Live Streaming: Azeroth

Chapter 404: deal reached

"Live: Azeroth (

Kel'Thuzad expressed incomprehension to Ner'zhul's confusing behavior.

This kind of major move to relocate the whole family hastily started the plan without first investigating the situation in the new world.

Knowing that Ner'zhul acted at the instigation of the death knight Talon Gorefiend, Kel'Thuzad once suspected that human intelligence would be damaged when transformed into an undead creature.

But in fact, this kind of situation where there is no plan and what comes out is not too common in the orc tribe.

A leader like Orgrim Doomhammer with an excellent overall view is the only one among the many clans of the orc tribe, and more of them are Grom Hellscream and Blackhand, who have strong limbs and simple minds. guy.

Even Thrall, the savior of the orcs, received the three views of human beings from an early age.

According to the barrage, Thrall's skin belongs to orcs, but his values, outlook on life, overall situation and strategic thinking and other more core things are undoubtedly human.

It is also for this reason that after Thrall established the foundation of the new tribe, he was criticized by some people in the tribe as a soft guy, thinking that he was too weak in the face of the alliance and did not have the blood of an orc.

In the eyes of these people, only people like Garrosh Hellscream who fight to the death are the most suitable leaders for the orcs.

Then this group of people was buried with the "true tribal chief".

Including the Kor'kron Guards, a large number of elite orcs were lost in the tribe's internal strife, and the status of the orcs in the tribe declined rapidly as a result, even losing the position of the great chief.

Sharlayan was stunned when he first learned of the "great achievements" of the fifth-generation warchief, whom they called Brazen Roar, from the barrage.

He didn't expect the leader of one of the two most powerful organizations in Azeroth to make such a psychedelic operation.

Oh, pure-blooded orcs, that's all right.

After Gul'dan came to power, warlocks replaced shamans as the mainstream spellcasters among the orc tribes.

In other words, these people are elites with more flexible brains.

Even so, most warlocks can only engage in tricks and tricks, and the overall situation is really not that strong.

This group of people also includes Gul'dan, who is known as the strongest warlock. Due to his lack of foresight, he was blinded by his ambition and finally played himself to death.

As one of Gul'dan's most proud apprentices, Talon Gorefiend perfectly inherited all of Gul'dan's... shortcomings.

In his opinion, Draenor is completely hopeless, and Azeroth cannot be defeated. It is better to randomly choose a lucky new world to continue the disaster.

As for what the new world is like? What indigenous forces are there?

That doesn't matter, you will be slaves of our orcs anyway.

That's right, this is what Ner'zhul and Talon Gorefiend really thought. They entered the new world just to invade and plunder. It can only be said that dogs can't change and eat shit.

A netizen from another world once said a word, those who count people always count.

Ner'zhul, who had exhausted all his tricks, fell headlong into Kil'jaeden's trap, but Talon Gorefiend, an old cunning man, temporarily sensed something was wrong and escaped. He should be hiding somewhere in Draenor right now. The corner lingers.

In the original history, after Kel'Thuzad received contact from the Lich King, he was confused by the other party's profound knowledge for a long time because of the fan filter.

In view of this, Sharlayan gave Kel'Thuzad an inoculation in advance, letting him understand that the essence of the Lich King is nothing more than the soul of an old orc killed by demons.

Sharlayan specially took some time to tell Ner'zhul's life from beginning to end.

Objectively speaking, Ner'zhul can't be regarded as completely incompetent, but he will always lose the chain at critical moments, and his character is relatively indecisive.

It is precisely because of the characteristic of losing the chain at critical moments that Ner'zhul lost in the soul fight with the second generation Lich King Arthas, and became the food for the soul of Arthas.


Knowing the life of Ner'zhul, Kel'Thuzad showed a sneer on his face.

"Orcs, that's all they can do."

Ner’zhul was given a wave of eye drops through straightforward and objective descriptions in advance. Sharlayan accepted it as soon as he saw it, and did not continue to slander the future Lich King. Instead, he chatted with Kel’Thuzad about the stronghold of the death-side forces—the Shadow Realm .

For Kel'Thuzad, who is eager to explore the truth in the world, knowledge is an indispensable key to unraveling the mysteries of the world.

Not to mention that what Sharlayan was talking about was the source of death that he was most interested in right now.

Blazing Wilderness, Maldraxxus, Ascension Bastion, Revendreth, Olympus, and even the Maw that can devour all souls.

Kel'Thuzad was deeply fascinated by all the information in the Shadowlands, and he greedily absorbed the many information told by Sharlayan, and a brand new world that he had never had a deep understanding of before gradually took shape in his mind.

If Salayan hadn't repeatedly emphasized that it would be almost impossible to leave after entering the Shadow Realm, Kel'Thuzad almost wanted to kill himself immediately and let Salayan lead his soul to the Shadow Realm.

To be precise, Bwonsamdi was contacted through Sharlayan, and the **** of death, Loa, sent him to Olympos for arbitration.

After listening to Sharlayan's description of the Shadow Realm, Kel'Thuzad is most interested in Maldraxxus, who has abundant martial virtues and the most abundant types of death spells among the four covenants, which is also in line with his future direction in the original history.

For this meeting, Sharlayan, who had prepared in advance, deliberately favored him, and dragged Kel'Thuzad onto his chariot as expected.

After some in-depth thinking and discussion, Kel'Thuzad finally agreed to Sharlayan's deal.

If the Lich King really recruits him in the future, Kel'Thuzad will sneak into the undead army as agreed, and secretly act as Sharlayan's internal support.

In return, Sharlayan will fully assist Kel'Thuzad in transforming into a lich after Kel'Thuzad is ready.

As for how long Kel'Thuzad needs to prepare, he is still not sure at this stage.

After receiving the exact promise from Sharlayan, Kel'Thuzad's anxiety about his limited life was relieved.

While calming down his troubles and calming down, Kel'Thuzad considered a lot.

Today he is still one of the six members of the Kirin Tor Councilor and must fulfill his duties.

Until his mentor Antonidas finds a suitable replacement, Kel'Thuzad will continue to stay in Dalaran, so that his successor can transition smoothly.

As for who will replace Kel'Thuzad, Sharlayan already has some preliminary ideas, and he plans to gather all relevant personnel to discuss in detail later.

The candidate chosen by Sharlayan is Jaina Proudmoore, who is still playing with Tina Gosa in the Unicorn She is the princess of Kul Tiras and the next A proud apprentice of the Sun King of Quel'Thalas, he is also a very talented mage.

After negotiating with Kel'Thuzad, Sharlayan agreed with him on the contact method.

After Kel'Thuzad warmly sent him off, Sharlayan left this simple mage tower with Valeera who was silently accompanied the whole time.

In the next period of time, Kel'Thuzad will first think of a way to properly arrange the apprentices in the mage tower.

Kel'Thuzad would accept all the apprentices who were willing to study psychic arts with him, and those who were unwilling would be handed over to other great mages through his relationship to continue teaching.

Considering that psychic spells are considered taboo in Dalaran, Kel'Thuzad also planned to talk to Antonidas in private.

How to deal with it afterwards depends on Antonidas' attitude.

Before leaving, Sharlayan finally saw Mr. Bigworth, who was called Schrödinger's kitten.

The lifespan of a cat is about 10-15 years old, and Mr. Bigworth is now more than 4 years old.

This year is the 9th year of the Dark Portal, and the launch of Naxxramas mentioned in the barrage is in the 27th year of the Dark Portal.

Mr. Bigworth's natural lifespan is unlikely to make it to that point, then the answer is obvious.

Today, Mr. Bigworth is still a living kitten. When it dies in the future, it will be transformed into a dead cat by its owner, and will always be by Kel'Thuzad's side.

After saying goodbye to Kel'Thuzad who was holding the kitten, Salayan and Valeera found Lylas who was still having fun in the city, and the three of them teleported back to Quel'Thalas together, preparing for the next major event.

The enthronement ceremony of the new king Kael'thas is imminent.

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