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Chapter 405: 3 party py before enthronement ceremony

As the enthronement ceremony of the new Sun King approached, representatives from various countries arrived one after another to watch the ceremony.

Lordaeron, who was busy with internal affairs, still planned to send only Prince Arthas to participate.

But this time, the person who came with Prince Alsace was even more important. His mentor, Uther, was replaced by the archbishop of the Church of the Holy Light—Her Majesty Alonsus Faol.

Archbishop Faol was old, and many people speculated that this visit to Quel'Thalas to observe the ceremony should be his last public appearance to participate in political activities.

Perhaps in order to express the sincerity of the Kingdom of Lordaeron, Faol reluctantly came to Quel'Thalas instead of Terenas who could not escape.

In addition to Lordaeron, Gilneas, which is becoming more and more self-enclosed, has no king in person.

King Jin sent the Crown Prince of Gilneas, the young Prince Liam, accompanied by several mature and prudent Gilnean nobles.

What is more surprising is that the Kingdom of Stormgard, which had always had a good relationship with Quel'Thalas, was directly absent.

Their reason was that King Solas was sick in bed, and Prince Galin had to wait in front of the bed to take care of his father.

When he heard the news, Sarlayan, who had been busy all the time, woke up suddenly.

Under the reminder of the barrage, he realized that Solas probably died of cold, and died at the hands of Jialin, a dutiful son.

Due to Prince Garin's hysterical rejection of all fellows with Trollbane blood, he is the only one who is qualified to inherit the throne in the kingdom of Stormgard.

Once Solas died, the throne would fall to Jialin without any suspense.

Solas is a true horse king and is known as one of the most powerful warriors in the Eastern Kingdoms.

It is precisely because of his strong rule that the Witherbark trolls of Arathi Highlands have not been able to please.

Prince Galin is an out-and-out idiot, his physical fitness is worse than that of his old father who indulged in sensuality since he was a child, and he even doubts that Solas will still be alive after he dies.

How can there be a sixty-year-old prince in the world? Against him!

Garin, who couldn't wait to take the throne, finally made up his mind to kill his father, eradicating the last obstacle to his own enjoyment of the throne.

Sharlayan, who was born to work hard, has been busy all the time. It wasn't until he received the news from Stromgarde that he realized that Solas was probably gone, and the Kingdom of Stormgard would gradually decline from then on.

Sarlayan was a little bit embarrassed about this, but he was not good at intervening in the internal affairs of other countries rashly, so he could only find an opportunity to mention it cryptically at the celebration banquet after the enthronement ceremony.

The night elves, who have a delicate relationship with the high elves, plan to send Fandral Staghelmet to visit.

In addition to the above four countries, other races and kingdoms have decided that their leaders will participate in person, including the Draenei who initially gained a foothold on Azuremyst Isle.

The major cities and towns in Yongsong Forest hung the phoenix flag representing the Sunstrider on the arcane street lamps in the town early, and Silvermoon City was even more lively. Every day, nobles held grand banquets to congratulate the new king on his succession.

After all, these pleasure-seekers are just looking for an excuse to continue their drunkenness.

Under the hard work of the Shenying family, the Unicorn Village is thriving and bustling.

With the further expansion of the village, Sharlayan, who returned from Dalaran, decided to raise the administrative level of the village to a town, and still used the original name, which is Unicorn Town.

The production and sale of magic wine has brought Unicorn Town a lot of wealth, and Silvermoon City, which has been having a lot of banquets recently, has increased the number of orders, and the wine craftsmen have to work overtime.

Sharlayan was not one of those hard-nosed capitalists who let their horses run without feeding them grass.

All craftsmen who work overtime can get extra overtime compensation in addition to the basic salary. This move has been unanimously applauded by a large number of 996 and even 007 social animals in the barrage.

...although Sharlayan doesn't understand what 996 and 007 are.

The recruiting order in Unicorn Town has never stopped, but it is not so easy to get the high elves who are used to lying down and enjoying life to stand up and do things. The number of talents recruited so far is only a handful.

Sharlayan intends to change the lazy atmosphere of Quel'Thalas, but this kind of thing is not something he can settle as soon as the lord says it. We still have to wait for Kael'thas to set off a wave of reforms as the supreme ruler after he comes to power.

Thanks to the connection between Sas'ara and the dream network, a small number of people can directly reach the Kalimdor continent through the transmission network between the World Trees.

But large-scale manpower transfers and cargo transportation still have to travel between the two continents by boat.

The exploration team sent to Un'Goro Crater has arrived at the destination to prepare for crude oil extraction, and the partner tauren has also arrived in the South Sea of ​​Tanaris to establish a port ahead of schedule.

Everything is ready, just wait for the new king's order to officially open the trade route from Yangfan Port to Nanhai Port.

Due to Sharlayan's whim, King Daelin Proudmoore of Kul Tiras came to Quel'Thalas ahead of schedule, with Kirin Tor Speaker Antonidas and Kael'thas who took time out of his busy schedule. Conduct tripartite talks.

As the center of the discussion, the little princess Jaina also attended the meeting accompanied by Sharlayan.

As the saying goes, there is no end to learning.

But there is another saying that the master leads the door, and the practice depends on the individual.

Under the careful teaching of Kael'thas, the talented and intelligent Jaina has undoubtedly officially embarked on the path of arcane arts. What achievements she will have in the future depends on her own efforts.

Kael'thas, who is about to become king, is destined to be entangled in many things in the future, and he doesn't have so much time to spend on teaching apprentices.

In theory, Jaina can already be counted as a teacher.

During the two years of studying with Kael'thas, Jaina gained a lot.

With the permission of Kael'thas, he not only read many precious books that only high elves have, but also was allowed to enter the Great Library of Suramar to borrow books during his stay in Shal-Alan, and also received a gift from Stellagosa. The wholehearted teaching of this blue dragon.

With this powerful network of contacts, even if she leaves Quel'Thalas in the future, as long as she needs it, Jaina can still go to Quel'Thalas and Suramar to check books at any time, and ask Stellagosa and even more. Duo Lanlong asked questions.

If you add Dalaran's tome reserves, Jaina will sooner or later surpass all active mages except Azshara in terms of knowledge.

Although Jaina was not raised by Sharlayan alone, he and the little princess have always maintained a good personal relationship.

Watching Jaina grow up step by step, Sharlayan felt quite the pleasure of playing the growth game that the barrage said.

...a serious development game.

Among the several magical holy places in Azeroth, only Karazhan cannot allow Jaina to enter.

Sharlayan has no way to let her go to Karazhan to study for the time being, so she has to wait until the Dark Portal is opened again and Khadgar, the orthodox heir of Karazhan, returns from Draenor before making a plan.

Fortunately, Jaina, who is only 12 years old, still has enough time to wait patiently without rushing for a while.

The fundamental reason why Daelin chose Quel'Thalas in the second choice was the political differences with Lordaeron.

Now that Dalaran is also breaking up with Lordaeron, Dai Lin's worries have been eliminated, and he doesn't mind letting his precious daughter go to Dalaran to continue her studies.

If Sharlayan's plan comes true, Jaina will sooner or later replace Kel'Thuzad, who has decided to leave, as a member of the Kirin Tor, which is undoubtedly good news for Kul Tiras.

Antonidas, the chairman of the Kirin Tor, has long known that Daelin has an outstandingly gifted daughter, but due to the tense relationship between the two countries, he has never found the opportunity to formally meet Jaina.

Seeing this time, Antonidas was secretly surprised.

Although she is still young, Jaina dare not underestimate her in terms of conversation or knowledge, and she has a kind of formidable emotion.

First came Rhonin, then Jaina, and talented young mages emerged one after another. Antonidas' mood was really complicated.

On the one hand, I feel gratified that there are successors, and on the other hand, I feel sorry for myself because I am about to become the first wave to be shot to death on the beach.

After an "interview" by Antonidas, Jaina was officially allowed to study under the name of Kael'thas and went to Dalaran to continue her studies.

The three of them made a PY transaction in private. As long as there is no accident in the middle, Jaina will officially take over the position left by Kel'Thuzad when she becomes an adult at the age of 16, becoming the youngest member of the Kirin Tor in Dalaran history.

The talks satisfied all three parties. Kul Tiras installed his forces in Dalaran as he wished, Quel'Thalas further expanded his influence in Dalaran, and the Kirin Tor Council also got a Excellent successor.

Jaina herself is also very happy about she is always laughing and joking when playing with Sharlayan, in fact, this girl's thirst for knowledge and truth is no less than Kel'Thuzad's. People choose different ways of solving problems.

After the meeting, Sharlayan rubbed the little princess's bright golden hair with some emotion.

"After this enthronement ceremony is over, it's time for you to embark on a new journey alone. Will you feel sad for Quel'Thalas?"


Jaina squinted her eyes half-closed like a cat, and took the initiative to stand on tiptoe and rub her head against Sarayan's calloused hands.

"No matter how far I grow in the future, I will never forget my experience in Quel'Thalas, and I will never forget you, Valeera, Mentor, Tina, Stellagosa and other people who have helped me."

"Little cunning." Sharlayan smiled relievedly: "Go ahead and pursue your dreams, young princess of Kul Tiras."

"Dalaran is not a prison to imprison your freedom. As long as you want, you can return to Quel'Thalas to visit us at any time."

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