Live Streaming: Azeroth

Chapter 448: Quel'Sera's Ascension Conditions

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Although Sharlayan, who led the Northrend development plan, left his post early, the development process planned by him will continue as usual.

Considering that Northrend is not peaceful today, the reinforcements from the Northern Expedition did not return immediately.

Before the construction of New Sandara City is completed and the fortifications of Crystalsong Forest are completed, the Northern Expedition Army will continue to be temporarily commanded by Ranger General Sylvanas to prevent the neighbors around Crystalsong Forest from suddenly attacking.

Crystalsong Forest is surrounded by enemies on three sides, and Icecrown doesn't need to worry too much for the time being, as long as some Backlight Blade thieves are left to watch closely.

The ones to watch out for are Storm Peaks and Zul'Drak.

When Sharlayan and Stellagosa left Northrend, the war between the Drakkari trolls and the Iron Legion was still going on, but not as intensely as it had been in the beginning.

With the help of Siletus and Saronya, the Drakkari trolls won a complete victory in a partial battle, forcing the unsuspecting Iron Legion back from the battlefield for the first time.

Loken, who thought he could push smoothly, finally put away his casual attitude, and began to consider whether to waste time and resources on this group of annoying flesh and blood creatures.

From the standpoint of Quel'Thalas, Sharlayan hoped that Drakkari and the Iron Legion would continue to consume each other.

Find something for these two forces to do, so that they won't be free to play Quel'Thalas' crooked ideas.

If the situation of the battle is one-sided, it is also not in the interests of Quel'Thalas.

This rare victory was like timely rain for the Drakkari trolls, which greatly boosted the morale of the entire army and made them intuitively realize that the Iron Legion is not invincible.

The battle on the southern front is over, and Drakalai can deploy more troops to the northern front.

From an objective point of view, even if the Drakkari trolls come out in full force, they are not the opponents of the Iron Legion. The mass-produced Titan creations that can be manufactured on a large scale are like a dimensionality reduction blow to the mortal race.

Even if he can gain the upper hand on the battlefield for a while, as long as he can't cause devastating damage to the Iron Legion that is irreparable in a short period of time, Loken can quickly fill up the vacant soldiers.

There are many wise men among the Drakkari trolls. After being reminded by Sharlayan, they finally realized the essence of the Iron Legion.

After going through a difficult battle during this period, the goal Malak the Frost King wanted to ask for an explanation at the beginning has long since ceased to exist.

He began to recognize the reality, and reluctantly admitted that the Drakkari trolls were no match for the Iron Legion.

Malak's current goal has changed, as long as he can hold the front and maintain the status quo. Due to his lack of strength, the initiative on the battlefield has been handed over to the opponent.

There is a saying that goes well, there is no impenetrable wall in the world.

Loken is known as the King of Wisdom among the Titan Guardians, and intrigue is his strong point.

It was Loken who didn't pay attention to the war with the trolls before, he thought it would be easy to crush the enemy.

However, the development of the situation was somewhat different from Loken's prediction, and he began to really invest in the experience to understand the whole story of this conflict.

With Loken's ingenuity, sooner or later he will see that the Iron Legion has been framed.

Due to the domineering behavior of the Drakkari trolls in Northrend, there are many races that have conflicts with them, but there are not many races that have the motivation and strength to plan to frame them.

Once Loken personally intervenes in this matter, he will soon be able to target the high elves.

How the subsequent situation will change, Sharlayan is not sure now.

Perhaps the Drakkari trolls will still focus on the most threatening Iron Legion, or they may turn their heads to find soft persimmons, everything is still unknown.

Just in case, Sharlayan persuaded Kael'thas to temporarily leave the Magister Legion, Ranger Troop and Dawn Vanguard Legion in Crystalsong Forest.

The temporary lord of New Sandara is in place, and the inner city has been built, and the next thing to do is to populate Crystalsong Forest.

No matter how advanced the automation technology in Quel'Thalas, humans still need to operate it.

Encouraged by the tax incentives promulgated by Kael'thas, residents of Eversong Forest continued to sign up to join the immigration group, intending to start over in a new environment.

It was impossible for Cirvanas to stay in Crystalsong Forest all the time, she planned to select some recruits from among the immigrants to join the Ranger Troop for rigorous training.

These recruits will serve as the main force to defend Crystalsong Forest in the future, and use their own hands to guard this new homeland.

In addition to the Drakkari trolls and the Iron Legion, Sylvanas also received a disturbing intelligence.

The Howling Fjord has seen some changes recently, not from the dragon-plundering vrykul, but from the nerubians that have emerged from the ground in large numbers.

Cirvanas wasn't sure what these worms were going to do, so she made an agreement with the Kul Tiras general guarding Valgard, whichever side would discover the worm's further movements first, and immediately share the news with the other.

Sarlayan's affairs in Northrend have temporarily come to an end. Before the situation changes, he will not always focus on the Arctic Continent. There are still many things waiting for him to complete one by one.

Most of the blue dragons in Bluewing Roost have moved away, and it's not so much a habitat as it is now a blue dragon outpost in the Broken Isles.

Sharlayan and Stellagosa glanced briefly, and there was no acquaintance in the habitat...and no familiar dragon.

The two people, who were not interested, did not stay long in the blue-wing habitat that had become a little strange. After saying goodbye to the blue dragon that stayed in the habitat, Stellagosa changed back to the dragon form and drove Sharlayan all the way to Val Sarah flies.

Due to the many chores in Northrend that delayed a lot of time, when Sharlayan and the two arrived in the Dreamgrove, representatives of all elves had already gathered here.

After more than a year of hard work, Talisa's reforms in Suramar have begun to bear fruit, and she can finally take some time to relax.

This time, the participating representative of the Son of Night is the Chief Arcanist.

Talisa's appearance looks thinner than last time, but her mental state is still very good. At the moment, she is smiling and exchanging experiences with Fadore's representative, Cambot.

Syndra's representative was not Thalerville, but another acquaintance of Sharlayan, who entrusted Quel'sera, the upper dragon-forged blade, to his Ledros.

Due to the replacement of the higher-quality artifact Valagall, Quel'sera was handed over to Valeera by Sharlayan, and Ledros had also heard about it.

Ledros doesn't care who the user of Quel'Sera is, he is a scholar, and it would be a good thing to collect more different types of usage data through Quel'Sera.

The conference has not yet started, and the night elves, who are the organizers, are still busy making final preparations.

There was nothing left or right, so Sharlayan simply sat down and chatted with Ledros.


Salayan was a little surprised when he heard the word from Ledros.

"You mean, Quel Serra can evolve again?"

" Ledros said with great interest: "Remember? I have said before that the upper-level dragon-forged blade is a spiritual weapon, possessing some of the characteristics of a divine weapon. "

"I have studied the usage data of you and Miss Sangunar in detail. In the hands of different masters, Quel Sera has improved to varying degrees."

"If I can find the right materials and a skilled blacksmith, I'm sure I can sublimate Quel'sera into a true artifact."

"Materials and blacksmiths..."

Sharlayan said thoughtfully: "I have a good candidate for a blacksmith, but I don't know if I can ask him to do it. In terms of materials, what are the specific needs?"

Ledros was prepared for this question and answered it without hesitation.

"Basically the same material used by the Dragon Clan to forge Quel'Sera."

"Aojin, real silver, and most importantly, dragon's blood and dragon's breath."

"In addition, in order to give Quel'sera more spirituality, I also need a material that is difficult to find in Azeroth, a special steel that can transmit the will of the soul...let's call it soul steel."

"Soul steel?"

Sharlayan raised his eyebrows, and a lot of question marks floated across the barrage.

【What is soul steel? Does Azeroth have this metal? 】

[It is said that Ledros created his own name, so there should be no official scientific name yet. 】

[I have heard of Soul Steel, but not in the worldview of Azeroth. 】

Finding that the barrage doesn't know what soul steel is, Salayan asked curiously: "Au gold and real silver are easy to talk about. Although they are more precious, money is just a number to me."

"Dragon's blood and dragon's breath are fine. At worst, I'll go into battle myself, but...where should I find the soul steel you mentioned."

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