Live Streaming: Azeroth

Chapter 449: Don't suffer from scarcity but from inequality

"Live: Azeroth (

While fighting the Kvaldir in Azsuna, Sharlayan was lucky enough to capture the Valarjar sword from Vigfors Bladewind.

After a long period of running-in, Sharlayan was basically recognized by the Valagar War Sword, and he was only short of the final touch to turn it into his own weapon, changing its shape at will.

As the most valued granddaughter of Senegos, the little princess of Blue Wing Habitat who has attracted much attention, Stellagosa has never been short of good weapons. The Meteor Staff in her hand is an artifact that Danmaku has never heard of.

Although the artifacts of Azeroth are not Chinese cabbage, they are definitely not the only ones known by the barrage.

In the human kingdom, there are many entertainment novels describing heroes slaying dragons. In many novels, giant dragons are described as greedy species, who like to sleep on piles of gold coins, waiting for powerful human adventurers to come and slay dragons for treasure.

Is this really the case?

According to the information obtained by Sarlayan and Stellagosa, the rumors of the dragon clan's greed for money are not entirely true, but they are not groundless either.

Red dragons, green dragons, bronze dragons, and black dragons do not have the habit of collecting treasures. Humans' inherent impression of dragons being greedy for money actually comes from blue dragons.

Blue dragons are not greedy for money. Their purpose of collecting treasures is to use these treasures to explore the history and knowledge of the past.

Although Stellagosa doesn't know it herself, she heard from her grandfather when she was a child that the blue dragons have a special spell that can trace back the history carried on ancient objects, so as to obtain more ancient knowledge left behind.

The blue dragon is the master of the arcane, including the dragon king Malygos, there are many scholar-type people in the clan who are thirsty for knowledge.

In order to learn more about the ancient deeds before the birth of the guardian dragon, the blue dragon has always had the habit of collecting ancient cultural relics.

The Meteor Staff in Stellagosa's hand is an ancient artifact left over from the Dark Empire period.

Senegos developed a whole system of spells through this staff, which he named Gravity Spells.

Gravity spell is essentially one of the special ways of using arcane magic. After being improved by Senegos, it was passed on to the talented Stellagosa, and gradually flourished in her hands.

Among the three people who often stick together, only Valeera does not have an artifact, and she has always been worried about it.

There is a good saying, don't worry about scarcity but inequality.

However, the barrage can't help in this matter, because the three thieves artifacts they know are not easy to get now.

One was in the hands of Garona, the orc legendary thief, and the other two were from the Burning Legion.

There are several one-handed swords and daggers in the royal treasury of Quel'Thalas, and Sharlayan should be able to get one of them from him based on the friendship between Sharlayan and Kael'thas.

However, most of the swords and daggers collected by the royal family are magical weapons used by spellcasters, which are not suitable for Valli. Pull a taller one-handed sword or dagger.

Valeera is used to using Quel'sera, which can change its shape freely. If Quel'sera can be sublimated into a divine weapon, it will save her the time to get familiar with the new weapon and display the power of the divine weapon as quickly as possible.

Don't think that Sharlayan is being hypocritical. As an artifact owner, he is more aware of the difficulty of getting familiar with a new artifact than others.

Although the other materials needed by Ledros are precious, they are not difficult to obtain given Sharlayan's financial resources and status.

What gave him the most headache was the soul steel that he had never heard of.

"Hmm..." Ledros scratched his head and explained, "Soul Steel is my own name, so it should exist theoretically."

"Theoretically?" Sarlayan looked at Ledros in a daze: "I've been talking about feelings for a long time, is this just your imagination?"

"No no no."

Ledros hurriedly waved his hand: "I have read the books you brought back from the **** of death, Roabang Sandy, and there is indeed a special steel material that can transmit souls, but it is difficult to obtain the material in Azeroth. The world found."

"Bwonsamdi, soul..."

Sharlayan rubbed his chin thoughtfully, and stared at the embarrassing Ledros with an unfriendly expression: "You don't want me, a living person, to go to the Shadow Realm to gather wool? I think I live too long gone?"

According to the barrage, in the future of the original history, a rift was torn between Azeroth and the Shadow Realm, which allowed the footman (player) to enter the Shadow Realm with a physical body for the first time.

Under normal circumstances, only the souls of the dead can go to this kingdom of the dead, and there is only one way for the living to enter—the soul leaves the body, and there is no guarantee that they can return.

"This..." Ledros smiled awkwardly: "That's why I said it was just a theory."

Sharlayan waved his hand angrily: "It's better to listen to what you have to say, and what you say is like not saying anything."

"If you want to get the soul steel you are talking about, maybe you can only entrust Bwonsamdi to go to the Shadow Realm."

"Unfortunately, Bwonsamdi doesn't know where he has been recently, and he can't be contacted at all. This plan can only be put on hold for the time being."

Ledros nodded understandingly: "There's no rush, you can't be in a hurry anyway, you should focus on business first."

Although Ledros made a move, Sharlayan at least knew a way to sublimate Quel'sera into a divine weapon, but the conditions were difficult to achieve.

There were still a few days before the start of the conference. The restless Sharlayan didn't want to wait foolishly in Val'sharah. He and Stellagosa went to visit old friends in Highmountain, Azsuna, and Suramar successively.

The urban landscape of Suramar has indeed undergone some changes. The previous lazy atmosphere has obviously faded, and the people in the city have more expectations for the future, and the whole city appears more dynamic.

The Azsuna area is still basically the same. With the retreat of the Naga under Azshara, the night watchman headed by Prince Farondis has maintained a flat daily life, waiting patiently for Bwonsamdi to decipher the secrets on them after thorough research. curse.

According to Farodis, the naga queen Azshara kept her promise, and from the day the agreement was reached, there was no more naga on the coastline of Azsuna.

The Highmountain tauren are still developing steadily under the leadership of the new warchief Ulan Gaoling.

Onyxia and Abyssian teamed up to eliminate the great demon lurking in Highmountain, and the biggest external hidden danger of the Highmountain tauren was removed.

But this does not mean that they can sit back and relax from now on.

People without thought, he must worry about.

The warlike Blood Totem clan often makes Ulan feel headaches. As the clan with the strongest fighting power among the Gaoling tribes, and also the most trouble-loving clan, members of the Blood Totem will feel uncomfortable if they don't fight for a day.

Ulan intends to ease the relationship between the Gaoling tribe and drogbar, but the blood totem is desperately holding back, not only failing to close the relationship with drogbar, but also causing the existing differences between the two parties to become more serious. It's getting serious.

Sharlayan speculated that there will be a battle between the Highmountain tribe and the drogbar after all, and that battle will completely determine the ownership of Highmountain, a duel between you and me.

Although the area of ​​High Mountain is vast, due to the towering mountains, there are not many areas that are really suitable for living, and there is no room for two races who want to grow.

When he went to Thunder Totem to visit his old friend Ulan, Sharlayan secretly mentioned something to him, suggesting that he solve the internal problems of the Gaoling tribe as soon as possible, and not be led by the nose by the blood totem that goes his own way.

Judging from Ulan's deep eyes at the time, he obviously listened to it, and indeed had a similar plan for a long Any leader of a race can't tolerate his subordinates repeatedly disobeying orders and arbitrarily making claims. If it continues for a long time, it will inevitably have a serious impact on the prestige of the leader.

But this is the internal affairs of other clans after all, Salayan doesn't want to give more pointers, but just mentions it veiledly as a friend, it depends on Ulan himself whether he can listen to it or not.

Before returning to the Dreamgrove, Sharlayan fulfilled the promise he made in Northrend, and took Valeera to the plateau lake in the west of Highmountain, and carefully cleaned her scales.

Judging from Stellagosa's half-closed eyes, he was obviously very satisfied with Salayan's special service, and was so happy that he was about to fall asleep.

Little Tina naively thought that some charming things would happen when Sarlayan helped her sister take a bath, but the little guy obviously thought too much.

Sharlayan admits that everyone's XP is free, but at least he can't "Sha" against a dragon himself.

This was caused by Sarlayan's aesthetics since he was a child. If he had been living in an environment surrounded by dragons, he might not be breathing well by now.

But there are not so many ifs in this world. The growth experience determines the three views. Salayan can say responsibly that he is only interested in humanoid beauties, and they must be good-looking.

[It can be said that it is real in the world. 】

【Not good, looking at Stella Gosa's jade body, why do I feel... a little excited? 】

[? ? ? 】

[Mom! Dude in front, be normal, I'm afraid. 】

[Even some people like such a wonderful thing as Fu Rui, what a dragon is. 】

【how? Has Fu Ruikong eaten your rice? I like Fury what's none of your business! 】

【Everyone's xp is free, it's really a wise saying...】

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