After almost ten days of sea voyage, Qin Hao, with seven warships under his naval fleet, finally arrived in Japan, which he dreamed of.

Originally, it took Qin Hao only a few days to arrive from Ryukyu, but there was no navigator on board who was familiar with this journey, so it took a few more days. Fortunately, the direction was correct.

"Land found ahead!"

The fleet sailed smoothly on the sea, and the sailors on the observation deck shouted loudly at this time.

His shout caused quite a commotion.

Yes, sailing days at sea are really difficult.

Even though they had rested in Ryukyu for a few days before, it was not considered a real rest. Many soldiers on the ship had been stationed on the ship and did not get off the ship at all.

Qin Hao and Duan Daxin also heard the noise on the deck in the captain's cabin.

"What's going on? Why are you making such a fuss?"

Duan Daxin, who came out, saw the excited smiles on the faces of the sailors, and pulled a sailor in confusion and asked.

"Captain, we've found land ahead."

When the sailor saw that it was the captain, he hurriedly saluted respectfully and answered.

"Oh, has land been found ahead? This is a good thing. It means that we have arrived at the Japanese island." Duan Daxin showed a joyful smile on his face, and without stopping, he returned to the captain's room to tell the good news. Communicate it to Qin Hao.

At this time, the lookout on the pole shouted again at the top of his lungs: "Everyone, please be careful. There are dark clouds ahead and there may be hurricanes. Everyone immediately checks the cables and other items on the ship and be prepared."

As the sailor's words fell, everyone rushed to the deck and looked forward.

Sure enough, just as the lookout said, a dark cloud appeared at the end of the originally clear blue sky and swept over at an unusually fast speed.

The environment at sea is sometimes really unpredictable. One moment it will be clear and blue, and the next moment there may be violent storms. No one can predict it accurately.

In the face of nature, all human technology and experience can only be approximated, and it is absolutely impossible to achieve 100% accuracy.

"A storm is coming, my lord, be careful, there will probably be waves later." Duan Daxin stood guard at the door of the cabin. Having experienced two ocean voyages, he was no longer so unfamiliar with the sea.

Soon, dark clouds covered the entire sky, making the sky dark.

After a while, in the wind that gradually became stronger, big raindrops began to fall.

The heavy rain fell very densely, making visibility very low.

Therefore, the fleet had to slow down its sailing speed and slowly sail in the direction where land was seen.

Daas to Dei!!

At this moment, an extremely anxious sound came from the sea.

On the swaying baseboard, sailors were busy checking cables, anchors, and sails. The sound in the strong wind made many people look sideways.

Especially the two sailors close to the railing heard it extremely clearly.

To be honest, in such a violent storm, shouting may not be enough to be heard.

However, Omura Junji, who fell into the sea and his life was in danger, tried his best with his voice in order to survive.

Without him, I can only save my life.

When people's lives are threatened, they can often unleash great potential.

This is the situation Omura Junji is in now.

"Look! Someone fell into the water over there."

The two sailors lay on the guardrail and looked at the sea where the visibility was not very high. After a while, they discovered Omura Junji floating on the sea.

Perhaps his life was not meant to be cut off, so the sailors fished this unfortunate guy out of the sea.

But at this time, Omura Junji was soaked to the skin, his hair had shrunk into a ball due to soaking in sea water, his face was pale, his lips were ashen, and his whole body was shaking as if he was shaking.

It can be seen that this guy was very frightened after falling into the water.

It's normal to say that after falling into the water, Omura Junji really thought that he would drown like this.

The boat was overturned and he fell into the sea. According to common sense, he would definitely not survive.

After all, this place is still two to three nautical miles away from the coast, and it is impossible for ordinary people to swim back.

Moreover, the wind and waves are so strong now, and there are strong winds and heavy rain.

At this time, even the hull of a first-class battleship like the Wansheng was constantly shaking, rising and falling with the waves.

The waves crashed against the hull of the ship, constantly splashing seawater on the deck.

When they heard that they had rescued a man who fell into the water, the sailors gathered around him one after another.

To be honest, everyone wanted to see which guy was unlucky enough to fall into the sea, and at the same time, they also wanted to learn something about the rescued person.


After the sailors gathered around, everyone saw through Omura Junji's identity at a glance.

A sleeveless Japanese-style coat with only a white crotch cloth on the lower body. This is a typical Japanese dress.

Many sailors had a fierce look in their eyes as well as looks of contempt and disdain. Even the sailor who rescued Junji Omura became very upset at this moment.

You must know that there is also a chain of contempt for survival at sea. The Spanish and the Dutch are the first, and they don't like each other, followed by the pirates of the Ming Dynasty, and then the group of young men from the African continent. At the bottom of the food chain are the Japanese.

As for the reason, there are no Japanese bosses at sea. Since the Tokugawa Shogunate implemented seclusion, Japanese sailors have been doing menial jobs.

Depend on!

They were Japanese. If they had known it was Japanese who fell into the water, they would not have rescued him.

But now that they have been saved, is it possible to throw the other party down again?

Throw it back? !

What a cute idea!

The sailors on the ship looked at Omura Junji with gloomy faces.

Therefore, Omura Junji felt a little bit the same.

He was trembling all over and looked at the people who had rescued him. Judging from the clothing, they don't seem to be from the Ming Dynasty, but they look a bit like Nanman people, but the clothes are more fancy than those of the Nanman people.

And these people will not be those from Southeast Asia, because they are tall and thick, not as thin as the people in Southeast Asia.

"Hehe. This bow-legged little Japanese boy is looking at us with his green bean eyes."

Junji Omura looked at the sailors on the boat, and the sailors also looked at Junji Omura.

To be honest, Omura Junji's appearance is a bit crooked, and coupled with the unique cultural atmosphere of the island country, Omura also has such a wretched temperament.

If I have to say that Junji Omura looks like something, I can only say that Junji Omura looks like a mouse.

The most distinctive features of mice are their beady eyes and pointed mouths.

"This guy is stupid. He is indeed an uncivilized island nation."

At this time, the sailors began to comment on Omura Junji.

Many Japanese in this era knew how to interact with Ming people, so they could speak fluent Ming dialect. Moreover, speaking Ming dialect is very fashionable and popular in Japan, which represents identity and status.

It's a pity that Omura Junji can't say it, because he is just a low-level fisherman.

Therefore, when the sailors were whispering to each other and commenting on him, Junji Omura could only look at the adults talking stupidly with mouse-like eyes, without any reaction.

After a long time, Omura Junji finally realized that what he was doing now was very wrong.

Because if these people from an unknown country had not saved him, he would have lost his life in the sea.

It doesn't matter if he dies, but what about his wife at home?

If that happens, she will be hungry.

"Thank you adults for saving me, Omura Junji is very grateful." Omura Junji's crisp kowtow echoed on the deck.

"What's the matter?"

Duan Daxin came out to investigate the situation, and the sailors immediately reported it.

After a moment, expressionless Duan Daxin pointed at Omura Junji who was kneeling on the ground and said: "You, show the way to the fleet, we have to dock!"

Junji Omura looked happy, because Duan Daxin spoke Japanese. Duan Daxin was a fisherman at sea. He had seen many merchant ships and studied with many people. This time when he went to Japan, he also went to a school to further his studies.

"Yes, sir, you can dock by sailing over there!" Omura Junji pointed to an area not far away, "There can be a dock for such a big ship."

As soon as Omura Junji boarded the ship, he was deeply attracted by the battleship in front of him. It was as huge as a giant beast in the sea, swallowing up the roaring waves. It was simply terrifying and abnormal.

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