Live Streaming: Azeroth

Chapter 450: Malfurion's Proposal

"Live: Azeroth (

Having had a rare few days of rest, Sharlayan and Stellagosa took a good rest, and returned to the Dreamgrove in Val'sharah after touring the Broken Isles.

As the host of the conference, several leaders of the night elves finally came to the scene in person.

When Sharlayan and Stellagosa returned to the Dreamgrove, they immediately saw Maiev and Tyrande, who were staring at each other and competing to wink first.


Sharlayan didn't complain to the bullet screen in his heart, but said it in a "whispered voice".



The intervention of a third-party force finally allowed Tyrande and Maiev to end their boring stares at each other, and turned their anger on to the person who spoke.

Facing the sharp "murderous look" in their eyes, Sharlayan shrugged with a nonchalant smile.

"Okay, two, don't stand in the middle of the gate. If you two don't move away, how can the meeting start?"

Sharlayan observed what was going on after a little observation of the scene.

Tyrande and Maiev each stepped forward with one foot and stood in front of the door of the conference hall. Both turned their heads and glared at each other angrily. They obviously wanted to enter the venue first, but they were deadlocked because they refused to give in.

On the other side of the gate, representatives of various ethnic groups, including Calpurnia, were blocked at the door, watching helplessly as the two strong women played a "game" where whoever blinked first would lose.

Malfurion and Jarod stood inside the door with embarrassing faces, wanting to speak out to persuade them but didn't know where to start, in case their girlfriend (old sister) thought they were turning their elbows outward... Instead, the problem will get worse.

At this time, there must be a foolish and bold (strike out)... courageous person to stand up and act as a third party to break the weird tacit understanding between the two.

Jarod returned to Mount Hyjal only after Sharlayan persuaded him. Coupled with the previous experience of working together to kill Xavius, Maiev has always been grateful and kind to Sharlayan.

Seeing that the person who spoke was Salayan, the fierce look in the watchman leader's eyes gradually faded, and he nodded politely to Salayan.

Tyrande has no relationship with Salayan, but she has a good relationship with Inas, and Ai Wu Ji Wu Xia is more tolerant towards Salayan.

Tyrande was not stupid. When she came back to her senses and saw the representatives of various countries who were blocked outside the door, she finally realized the impact of her impulsive behavior.

Politicians are thick-skinned, even if they know they have done something wrong, they don't blush so easily.

Tyrande felt a little ashamed in her heart, but she remained calm, instead she smiled and stretched out her hand to signal the door.

"Sorry for wasting everyone's time, please come in."

Seeing the representatives from various countries entering the venue in an orderly manner, Malfurion and Jarod breathed a sigh of relief at the same time, and both gave Sharlayan a grateful look.

Sharlayan smiled at them indifferently, and followed Calpurnia into the venue as a member of the Quel'Thalas delegation.

Judging from the attitude of Tyrande and Maiev still not giving in to each other, during the period before the conference, their relationship has not eased at all, and it is still the point of the needle.

Nominally, Tyrande and Malfurion are the leaders of all night elves, but due to the anarchic and strange group of night elves after the War of the Ancients, the two cannot stand firm as leaders legally.

It was precisely because of this that Maiev dared to anger Tyrande face to face, and she also won the support of many clansmen who had already been disappointed in Tyrande.

This time the night elves convened a gathering of various elf branch races to fundamentally resolve the political crisis that the night elves are facing today, formally establish a brand new country, and elect a legally recognized national leader.

No matter who the leader's position will eventually fall to, on the premise that the leader holds the highest power, at least it can avoid the situation where Maiev and Tyrande don't give priority to each other and don't give in to each other.

Fandral Staghelmet was accidentally inspired by Sharlayan when he went to Quel'Thalas last time, and he conveyed Sharlayan's relevant suggestions to Malfurion.

Malfurion himself is not interested in power. From an emotional point of view, he still hopes that the authority of the race leader can be in the hands of Tyrande.

But from a rational point of view, Malfurion also knew that Tyrande was not a qualified leader.

The question is, to whom should the position of leader be handed over?


In terms of ability and qualifications, Maiev is undoubtedly qualified.

But considering the current situation of incompatibility between Maiev and Tyrande, once Maiev comes to power, Tyrande's fate will definitely not be too good.

Maybe he will be completely expelled from the decision-making level, retaining only the false title of high priest of the moon god, and will no longer be able to hold any real power.

Tyrande is a typical person who is addicted to vegetables, and she cannot accept being expelled from the decision-making level. She will probably rise up to resist, which will lead to the outbreak of the night elves' civil war.

Apart from Maiev, who else can the night elves, who have been complacent for many years, come up with?


Forget it, it is very suitable for Garrod to be a military leader, but with his good-natured character, being a racial leader may not be fooled by old foxes from other countries to give up national interests every minute.

Staghelmet's qualifications and ability are also qualified, but many people are still worried about his frizzy personality, and someone must be around to hold the rope to restrain him.

Since no one person has the ability to monopolize power, the best way is to form a parliament as Sarlayan said, and decide whether a policy can be passed by voting.

This method of voting to determine national policy is not perfect. Once some members of parliament vote with their butts in groups, it is likely to mess up national policy.

Therefore, at this time, a person with prestige who can suppress all factions and ensure a smooth bowl of water is needed to serve as the speaker.

This man was undoubtedly Malfurion.

It is true that Archdruid Malfurion often unconsciously favors Tyrande, but that is in trivial matters.

In terms of major matters, if Tyrande still wants to mess around, Malfurion will not spoil her.

Malfurion would not refute Tyrande's decision face to face, but would only quietly analyze the possible consequences of her decision to Tyrande to know.

In Sharlayan's view, if it wasn't because of his own personality that he was not strong enough to govern, Malfurion could have taken over the power.

Malfurion is self-aware, he knows that he is not the material to be the leader, at least he cannot decide the future of the race alone, and needs someone to assist him.

In this case, a democratic parliamentary system is the most suitable form of government for night elves, with a speaker in charge of the general direction and other members of parliament to assist.

Most of the elven polities present, including Quel'Thalas, have parliaments...or once had parliaments.

The Fal'Dorei is held supreme by the Spider Queen, and Cambot and several other nobles serve as the Spider Queen's advisors, existing in a form similar to a parliament.

The same goes for Suramar.

Not to mention Syndra, the purpose of the establishment of the earliest Syndra Scholars Organization was to limit Prince Torsedrin's plan to monopolize power.

This system has been maintained for nearly 9,000 years. It was not until the demon Immortar's energy absorption problem occurred that the half-mad Torsedrin took advantage of the problem to take back the right to the outside world with the help of the murderous power of the civilians.

Today Elesalas still stands in the jungle of Feralas, but the Syndra regime led by Torsedrin has long been torn apart.

The remaining Sindra scholars took the initiative to give up the dilapidated and moved their family to the new country established by their distant relative Quel'dorei.

Representatives of various ethnic groups expressed their opinions, and told the pros and cons of the parliamentary system from their own perspectives.

Malfurion and the others listened carefully to the opinions from all parties. With the democratic election system proposed by Sharlayan as a foundation, these night elves' high-level leaders gradually had a clear answer in their hearts.

It was rare to call relatives together, and Malfurion, who had basically made up his mind, didn't keep chatting about the night elves' affairs.

No matter how bad Tyrande is, the night elves have indeed been working hard to protect Azeroth in the post-War of the Ancients era.

Among the various branch races of the elves, the night elves have the largest territory and the largest number of citizens, and naturally have the largest voice.

Below the night elves is Quel'Thalas. Fal'dorei and Shal'dorei can only be regarded as city-states. Syndra has long been attached to Quel'Thalas. After 1-2 generations, it will completely become Quel'Thalas. A member of Eldore.

"As you all know."

Malfurion looked at the representatives of the participating countries with a serious expression: "Because of the orc invasion three years ago, Azeroth was once again targeted by the Burning Legion, and demon spies have quietly sneaked into Azeroth. every corner of the

"With the opportunity of this conference, I hope that everyone present can represent their countries and ethnic groups to cooperate with the night elves to jointly establish an intelligence alliance and ensure the rapid transmission of information."

‘Information…? '

Sharlayan narrowed his eyes slightly, and when the others were silent, he nodded to Calpurnia who turned her head to ask for her opinion.

‘No matter what the purpose of the night elves is, in this world with underdeveloped communications, there is indeed a need for an intelligence alliance to exist. '

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