Sunny, wind direction level 3, suitable for long voyages.

Japan, outside the Seto Inland Sea, Qin Hao's fleet is sailing.

As an inland sea route connecting the three major islands of Kyushu, Shikoku, and Honshu, it produces more than 500 species of marine life, such as sweetfish, horseshoe crabs, and sea cucumbers. The most famous of them is the great white shark. Every year, fishermen and fishermen die in its hands. Death Conan is on par.

At the same time, it is also a wild beauty described by great writers, such as Lu Xun and Kawabata Yasunari.

But at this time, Kobe fisherman Junji Omura was wondering what he was thinking. He was fishing about three nautical miles from the shore. This was his main business for survival.

"Jesus, please open your eyes. If I don't catch a fish today, I'm going to starve."

Junji Omura was extremely unlucky today. He had not caught a single fish since he went out to sea in the morning.

If he doesn't gain anything today, his family will definitely go hungry.

Omura Junji's skin is very dark. This is the sequelae of fishing at sea all year round and being exposed to direct ultraviolet rays from the sun.

He was wearing a tattered Japanese-style sleeveless men's top, but he was not wearing pants on his lower body. He only used a crotch to cover his vital parts. This is a typical fisherman's dress in Japan today.

His fishing boat is not big, it is actually just a small sampan, but this boat is already Omura Junji's most important property.

As a fisherman, Omura Junji feels that his life is pretty good.

At least, it is better than those peasants who are under the control of famous people.

Although it was a bit harder for me, I was able to eat fish, some seafood, and taste meat.

But the farmers who cultivate the land are not successful. 70% of the food they grow has to be handed over to the masters. The remaining 30% not only has to pay taxes, peel the shells, and repay the debts owed last year, but can they really benefit themselves? It's a tiny bit in the hand.

Even though gentlemen usually look down upon these lowly farmers, they know their assets very well.

As for eating meat?

I don't even want to think about it.

Since Emperor Kusho promulgated the "Sword Hunting Order" in Japan, the entire country has banned the killing of carnivorous animals. All meat-eating behaviors are prohibited, completely eliminating the source of food for farmers. Of course, except for two kinds of animals, One is fish and the other is wild boar.

Fish are specially designed to open a gap for meat for the nobles, while wild boars are a gap for common people. However, the nobles must have never thought about how terrifying wild boars are.

One pig, two bears and three tigers. Wild boars gather in family units. To a certain extent, they are more ferocious than tigers. Even strong hunters dare not provoke them, let alone those who are bitter.

Omura once heard that a huge wild boar weighing a thousand kilograms killed an entire village in just one night, leaving no one alive.

He couldn't do it at first, but when he took a look in person, the figure of the huge beast and the broken corpses everywhere were forever imprinted in his heart.

If I heard that a samurai master from a village killed a wild boar, he would be praised and commended by the local famous people, and he would gain great fame, which is equivalent to the treatment of Wu Song, a hero who fights tigers.

Therefore, Omura Junji has always believed that he is very lucky to become a fisherman.

Now the world is at peace, the Tokugawa shogunate has been established, and the chaotic Warring States period has ended.

I am really grateful that I live in this era, rather than living in the Warring States Period decades ago.

Omura sighed as he worked hard to put away the fishing net.

He looked at it and found it was empty, which made him very disappointed.

I don’t know what happened today. He hasn’t seen a single fish since morning.

Has your luck run out?

I couldn't help but feel a bitter taste in my heart.

At this moment, he suddenly discovered that a small black spot appeared on the sea level in the distance.

He raised his right hand, placed it on his forehead, looked at it carefully, and murmured unconsciously.

"It's not a pirate, is it?"

Omura felt a little uneasy.

Yes, despite the fact that Japan has finally been taken over by the Tokugawa family, as they came to power, many frustrated or defeated samurai and daimyo fled to the Ming Dynasty for refuge or fled to sea and became pirates.

These people became the new force of the pirate organization between Ming Dynasty and Japan.

Similar to the Jiajing period, the only difference is that these warriors are workers, not bosses.

The long coastline of the Ming Dynasty was often attacked by pirates, and Japan could not avoid it.

It was better before, after all, the pirates still had some rules.

However, in recent years, even Omura, who is not familiar with maritime forces, has clearly felt something different. It seems that a storm is gathering on the sea, and it has arrived in Japan one after another.

Gradually, the small black dot became bigger and bigger, and Junji Omura could see clearly that it was a sea ship!

It's just that from the outline of this kind of sea ship, it doesn't seem to be the style driven by pirates?

As a fisherman who survives at sea, Junji Omura has seen a lot of ships on the sea.

Junji Omura has seen the Ming Dynasty's Fuchuan battleships, the Japanese pirates' tortoise-shell battleships, and even the Dutch and Spanish battleships.

But this time the warship he looked at looked larger than any warship he had ever seen before, and it was also faster.

Under the uncertain circumstances, Omura Junji decided that it would be better for him to return to the shore as soon as possible. This is the only choice to save his life.

No matter what force the other party belongs to, I can't fish here now.

However, I don’t know if God is kidding me. The originally sunny sky suddenly became covered with dark clouds, and heavy raindrops began to fall.

The weather is changing, just like a child, who will fall out whenever he wants.

The rain was not the worst. Along with the heavy rain came bursts of howling wind.

As a result, Omura Junji is in trouble.

His boat was nothing more than a small sampan, and in such a situation his boat became very dangerous.

Especially under torrential rain, visibility becomes very low.

Under a gloomy sky and heavy clouds, Junji Omura climbed out of his boat, while the small fishing boat swung back and forth with the waves and was full of dangers.

Now Omura Junji no longer has much energy to pay attention to the warship approaching in the distance.

All his thoughts were focused on lying on the boat in a suitable posture and how to save his life.

Therefore, at this time, Omura Junji did not notice that the strange warships that appeared behind him were quickly approaching here.

If Junji Omura saw it, he would definitely be shocked.

Because the speed of these warships sailing on the sea was completely beyond his cognitive scope.

What's more, there are dark clouds now, and the wind direction is completely wrong.

Ordinary warships would not be able to sail this way in such a wind direction.

Because, because, this is a fucking headwind.

Unfortunately, Omura Junji didn't even see this scene.


A gust of wind roared again, bringing up a high wave and hitting his sampan.

When Omura Junji, who was praying for the blessing of the Yamata no lord, did not react at all, a huge wave suddenly covered him, and both him and the fishing boat were lifted up.


When Omura Junji came out of the water, he found that the small fishing boat had been hit by the waves and had been hit by the waves.

At this time, a huge battleship passed by where Omura Junji was floating. Omura Junji didn't care much at this time. He quickly shouted at the top of his voice: "Suke けてください!!!" (Dass) To Dei!)”

[If you like this novel, I hope you can share it on Facebook. The author is grateful. 】

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