"Brother shy! Hit the dragon, don't hit people, no brain output dragon After kicking doinb, Xiao Ge roared in the team voice with the biggest voice in his life.

Doinb, who was kicked away by him, also yelled at the top of his voice: "Xiao Tian, fight Da long, hurry up, Da long, Xiao K is coming to rob the dragon!"

The audience can't hear Xiao Ge and doinb's roar, but they can also feel the tension of the two teams at this moment from the red face and thick neck under the big screen and the situation on the field.

Xiao Ge just flashed an R as fast as lightning. When doinb didn't react, he was kicked out. The final destination of doinb is not elsewhere, but in the Dragon pit! Xiao Ge kicked doinb into the Dragon pit!

But Xiao GE's speed is not only fast in operation, but also fast in hand. Because this kick not only kicks an R, Xiao GE's kick is played by R and Q together. That is to say, when doinb is kicked back to dalongkeng by Xiao Ge, doinb still carries the mark of tianyinbo!

Just now, when Xiao Ge first touched w's eyes and then flashed directly, doinb couldn't help but be stunned because Xiao Ge handed over W and flashed continuously, and his way into the Dragon pit was different.

Next, the only way for Xiaoge to enter the Dragon pit is Q, but doinb is firmly in front of Xiaoge. Xiaoge has no angle of Q at all. But doinb didn't think that Xiao Ge didn't plan to Q the dragon or the people in the Dragon pit. He wanted to qdoinb.

Moreover, due to the fast operation of Xiaoge, doinb didn't have time to play any skills, or he didn't have time to cast w to stop Xiaoge. Therefore, the scene shows that Xiao Ge kicks doinb to fly, and at the same time, he also follows doinb to take off into dalongkeng!

This set of flowing w-touch followed by flash followed by r-q-q combo, successfully let Xiao Ge get rid of doinb in front of him, also successfully let him into the Dragon pit, more successfully let him have the chance to grab the dragon.

At this time, the dragon's health is only more than 1500 points. Xiao Ge is now at level 15, and his punishment damage is 850. That is to say, Xiao Ge can punish and take the dragon as long as he has 650 points of blood before he is killed by the second.

Xiao GE has time to pat the floor with e skill after landing, and then he should be fixed by doinb's W. After being fixed, he can punish normally, but he can't continue to output to the dragon. At this time, one of his e's is not enough to cause 650 damage to the dragon.

So the rest of the damage needs to be made up by theshy. That's why Xiao Ge shouts that theshy doesn't hit people and starts to fight Dalong. As long as theshy adds a little damage, even if FPX's tactical execution is very strong and everyone stops collectively, Xiao Ge can punish Dalong.

Xiaotian is now at level 14, and his punishment does 800 damage to Dalong. His Q plus punishment is also not enough to directly lose more than 1500 points of blood per second.

This is the reason why Xiao Ge chooses this time to enter the arena, because at this time point, no one can directly lose the dragon. Since no one can directly save seconds, it needs other people to make up for the damage, and then the person holding the punishment will fight for punishment!

Originally, FPX had absolute confidence to stop Xiao Ge outside the Dragon pit and keep him away from the dragon. But now Xiaoge has not only entered the Dragon pit, but also won a chance to fight with Xiaotian for punishment, which is not easy for Xiaoge and theshy, who are two against four.

But there's no way. Mistakes at the critical moment come at a price. What Xiao Ge and theshy are doing now is to pay for their mistakes just now, but if Xiao Ge fails to punish them, all their previous efforts will be in vain!

In a flash of light, all the people who can cause damage to the dragon in the Dragon pit output the Dragon without reservation. But all of this is the groundwork, the only thing that can influence the dragon's ownership is the two punishments that the naked eye can see falling at the same time!


Two punishments fall, Baron Nash gives a shrill roar, and then vanishes into the void.

But at this time, no one paid attention to the dragon. Everyone immediately turned their eyes to the chat box in the lower left corner of the screen - Ig Kamen (blind monk) grabbed Baron Nash!


Seeing this news, the whole arena of Accor hotel in Paris burst out deafening cheers. Even though the audience has witnessed the scene of Xiao Ge robbing the Dragon many times, they still open their voice to the maximum without reservation at this moment.

Because this is the stage of the final, this is the fifth game of the final. This is Ig's fatal mistake in 28 minutes. With FPX's winning the dragon, Xiao Ge may lose the suspense and complete the grand feat of grabbing the Dragon again!

Throughout the S9 season, Xiao GE has won more than 100 dragons in the passers-by's Bureau, in the league, in the group stage, elimination and final of the S9 finals. But the added value of these hundreds of dragons is not as great as the current one!This is a 99.99% dragon that may affect the ownership of the champion! A big dragon that decides who the champion belongs to and how valuable it is really need not be explained in too many words.

On the commentary stage, the doll has been crazy for a long time: "Wow! WOW! Oh, my God! What do I see! Kamen, who is only 18 years old and originally named Xiao Ge, has won the big dragon at the key point of the s-game final

"No one in the League of heroes has ever performed like Kamen in the first year of his career! Let's not talk about status, just performance. I think even faker, the first man in the League of heroes, is not as good as Kamen in his first year

"As a matter of fact, I dare to say that if, I say if, if Ig finally wins the championship, Kamen, who has won the s championship, is the first wild game in the history of the League of heroes!"

Miller's face turned red with excitement. Hearing the doll's comment, he nodded: "incredible, incredible! Miracle, this is a well deserved miracle

"When Kamen was going to rob the dragon, to be honest, I had a premonition that Kamen would rob the dragon. But there is another voice in my heart, telling me that the difficulty coefficient of this wave of dragon snatching is very high, and Kamen is unlikely to succeed. "

"But when everything happens, you can't help sighing: the difficulty coefficient of going to Temo, when Kamen is here, who dares to move the Dragon first, you have to bear the consequences of being robbed by Kamen!"

Looking at the excited look of the doll and Miller, Chang Mao couldn't help laughing and said, "there's nothing to say about Kamen's snatching the dragon. It's what Miller said, miracle! I can't understand how he did it just now, including his dragon snatching operation. "

"But the problem is that Kamen can't run any more. Not only he can't, but also theshy has to stay here..."

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