Live Streaming: Azeroth

Chapter 451: Big fist is the last word

"Live: Azeroth (

The purpose of the night elves is actually not difficult to guess.

In holding this elf gathering, apart from seeking the wisdom of the public on the surface, there should be a secret meaning of consolidating the influence of the night elves.

Regardless of whether other elves are willing to admit it or not, at this point in time, the night elves are undoubtedly the strongest of all elf races, or even none.

Strictly speaking, all existing branches of elves are derived from night elves.

Since the dark trolls received the blessing of the Well of Eternity and evolved, the term "Night Elf" has represented the entire elf race.

Sharlayan also said before that the so-called high elves are not a race, but represent the upper class of the night elves.

The night elves have inherited most of the legacy of the ancient night empire, and their population and comprehensive national strength are unparalleled in all of Azeroth.

Even though the Kingdom of Lordaeron was in its heyday a few years ago, compared with the night elves who occupied most of the Kalimdor continent, it was no different from the light of fireflies and the brilliance of the bright moon.

When the countries of the Alliance are most united, they may be able to form a bond with the night elves to break their wrists.

In the original history mentioned in the barrage, the night elves gradually stepped down from the altar after the decisive battle with Archimonde on Mount Hyjal.

Today's night elves sit on the world tree Nordrassil and have the blessings of the three dragon kings. They are immune to all diseases and are immortal.

Although they are still called mortals, the survival form of the night elves has half-stepped into an extraordinary realm.

The night elves are tall and strong, and their physical fitness is not inferior to the violent orcs.

After banning the in-depth study of the arcane and driving away all the Highborne, the Druid sect replaced it, making up for the night elves' lack of spellcasters.

But the Highborne are more than just powerful spellcasters.

The upper elves who have been in high positions for a long time have received family education in overall management since they were young. This is important knowledge that is difficult for night elves to come into contact with.

Both Malfurion and Tyrande were born in commoner families. Although they possess great personal strength, they have never received systematic education in governing. They lack experience and lack relevant abilities.

The lessons learned from the past are still vivid, and the night elves after the catastrophe have unspeakable fear of a few people taking power, and they worry that they will once again cultivate an Azshara-style dictatorial leader.

The superposition of several factors finally led to the night elves maintaining a loose anarchist regime for tens of thousands of years. This is also the most troublesome problem for Malfurion and others today.

However, the problems in the national system did not greatly affect the national strength of the night elves. At most, they stopped their progress and gave other races a chance to catch up slowly.

Feeling the sense of urgency, Malfurion realized that he could no longer herd sheep like this.

With the help of this gathering of elves, on the one hand, he wanted to use the wisdom of his relatives to shape a new political system suitable for the night elves, and on the other hand, he wanted to show his muscles and show that the night elves were still strong.

Sharlayan had thought about competing for dominance with the night elves who had serious internal differences at the conference, but after discussing carefully with Kael'thas for a while, he reluctantly gave up this idea.

Without him, the strength is insufficient.

In the final analysis, in the exchanges between countries, national strength is the core competitiveness.

Even though the influence of the night elves has declined due to infighting, a lean camel is still bigger than a horse.

At least at this stage, Quel'Thalas' national strength is not enough to compete with the night elves.

Sharlayan could see the meaning behind Malfurion's proposal to establish an intelligence alliance, which was to allow the night elves to have the highest voice as the "big patriarch" in the big family composed of all elves.

However, the tragedy is that the most influential bigwigs of the night elves have their own shortcomings. Only Malfurion, who pursues the middle way, can barely be regarded as a bucket of development, and has no particularly big shortcomings.

But excluding the problem of ability, Malfurion's character problem is not small.

He feared, to put it more clearly, being too lenient with Tyrande.

Sharlayan has no objection to Malfurion's taking power, he just doesn't want an "overlord" who is addicted to vegetables to be behind this intelligence alliance formed by various elves.

While the other representatives were still bowing their heads in thought, Sarlayan raised his own questions without hesitation.

"Master Stormrage, who will lead the intelligence alliance you mentioned?"

Sharlayan's eyes drifted slightly to where Tyrande was, and Malfurion immediately understood what he meant.


Sighing silently in his heart, Malfurion was also very troubled by his girlfriend's poor ability to govern, but she still likes to hold on to power.

Forced to ignore Tyrande's wistful gaze, Malfurion turned to his favorite apprentice, Fandral Staghelm.

"I propose that Archdruid Fandral Staghelmet be the host, and coordinate and distribute the latest information submitted by all parties."

‘Stag helmet, it’s not bad. '

Sharlayan glanced at Staghelm who was surprised. It seemed that he also thought that Malfurion would nominate Tyrande.

After receiving Sharlayan's gaze, Calpurnia, representing Quel'Thalas, smiled and agreed: "Quel'dorei has no objection, but considering Master Staghelmet's fiery temper, it's best to give He is accompanied by a calm and cautious deputy."

Malfurion understood what Calpurnia meant, and reciprocated and asked: "Good suggestion, who does Ms. Calpuronia think is more suitable?"

Calpurnia looked at Sharlayan, but the other party shook her head to indicate that she was not interested.

Sighing slightly, Calpurnia still kept a friendly smile on her face.

"Master Staghelm is destined to join the upcoming Dark Night Council. In this case, Quel'Thalas must also come up with someone of the same level."

"I recommend that Silvermoon Councilor, Great Astrologist Solanlian, assist Master Staghelmet."

Kaldorei, Quel'dorei, Shaldorei, Fadorei, and Syndra, among the five existing branches of the elves, Kaldorei and Quel'dorei undoubtedly occupy the most influence.

Under the discussion of various tribes, a new organization named Covenant of Elves was established, with Fandral Staghelmet and Solanlian serving as the chief and deputy of the organization respectively. Under these two people, there are many middle-level officials who support the organization .

After many days of discussions among various ethnic groups, the first meeting after the founding of the Elven Covenant ended successfully.

On the last day of the meeting, Malfurion officially announced that the night elves had established a unified country and named it the Night Elf Democratic Republic, or the Night Republic for short.

The new Night Republic has no king to rule, and the newly formed Night Council dominates the regime.

Malfurion Stormrage is the long-awaited speaker of the Night Council.

Several members from the speaker down have their own division of labor.

Tyrande Whisperwind, High Priest of the Moon Goddess, is in charge of the Sisterhood of Elune as always.

Jarod Shadowsong has been elected Grand Marshal to command the Republic's armies, and his sister, Maiev Shadowsong the Watcher, will be in charge of the judicial system.

Fandral Buckhelm is mainly responsible for intelligence work.

But in addition to managing the many intelligences obtained from the Covenant of Elf, he also needs to learn advanced experience from the covenant countries for a long time, and plan the various reform plans of the Republic as a whole.

That's right, reform.

Just as Suramar and Quel'Thalas actively invested in reforms, the night elves also felt the drastic changes of the times. Certain old policies were no longer suitable for the current new era and had to be changed.

But the night elves have been complacent for many years, and if they take a big step rashly, they will inevitably fall into can only learn from the mature experience of other countries, and then put it into practice after a safe localization transformation.

The work in this area is entrusted to Fandral Buckhelm, who is the most energetic and flexible.

For this reason, he was dubbed the head of the National Development and Reform Commission by barrage jokes.

Considering that the burden on Staghelmet's shoulders is getting heavier and heavier, after the internal discussions of the Cenarion Council, and with the consent of Staghelmet himself, Malfurion handed over the real power of managing all druids to the Druid Ruirenza Greathoof.

Staghelmet and Malfurion will still be named in the Cenarion Council, but they will no longer participate in daily management and concentrate on their respective tasks.

Ten thousand years have passed since the disintegration of the Night Empire, and the night elves, who have been standing still, finally started again.

The establishment of the Night Republic caused waves throughout Azeroth. The heads of state tentatively sent representatives to Kalimdor in an attempt to formally establish diplomatic relations with the new Night Republic.

Subsequent developments have nothing to do with Sharlayan, and the diplomatic work will be handed over to Calpurnia.

Suddenly shouldering the important task of reforming the country's policies, the staghelmet, who had always been fearless, was a little nervous, and wanted to drag Salayan to seek advice.

In desperation, Sharlayan could only suspend the plan of returning to the country, answering the hundred thousand whys of the deer helmet one by one, explaining to him what reform is and why it should be reformed.

After finally getting rid of the entanglement of the deer helmet, just after being sent back to Eversong Forest through the dream channel, Sharlayan immediately heard bad news from Valeera who rushed over at the first time.

"The situation in Northrend has changed. The Drakkari trolls and the Iron Legion suddenly reached a peace agreement, and they coincidentally turned their target to the still-under-construction Crystalsong Forest."

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