Yu Le's words really didn't disappoint the young girl here.

Moreover, the young girl here did not misunderstand him.

What the young girl said at that time, that is to say, among all his friends, he just told someone like Yu Le about such things.

So in this state, Yu Le's words here can be said to be among the newcomers with organizational power, the only one who knows the secrets of the young girl here.

The words here, after knowing the young girl's secrets, in fact, the first time at that time, Yu Le's words here were also reflected.

At that time, what the young girl said about himself and what he discovered, because he knew that he could not say anything to anyone at will.

Therefore, the young girl knows in his heart that if this is the case, the first thing he has to do on his own side is to keep such secrets completely secret.

Only in this way, if you try to block the news you have received, then his words will be most beneficial to the young girls here.

At the same time, there is one more thing, then that is to say, only then can you protect yourself.

After all, you must know that the young girl here is not a charitable person, so for such news, his own words after discovering the problem.

His main purpose is to save these friends around him.

After all, the young girl here knows a lot about the handling of such an organization.

It's a very serious matter.

Because of the words of many people, especially those of their newcomers, without their knowledge.

What can be seen is that, at least for their words, they will pay a heavy price for the final words because of their own actions.

So, if the young girls here find out, if they can effectively stop them, there will be no such problems.

However, because of the level of terror of the organization, the young girl here cannot casually tell the secrets he has discovered.

So, what he said here, under the circumstances at the time, the only way for young girls is his own new discoveries, and the words of Yule that have the best relationship with him at the time, let’s talk about it. .

And it is precisely because of this that what the young girl here said inadvertently saved Yu Le's life here.

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