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Chapter 442: Storm Peaks Raiders Plan

The Storm Peaks is one of the coldest areas in Northrend, not unlike Icecrown next door.

The Icecrown Glacier is not covered by vegetation and mountains. The extremely cold wind will make the whole body stiff, and the low temperature conducted from the glacier layer under the feet will further reduce the body temperature.

The terrain of the Storm Peaks is more complicated. There is a small snow-covered plain in the south bordering the Crystalsong Forest. In addition, the entire Storm Peaks are surrounded by majestic mountains.

Ulduar, the titan city, sits at the northernmost tip of the Storm Peaks, a majestic city that stands out against the backdrop of the mountains.

The giant temple dedicated to several titan guardians stands on the top of several mountains, and together with Ulduar, it constitutes a special style that is completely different from other areas in Northrend.

The Drakkari trolls and the Iron Legion are facing off in the mountains at the southeastern corner of the Storm Peaks.

Although Drakkari yelled fiercely, when facing the Iron Legion, they did not show the aggressiveness they had when fighting the furbolg.

Drakalai's intentions are quite obvious. They don't want to start a full-scale war with the Iron Legion, but they can't swallow the breath of being beheaded by a surprise attack, and want to ask these difficult steel monsters for an explanation.

The Iron Legion on the opposite side was also at a loss. They didn't understand at all why this group of defeated generals dared to come to the door to provoke, and they kept asking for an explanation.

This local skirmish did not reach the ears of Loken who was in Ulduar at the beginning, he was busy sowing the relationship between the Storm Guardian Thorim and the Ice Guardian Hodir.

Loken tricked Thorim into thinking that Hodir was the murderer of Sif through rhetoric.

Inside Ulduar, Guardian Mimiron was the first to fall.

Mimiron is the great inventor among the titan guardians.

Because of a sudden experimental "accident", his guardian body was blown up, and he had no choice but to live in the body of his own creation—the mechanical gnome.

Without the guardian body shaped by the titans himself, Mimiron's resistance to soul attacks was greatly reduced.

Bewitched by Loken, the leading party, Mimiron's mind was gradually bewitched by Yogg-Saron, and the original concept of neutrality and peace quietly found a deviation.

Before that "accident" happened, most of Mimiron's inventions were for civilian use, usually some interesting toys.

Under Yogg-Saron's secret control, the delirious Mimiron changed his mind and began to study various powerful weapons.

After Mimiron, Freya, Hodir and Thorim were successively plotted by Loken.

Hodir and Thorim were not in Ulduar at this time, they were sitting in the Temple of Storms and the Temple of Ice respectively, and their families were fighting in the Danny Fenlei Snowfield in the east of the Storm Cliff.

Malfurion had mentioned to Sharlayan before that Cenarius hadn't seen Freya, the guardian of life who had enlightened many demigods of the wilderness, for many years.

Based on this speculation, Freya was probably also killed by Loken.

Death is not that easy, and he should be trapped inside Ulduar just like Mimiron.

When Odin was imprisoned in the Hall of Valor and Raiden was missing, the only two guardians who were not affected by Loken were Tyre, who was in charge of justice, and Azadas, who had the power to shape.

In the turmoil of fleeing from Ulduar tens of thousands of years ago, in order to cover the retreat of Azadas and others, Tire and the two Xeraki sent by Yogg-Saron died together.

The place where Tyr fell gradually evolved into today's Tirisfal Forest in countless years of historical changes.

Tirisfal, the word means the fall of Tyr in the Titan language.

Azadas, the Guardian of the Earth, who was saved by Tyr at the cost of his life, returned to the battleground after the battle.

He endured his grief and built a majestic mausoleum for Tire, and then continued southward with his followers, hiding in the Uldaman underground palace in the south of ancient Kalimdor.

Due to Yogg-Saron's series of aggressive operations, the Forge of Will is close to shutting down, and the only remaining function is to provide energy for the Creator Engine, allowing Loken to storm troops with one click.

Sharlayan had known for a long time that if he wanted to solve Yogg-Saron, a big trouble lurking in Ulduar and threatening the Forge of Will, he had to cut off its agent, the traitor among the Guardians, Loken.

But Loken holds the Creator Engine in his hand, once he feels threatened, he can create a brand new steel army in a very short time.

Quel'Thalas can't stand this kind of war of attrition, and neither can the dragons.

Ever since the conclusive evidence of Loken's betrayal was learned from Odin, Wyrmrest Temple has been discussing how to deal with Loken's endless Iron Legion.

Valagar, the heroic warrior under Odin's command, is a good choice, but the seal of the Hall of Valor has not been completely lifted, and the other half of the seal happens to be held in Loken's hands.

Now Odin and Valarjar can only operate within the scope of the Broken Isles, unable to support Wyrmrest Temple's northern expedition to Ulduar, so they can only find another way.

The barrage gave some reference plans, one of which was to find the fog-shrouded Pandaria continent and dig out the Nalaksha engine that Raiden left there.

The functions of the Nalaksha Engine and the Creator Engine are basically the same. They correspond to the Furnace of Origin and the Furnace of Will respectively. The difference is only in the types of Titan creations produced by the two engines.

But Pandaria is hidden by the mists of the last pandaren emperor, and it is not easy to find the exact location.

In addition, the barrage also gives a second compromise alternative.

Unseal Uldaman and awaken Azadas, the guardian of the earth who sleeps in it.

Uldaman is also one of the facilities built by the Titans. Compared with Ulduar, which has the furnace of will, and Uldum, the furnace of origin, Uldaman is much smaller.

But this small underground palace has a very important function. It is the construction factory of the earthlings.

In the case of sufficient energy supply, in theory Uldaman can also have unlimited violence, but the speed of producing troops is not as fast as the two engines.

Sharlayan has made some plans for his future actions.

Pandaria is going to go sooner or later.

To enter Pandaria, Sharlayan needs to find their hometown, the Wandering Isle, through the pandaren who came to the mainland to travel.

The main body of the Wandering Isle is a giant turtle named Shen-zin Zi, who was the partner of Liu Lang, the great pandaren adventurer hundreds of years ago.

Liu Lang is the founder of The Wandering Isle. Shen-zin Zi has followed Liu Lang to and from Pandaria many times to recruit fellow adventurers. It was not until Liu Lang died of old age that she broke contact with Pandaria.

But the pandaren on the Wandering Isle are not easy to meet. With the passing of Liu Lang, the spirit of adventure left behind by him is declining from generation to generation.

Nowadays, fewer and fewer residents of the Wandering Isle are willing to embark on an adventurous journey.

Sharlayan had met a pandaren from the Wandering Isle who was traveling in Boralus Harbor in the early years, and he remembered that the other person's name was Meng Xia.

Unfortunately, since then, Salayan has never heard any news related to Meng Xia, perhaps she has returned to her hometown long ago.

Since no pandaren could be found, Sharlayan had to settle for the next best thing.

He intends to find a way to find the entrance of the Uldaman underground palace and wake up Azadas from the tens of thousands of years of sleep.

According to the barrage, the entrance to Uldaman is located in the barren land, where the copperbeard dwarves and the black iron dwarves compete, and small-scale conflicts often occur.

At this point in time, the cavemen sleeping underground have not spewed out on a large scale, Gnomeregan has not yet fallen, and the Explorers' Association established by the Bronzebeard dwarf prince Brian Bronzebeard has not yet discovered the existence of Uldaman.

After the work of Crystalsong Forest and the Elf Gathering is Sharlayan intends to go to Ironforge to inform Brian of the possible existence of Uldaman and encourage him to lead the dwarven explorers to the Barren Land. excavate ancient ruins.

Since the long confrontation between the Drakkari trolls and the Iron Legion on the northern front, Sharlayan has never let go of his surveillance of the two.

Yatra has been lurking near the northern battlefield. Once the situation changes, he will immediately pass the latest news to Sharlayan who sits in Crystalsong Forest.

On the night before the Grizzly-Maw Furbolg and the Quel'Thalas Northern Expedition were preparing for a full-scale counterattack, Sharlayan, who had already fallen asleep, was suddenly awakened from his sleep.

"My lord, there is an urgent military situation."

Sharlayan had long been used to being vigilant when he ventured out, and would not be completely relaxed even in deep sleep.

The call from outside the tent immediately awakened Sharlayan, who was sleeping in his clothes, stood up immediately, and opened the curtain to let Yatra, who was waiting outside, enter the tent.

Yatra handed over a piece of information with a solemn expression: "The Iron Army has taken the initiative to attack. According to the slogans they shouted on the battlefield, it is speculated that the master named Loken should have given them a direct order."

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