Now FPX, excluding Xiaotian and crocodile from the four, the rest of rez and EZ can easily kill the Dragon if they leave one to help Xiaotian fight the dragon.

It can be said that when FPX decided to fight the dragon, the only one who threatened them was Xiao GE's blind monk. As long as they don't let Xiao Ge finish the fight for the dragon, they promise to win the dragon. The best way to stop Xiao Ge from robbing the dragon is not to let him enter the Dragon pit.

They have enough dragon fighters now, so there's no need for Xiaotian and Xiaoge to fight for punishment. In order to be safe, they just don't let Xiaoge enter the Dragon pit. The only person who can stop Xiao Ge is doinb or gimgoon.

Xiaotian, as a Dage, can't get out of Longkeng. If Lin Weixiang's EZ goes out to stop Xiao Ge, he will be killed by Xiao GE's light speed. So it's better for doinb and gimgoon to go out. They can fight and control.

When Xiao Ge pokes his eyes into the Dragon pit, doinb flashes up from the Dragon pit without hesitation. Just now, IG made a big mistake and was caught by FPX. Before that, Ig had completely grasped the initiative of the field.

Because Ig controlled the situation just now, the vision of Dalong district was completely controlled by them. Just now in xiaolongkeng, there was another round of game between the two sides. The process of the game was a battle of vision, and everyone's eyes had been used for a circle.

In addition, rookie was replaced by Liu Qingsong a second ago. Without assistance, FPX's field of vision is even less. So when FPX moved the dragon, the four of them had only two real eyes, one scanning eye, one searcheye and two yellow ornaments.

One of the two real eyes is used to row the view of dalongkeng, and the other is used to control the view at the entrance of dalongkeng. Only one of the remaining two yellow ornaments is available, and the other is in CD state. The available yellow ornaments are used to control the view above dalongkeng.

The problem of vision is a hidden danger that FPX is aware of, but on the whole, it is enough. When rookie and Baolan were wrapped up, Xiao Ge decided to "collapse and sell". At that time, he knew that FPX would definitely fight dragon, and he also knew that he had to try to rob dragon.

So Xiao Ge immediately went home, quickly added two true eyes, and then went to dalongkeng. Xiao GE's route into dalongkeng was from the upper road, directly bypassing the triangular grass on the upper road and looking into the dalongkeng.

Before that, doinb had been standing on the back of the dragon. When waiting for Xiaoge to appear, a rune will directly imprison (W) Xiaoge, and then everyone will lose Xiaoge regardless of everything, and it will never happen again.

But Xiao GE's eye is on the side of dalongkeng near the road. There is no FPX vision in the triangular grass of the river on the road, and it is just outside the range of doinb skill. It can only be said that Xiao Ge is lucky enough at this moment, otherwise he will be killed.

But I can't avoid the first day of junior high school. Donb didn't control Xiaoge for the first time, but he knew that they almost won the game when he got the dragon. So Donb didn't save his skills, so he just flashed out of the Dragon pit to prepare for Xiaoge.

But he just flashed out of the Dragon pit, and Xiao Ge suddenly went back to the triangular grass on the road. Doinb wanted to stop Xiaoge directly, and then other people came up to make up for the damage, regardless of the direct seconds to drop Xiaoge, but suddenly lost Xiaoge's vision.

Of course, Xiao Ge can understand doinb's intention. He also knows that when he passes through the triangular grass, no one pays attention to him, which means that FPX has no vision in the triangular grass. So he didn't hesitate to avoid doinb's W.

At the same time, with the help of Xiao GE's real eyes in the Dragon pit, Xiao Ge sees that the dragon's blood is still about one-third. He also sees gimgoon's crocodile drill out of the Dragon pit with an E. he knows that Xiao Tian and Lin Weixiang stop fighting against the Dragon at the same time and begin to row Xiao GE's real eyes.

All this is in Xiao GE's expectation. He knew FPX would stop him from entering the Dragon pit. If they need to, they will even send two people to stop themselves. They must be doinb and gimgoon.

And if Xiao Ge wants to finish the Dragon snatching, he must not eat any control, otherwise FPX will lose himself regardless of everything. Now, for the first time, he dodged doinb's W, but another big crocodile came.

These two men are fully capable of driving Xiao Ge away, while Xiaotian and Lin Weixiang are not busy fighting Dalong. They first put Xiao Ge out of sight in the Dragon pit, and then they can win Dalong without threat.

But is there really no threat? Does it mean that only Xiao Ge can threaten them? Does it mean that as long as there is no Xiao Ge to rob the dragon, they will be able to win the Dragon safely?

No! Of course not! Because now Ig is not only Xiao Ge on the court! Theshy's vampires are alive!

"Brother shy! It's your turn to play, kill people

Seeing that gimgoon and doinb are all chasing after him, Xiao Ge is not flustered at all, but calls out the name of theshy. Then, just squatting at the entrance of the blue buff, theshy went straight to dalongkeng.Just now, Xiaotian and Lin Weixiang, who thought they could take the Dragon safely, suddenly saw that theshy came running fiercely and threw his moves into the Dragon pit. Then the blood pool hid Xiaotian and formed a cocoon. At the same time, there was a tide of blood (E). Xiaotian and Lin Weixiang immediately seemed to see a ghost.

“Gimgoon,Gimgoon! Come back here, vampire, vampire, manger! TMD forgot that the vampire is still alive! "

In the chaos, gimgoon can't tell who is crying, but after seeing theshy rush into the Dragon pit, he knows that he can't watch Xiaoge outside the Dragon pit, because now theshy is fully capable of 1V2.

"Gimgoon, you go back, I can hold little K myself!" At the time of the crisis, doinb gave clear instructions, and he himself had walked into the triangular grass, looking at the very difficult guy not far away, with high concentration.

After getting doinb's instructions, gimgoon quickly flashed back to the Dragon pit, and then began to help Zhu Xiaotian and Lin Weixiang deal with the shy. The situation is completely different with the approach of theshy. Together, FPX is not so stable.

Because theshy just stares at Xiaotian. As long as you lose Xiaotian in seconds, FPX won't fight wild. At that time, it was much easier for Xiaoge to fight for the dragon. But the problem is that Xiaotian still has a flying Apsaras that can delay time, and theshy is not good enough to kill him directly.

As a result, the whole situation becomes that gimgoon outputs theshy in dalongkeng, Lin Weixiang takes a bite of treatment, and then forcibly outputs the little blood dragon. The Dragon now has more than 2000 points of blood left, and he can reach the kill line immediately.

At that time, Xiaotian will end Pansi (E), and fall down to end Dalong directly. As for Xiao Ge, now he is defended by doinb alone, so he has no chance to enter dalongkeng.

However, just when the Dragon had more than 1500 blood left, and Xiaotian was about to finish the dish, Xiao Ge suddenly had an action. He's a w-eye forward, but he's very close to doinb. He's just out of Ritz's w-eye range!

Doinb frowned and immediately manipulated Ritz to go in the direction of Xiao Ge. Since the distance was not enough, he would take two steps forward, which was not difficult.

But as soon as doinb raised his foot, Xiao Ge rushed to him with a flash without warning, and then doinb heard the sharp drink that made him familiar and scared - yiku!

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