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Chapter 441: Sharlayan: How the **** can this drive me? !

Step on your feet lady.

Sharlayan felt that this nickname was neutral, neither praise nor derogation.

But Cirvanas obviously didn't think so. Recently, she was often scrutinized with subtle eyes.

Cirvanas is naturally beautiful, and she has long been used to being watched by others since she was a child.

Most of the people who secretly paid attention to her in the past showed admiration. Occasionally, there would be some disgusting and obscene eyes. Most of them would be stared back by Cirvanas on the spot, and even directly punched holes in the opponent's body.

This time was different, she could clearly feel that the admiring eyes had decreased, and the indescribably subtle eyes had grown rapidly.

Not only the civilians in the southern part of the forest, but also many people in the ranger army secretly looked at her, and from time to time, some people whispered behind her back.

Cirvanas, who has a stronger personality, is very annoyed by this situation, and she also knows where the root of all this comes from.

Inas once told Sharlayan that once a woman gets angry, it is easy to fall into unreasonable hysteria.

Any race is the same.

When Sharlayan heard these words, he didn't think of his own personal experience, but immediately mourned for his father.

The mother's words are obviously based on her own experience.

There is one thing to say, that dance was invited by Cirvanas on his own initiative.

But after encountering the strange eyes of countless people, Cirvanas, who was getting more and more emotional, selectively forgot his mistakes, and flung the blame on Sharlayan as if avoiding it.

When Sarlayan heard the whole story from the gloating Lailas, he was stunned on the spot.

Sharlayan: "How the **** can this drive me?! I'm the victim!"

[Good guy! I'm straight up a good guy. 】

[Sure enough, women are the same no matter which world they are in. Once their temper comes up, they will throw the blame indiscriminately. Anyway, it's not my fault.jpg]

【Pay attention to your words! Fist warning. 】

Sharlayan rubbed her temples with a headache: "...Recently, I'd better stay away from her as much as possible, so as not to be inexplicably angered."

Lyras patted Sharlayan's shoulder with pity: "A wise decision, women, try to avoid them when they lose their temper."

"trust me."

Lailas looked at the blue sky over Crystalsong Forest with an unbearable expression: "This is my personal experience."

[The bench has been moved, please tell your story. 】

[Grass, you can guess it without saying it, just think about the gender ratio of the Windrunner family. 】

[So that's the case, please allow me to be sad. 】

Returning to the large army of the officer corps, Sharlayan and Lailas quickly merged into the discussion of several people as if nothing had happened.

When it comes to Sharlayan's speech, Sylvanas still has a stick in his words.

Sharlayan consciously avoided talking directly with her, and when he couldn't dodge, he winked and asked Little Xingxing to take over the topic.

Although Stellagosa felt a little amused by Sharlayan's cowardice, she was still considerate and stood up to help her own Hanhan every time, and finally he didn't let Cirvanas target him too badly.

"Well... I probably understand."

Liadrin raised her eyes and looked northward thoughtfully: "Because of Sharlayan's insidious move, the scout vanguard army originally stationed on the border of Crystalsong Forest has transferred most of its troops to the northern line to confront the Iron Legion. .”

"And Drakalai on the southern front is still fighting the grizzly-throated furbolg. If we also join the battle, the frost troll will face the dilemma of being attacked on three sides?"

Sharlayan nodded approvingly: "To put it simply, that's the thing, and I've negotiated terms with the grizzly-throated furbolg in advance."

"As long as we can attack the Dak'Saron Fortress back and forth, the Grizzly-Maw Furbolg will formally form an alliance with Quel'Thalas, oppressing Drakkari's army from two directions, forcing them to shrink their lines and retreat. Defend your own territory."


Sharlayan clicked heavily on the location of Dak'Saron Fortress on the map.

"For us, the strategic significance of Dak'Saron Fortress is also very important."

"I spent a lot of time trying to persuade the Dragon Clan to let us go through the Dragonbone Wilderness, just this one time."

"Only by pulling out this nail stuck in the supply line can we truly gain a foothold in Crystalsong Forest."


Cirvanas frowned and asked, "If you attack from the rear, you don't have to worry about the long-distance defense of the city. Has the Backlight Blade drawn a topographical map of the inside of the fortress?"

Sharlayan nodded, and took out a hand-drawn map from the space package.

"Only part of it was drawn. They didn't dare to enter the places that were too heavily guarded. At least they drew the shortest route to the altar of Salongya."

"Liadrin, in this battle, speed is very important. We must defeat Drakkari's western defense line in the shortest possible time, attack the Dak'Saron fortress as soon as possible, and indirectly disrupt the situation on the southern front."

"The thieves from Backlight Blade have scouted the inside of the fortress in advance. Except for the multi-layered stairs leading to the altar of Salongya, the terrain of the entire fortress is relatively flat, and the paladins can charge unimpeded in the lower floors."

"The Dawn Vanguard Legion will play an important role in this assault, and the assistance of the ranger troops cannot be ignored."

Sarlayan rolled up the map and handed it to Cirvanas, saying solemnly: "As I said, you need to climb a lot of stairs to get to the Salonga Altar."

"Liadrin will lead a few paladins to dismount and follow us up the stairs, but the main task of cleaning up the enemy soldiers along the way will still fall into the hands of the rangers."

"can you do it?"

Cirvanas is not someone who abolishes public affairs for personal reasons. Although she still feels dissatisfied with Sharlayan in her heart, she will not let her personal emotions influence her judgment when talking about such important military matters.

"Of course."

Cirvanas said decisively: "When climbing the stairs, my ranger will cover the large troops from harm and ensure that the assault team targeting Saronya will be sent to the altar."

Sharlayan's expression relaxed a bit: "Then I'll leave it to you."

"You guys are exhausted from the long journey. Let's take a good rest in the camp today. I will contact the Grizzly-Throated Furbolg first and make an appointment with them to attack at the same time tomorrow morning."

In Gudak, the capital of the Drakkari trolls, the throne hall is full of quarrels.

The high-level composition of the several giant troll empires is very similar. The warlords who control the military power and the priests who control the divine power have a higher status.

Although the three extroverted suzerain clans, Gurubashi, Drakalai, and Amani, are dissatisfied with Zandalado, who always likes to dictate, they have actually been learning Zandalar's advanced experience in all aspects.

Zandalari's decision-making hierarchy is made up of both the King and the Zanchuli Council.

However, unlike the dual government of Quel'Thalas, the appointment and removal of members of the Zanchuli Council are all decided by the king.

The so-called parliament is just a helper elected by the king to help him manage the country. Councilor Zanchuli does not have as much authority as Councilor Silver Moon.

The Zandalar political system has been used for tens of thousands of years, and there have been no major problems so far.

With mature experience ahead, other troll empires simply follow suit.

The high-ranking Drakkari in Gudak is also a similar political system. Malak, the Frost King, is in charge of the overall situation, and the Ice Council assists the king in governing.

The members of the Ice Council are composed of loa priests and warlords. Since they represent different interests, they often intrigue with each other.

Malak, the Frost King, used to watch the quarrels of the council as a good show, but now he is not in such a good mood.

Sladelan, the priest of Siletus, and the Warlord Zolmaz had a heated argument.

Zolmaz, who is in charge of military power, hopes that Sladelan will encourage the poisonous snake Loasiletus to go to the front line, and use its highly corrosive venom to impress those steel monsters.

Of course, Sladelan was unwilling to agree. The loa is the priests' greatest reliance, and most of the time the loa priests have to act according to the loa's will.

Unless... they have made up their minds to tear their faces apart and take Loa's power by force.

At least at this stage, Sladelan doesn't have this idea yet, and he doesn't want to see his own gods being used as tools of war without any reputation.

And it was unlikely that Siletus himself would agree.

The other loa priests are watching with cold but they are actually standing on Sladeland's side invisibly.

No one wants their Loa to become the next weapon of war. It is best that this kind of embarrassing thing has never been mentioned.

Members of the Ice Council jumped up and down and quarreled for a while, and Malak, who was already in a bad mood, finally stopped.

"Enough! The enemy is now, you still have the mind to shirk responsibility here!"

Malak looked at Sladeland with a sinking face: "We are now fighting on two fronts, and the front line is under great pressure."

"I don't care what method you use, send Siletus to me on the northern front, let him help us break through the Iron Legion's defenses, and force the masters behind them to come up with an explanation!"

"Everyone, Drakalai is now facing a difficult situation of fighting on two fronts. It's time for those Loa who have long accepted our worship to play a role!"

"What are you waiting for? Take action!"


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