"Kill! Kill! Kill!"

The spears in the hands of the spearmen thrust out neatly, and the sharp three-foot-long spear heads will pierce the enemy, and then quickly retract it, and then thrust out neatly, like Lin's spear, every time it thrust out, retracted, and thrust out again, Like a bull-headed horse-face waving the soul-binding rope in his hand, he ruthlessly harvested the lives of the people in Jinping County who were running away in front of them.

Seeing that the spearmen were chasing them forward for more than fifty steps, some of them walking in a disorderly manner, Weizhou nodded to the trumpet commander on the side and said, "Blow the trumpet and let the fire guns be in hand!"

As the loud brass horn sounded, the spearmen immediately stopped their steps and moved to both sides to give the fire gunners brothers who came up from behind a wide shooting field of view.

At this time, everyone in Jinping County had also fled to the suspension bridge.

As long as they cross the suspension bridge, their lives are saved.

I don’t know if it was because of the clean killings carried out by the Keelung Army just now that the defenders on the city were so frightened that they forgot that there were hundreds of them outside the city, and they quickly raised the suspension bridge. They were afraid that if they were too late, hundreds of brothers would rush in and take their lives.

"Open the door quickly, Mr. Liu!"

"Open the door quickly, they are coming!"

But no matter how they cried and begged for mercy, the result was still the same, looking at the slowly rising suspension bridge. Their hearts are broken.

"You bastard, you will die a happy death!"

People who fled to the suspension bridge jumped up crazily, trying to reach the bridge deck, hoping to climb up and cross the city gate.

There are also some people who are more clear-headed and think that this is too laborious. They will be caught before they can jump over. Since this road is blocked, I will take another way and escape along the moat to both sides.

Unexpectedly, the spearmen gathered on both sides used their spears to drive them away like ducks.

"If you don't want to die, kneel here for me!"

Many people heard the familiar local accent from inside.

"Boss! Boss! You are a Hakka! So am I! We are all one family!"

"Boss, I have a three-year-old mother and an eighty-year-old baby. No, I made a mistake. I have an eighty-year-old mother and a three-year-old baby... If you mess around with me, I will spend the rest of my life. I will repay you like an ox and a horse. If you tell me to go east, I will never go west. If you tell me to go straight, I will never turn around!”

There are those who beg for mercy, and there are those who are extremely smart. Instead of putting their lives in the hands of others, it is better to fight for them.

They simply jumped off the moat and tried to swim across the other side to escape. However, they forgot that this moat was not long ago due to civil unrest in various parts of Lingnan. The river bank is so steep that it is almost impossible to climb over it on your own without tools or someone pulling you.

For a time, the moat was crowded with people, and there were cries, curses, and pleas on the river bank.


The battalion officer commanding the musketeers was not moved by the cries of these people at all. What a joke! To let them off with just a few words of begging for mercy is to underestimate their inner determination.

This is a war, not a treat, and there is no such thing as surrendering if you lose.

Besides, they are crying now because they cannot escape. What if they succeed in the robbery? I'm afraid it's time to sing, dance, and laugh, right? !

On the 100-meter-wide front, more than 300 musketeers lined up densely, almost reaching a density of about three musketeers on a one-meter front!

Following the order, a sound like exploding beans resounded in front of Jinping County. Following the sound, a burst of white smoke rose above the heads of the gunmen.

Fireguns equipped with Keelung military powder, seamless steel, fixed-loading cartridges and many other black technologies can break through the opponent's armor when the two armies are dozens of steps apart. To deal with this group of people who only have cotton-padded clothes or even shirtless bodies, they can only A hot-blooded, confused guy is simply killing a chicken with a knife.

With just one volley, the people gathered near the suspension bridge fell to the ground. There were countless casualties and the gurgling of blood could be heard endlessly.


The people on the battlefield were ruthless, and did not care at all about the painful wails of those who were penetrated by projectiles, or even hit by several lead bullets, and were pushed into the moat by the huge impact, and their blood dyed a pool of spring water red. The battalion officer holding the command flag in his hand issued the shooting order again!

In an instant, with the fall of the launch command flag, there was another deafening burst of intensive firing from firecrackers, and a burst of white smoke formed beside the moat. The people on the top of the city were frightened and frightened. Some of the timid and unwilling I know I have put water in my crotch several times.

There are basically no living creatures standing under the city now, but in order to ensure that the enemy's last resistance is eliminated, no mistakes will be made.

The third firing order followed, "Let go!"

The commander's order prompted the gunmen to pull the triggers in their hands, causing the faucet to collide with the flint to create sparks, causing the ignition powder in the medicine tank to ignite the propellant, and then push the lead bullet out of the gun tube with a hundred times more enthusiasm.

It took less than a minute for the three rounds of fire cannons to be fired, but to the defenders on the city top, it seemed as if the sound of gunshots had been roaring in their ears since the ancient times.

There were countless craters along the moat and nothing was left, and the river was filled with dead and injured people floating in the water. They drifted silently on the water, while the injured were still struggling in the water trying to escape to the other side.

The flowing water quickly turned the blood flowers from strong to dim, and then became invisible, but then another group of blood flowers bloomed in the water, on the river bank, and flowed into the river along the soil of the river bank.

"Sir! What should we do next?"

"Order the swordsman to come forward and behead him!"

"Sir!? This?" The commander who asked the question was shocked by Weizhou's decision and couldn't help but remind him, "This is in the mainland! Are they all the people of our Ming Dynasty?"

"Hmph! Common people of the Ming Dynasty?" Weizhou sneered, making the commander shudder.

"Ever since they charged at our army, who has thought about us? If we don't use butcher methods, it's hard to show the heart of a Bodhisattva! If we don't kill a group of people today, more people will die tomorrow! Order the swordsmen to come forward, Behead!"

The military order could not be disobeyed, so the trumpeter commander had no choice but to order the trumpeter to blow the trumpet and convey it to the swordsmen who held the green steel sword high in their hands.


Weizhou had a smile on his face, but in the eyes of others, he was very ferocious and terrifying. I had never seen such a person. He killed so many people in an instant, but he still had a calm smile on his face. He was not affected at all by the bloody mountain of corpses in front of him.

"Those who were beaten to death, stabbed to death, and beheaded, and those who can still be saved, are taken to the camp, treated, and then serve as coolies. As for those who cannot be saved, those who are disabled and cannot work, they will be Behead!"

Those who had just tried to escape along the city wall and were captured knelt in the mud and kept kowtowing. Then they watched with utter horror how the group of military men in front of them dealt with those who were eliminated by the suspension bridge in full view of the public. people.

Every time the long knife was swung, a person's head would be cut off, or a brief scream could be heard in an instant. That was when their companion was killed with a cold steel knife.

Each knife was like a heavy hammer, hitting the hearts of these prisoners, as well as the hearts of Magistrate Liu Wendou and others at the top of the city.

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