
The inspector of Jinping County kept urging his seated war horse to rush towards the opposite side. His eyes were already red with silver, and he was completely unaware of the changes happening on the opposite side.

He didn't notice that the leaders of the Minzhuang squad and the Yamen squad behind him could clearly see that the people on the opposite side had changed from being sloppy to being orderly, and the swords, guns and equipment placed on the ground had been tightened immediately. Holding it in his hand, he pointed it in the direction he was going.

There is no way, they walk in the market every day, relying on a pair of eyes, the so-called bachelor's eyes are as good as their own. He has developed a good ability to detect facial expressions.

Seeing that the other side immediately put on a life-threatening posture, the group of people couldn't help but quietly put down their steps, feeling somewhat discouraged in their hearts.

They know very well who can and cannot be provoked, who can be stepped on and bullied, and who must be greeted with a smile.

Looking at the opponent's formation, they definitely belong to the group that cannot be provoked. If they go up, it will be very bad.

It is a pity that the Lord Inspector does not have the experience of the people under him, but he still moves forward bravely. So, the tragedy happened like this.

"Puff puff!"

The three spearmen in front of the formation ran forward quickly and stopped the Yiboyun Heaven and Earth Inspector who was trying to attack the Keelung Army's formation alone. Just thrust the spear and stab! No joke!

Poor the envoy, he had just whipped the horse hard on the buttocks, causing the horse pain. I thought it would speed up and break through the enemy army by a thousand, but it didn't. The fatal whip hit the three stabbing spears head-on!

The two spears instantly pierced the patrolman's tofu-like body, two blood holes penetrated, and blood arrows immediately spurted out. Another spear pierced the chest and abdomen of the horse, and then it fell to the ground with a cry and rolled twice. It seemed that it could not survive.

One man and one horse fell to the ground like this. The three soldiers were veterans on the battlefield. They knew that the patrolman was still energetic and it was not time to relax, so they raised the five-foot long spears in their hands and continued to stab.

"Ah! It hurts me to death!"

Following the patrolman's scream, a long spearhead covered in blood was revealed on his back, and steaming blood flowed downwards.

Such a tragic scene. The hundreds of people who followed were so frightened that they were all dumbfounded.

This is just a matter of a few breaths, and our patrol officer has become a skewer on someone's long gun.

How can we fight this battle!

At this moment, the Inspector was still twisting his body in pain, struggling in vain on the ground covered with a mixture of his own blood and the blood of horses, trying to escape towards the county seat, but the two legs underneath him had already Crushed by horses.

Now he could only hold something in mid-air with one hand, and he was babbling with little breath. He didn't know what he was shouting, but he thought he was shouting "Help. Help me." or something like that.

"I originally thought that many villages and villages came out to rob as rebels in these troubled times. I thought they had no choice but not to be too harsh. But I didn't expect that the people in the county were so miserable! They were eating the royal food and still doing this in private. Dirty things!”

More than a hundred steps away, Weizhou, who was reining in his horse and watching in the square formation, sneered and closed the telescope in his hand.

"Sir, what should we do?"

The camp officer Tian Shengyuan asked for instructions in a low voice.

"Confucius said: It is disrespectful to come and not return. Today they gave me a big gift. How could I leave so easily? This is not the way we treat guests in Keelung." Weizhou said lightly, Tian Shengyuan knew the truth very well.

Your Excellency is worthy of following your lord, and even the words of revenge are so fresh and refined, which makes him, a person who has not learned a few years of culture, very envious.

Although he was envious in his heart, Tian Shengyuan did not forget about the business. It was time to give them some color.

"Order the spearmen in front to form a formation and press forward! Leave these thieves who are out of the city to rob us!"

The soldiers follow the general's orders and listen to the wind. When there is any movement, the force is like a thunderous explosion, and it cannot catch up with it.

What's more, the Keelung Army has undergone rigorous training and has almost harsh organizational disciplines and muscle memory resulting from training. Many orders have become almost instinctive in the hearts of soldiers and officers at all levels.


All the spearmen heard the sound of the brass horn coming from behind, and knew what to do without looking back. They placed the spears in their hands slightly flat, about exactly at the height of a normal adult man's chest and abdomen.


Under the leadership of the armor commanders, the more than two hundred spearmen at the forefront slowly charged forward to face the Jinping County team who were still panicking and hesitating to move forward.


The team in Jinping County is very mixed. In addition to the government officials, Minzhuang, there are also some people who guard the camp in Jinping County. However, they are also vegetarians and eat a lot of money. The rest are just idle gangsters in the streets and alleys. These people are considered important. They are the most powerful among them. Some people have seen blood, but they are the most eye-catching ones, so they can only fight with the wind.

In line with the idea that more people will make a big noise, and adding a toad will give you four or two more strength. Even in the worst case, the momentum can be strengthened. The Lord Inspector took these people out of the city together.

However, I never expected that before I even touched the corners of other people's property, I would be the first to be skewered on the tip of someone else's spear.

Looking at the group of burly men rushing over from the opposite side, even though they were not wearing military-style robes and fat coats, the armor on their bodies was extraordinary. Each one was made of steel armor, with distinctive armor. Under the sunshine in this early spring, the dazzling metallic light shines, which is obviously not comparable to those fooling around in the city guard camp!

Not to mention the firecrackers troops behind them, which look like a dense forest of firewood.

Those are all murderous projectiles. If you haven't eaten pigs and haven't seen pigs running, they have more or less heard about the power of firecrackers.

Now everyone who follows the patrolman and rushes out with enthusiasm wants to slap himself a few times. Our heads are getting hot, thinking that the little bitches have listened to his nonsense.

The spearmen of the Keelung Army took advantage of the moment when the group of people were in a daze and rushed forward a few more steps. Immediately, blood flowers bloomed on the ground! If nothing else happens, hundreds of flowers will bloom here next year.

Based on the Keelung Army's current diet, which consists of one egg, one tael of meat, three taels of rice, and one seasonal fruit per day, each soldier has sufficient intake of fat, protein, and fiber, ensuring high-intensity training. physical exertion.

Almost every soldier has bulging muscles and a strong and thick body. With daily training, he attacks this disorganized team from a distance. They are like the rising tide of the sea, blocking the front of the formation, unstoppable!

After a few lunges, the spearmen had already handed the tips of their spears to the shoulders of the group of people who wanted to escape with their backs facing them.


The spearmen raised their spears and thrust forward. This is an action that every recruit must do thousands of times when they enter the camp. They have become familiar with it and formed muscle memory. Every time a spear is thrust out, those actions are The bodies of the government servants and gangsters without armor could hear the sound of guns piercing their flesh.

The gun was drawn out and the gun was retracted, and there were endless bursts of screams.

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