too expensive.

However, Chen Fan is special. He has an unimaginable magic power for the ratings bonus of a show.

For this magic, Shi Ning decides to do nothing.

After he finished speaking, Shi Ning looked at Chen Fan with a smile, but he wanted to see if this guy could still maintain that kind of... calm attitude in the face of such a huge amount.

in spite of....

No matter what kind of person the other party is, he can smash the other party into dizziness with money.

Thinking of this, Shi Ning couldn't help but feel a sense of complacency.

After all, this feeling of smashing people with money is very cool.

Chen Fan's face sank.

He glanced at Shi Ning coldly, and finally determined that the other party was not talking to him sincerely, but holding a money-first attitude.

Chapter [-]: [-] million huge sum of money, please Boss Chen (please customize)

He has also watched a few episodes of the ultimate challenge, and he likes Huang Bo and the others, not to mention his old friend Huang Lei.

So even with this Shi Ning also had some good feelings, so when he came over, Chen Fan's attitude towards him was not bad.

But I didn't expect that this guy actually wanted to pretend to be in front of him.

Joke! Two hundred million dollars, is that a lot? Chen Fan said lightly, "It's getting late, I have to rest, so I won't be leaving the director."

As he spoke, he stood up and pointed outwards, which naturally meant seeing off guests.

Shi Ning smiled lightly.

He didn't answer right away, instead he picked up the teacup and took a slow sip. He didn't look up at Chen Fan, and said lightly, "Five hundred million."

"Since Boss Chen thinks that the price of [-] million is too low, then I will offer [-] million. This time, you are finally willing to join our extreme challenge."

He spoke calmly.

It was dark in my heart.

Humph! Yearning for that... Director Shi didn't have the courage, he only dared to give [-] million, so Chen Fan refused.

But he paid [-] million yuan! He couldn't believe it, in the face of such a huge sum of money, Chen Fan would not agree! Would he dare not agree? "Although this money is not his own, it is also more fun to use it to smash people. ."

Shi Shi Ning thought with a smile in his heart.

Moreover, although the amount of this money is huge, he is confident that as long as Chen Fan joins the extreme challenge, he will be able to double his earnings.

After all, Chen Fan's popularity is terrifying.

However, when Chen Fan heard this, he just glanced at him lightly, then didn't speak, walked away without looking back, and returned to the room deep in the gym.

Just looking at Huang Lei and the others, Chen Fan barely suppressed his disgust, but now he decided to ignore this guy and ignore it directly.

"Well what's going on"

Shi Shi Ning was stunned for a moment, and then he smiled secretly, "This guy must be moved, but he can't hold back his face, so he is tangled deep in his heart."

Thinking of Chen Fan's tangled face, he couldn't help but want to laugh.

"Hehe, this is [-] million. I'm afraid that apart from a limited number of people in the entire entertainment industry, there are really not many people who can refuse!"

Shi Ning thought triumphantly.

As the saying goes, money can make a ghost run a mill, not to mention the huge sum of [-] million. Thinking of this, Shi Ning is not in a hurry. He sits here and waits with his legs crossed, drinking tea, and he believes that Chen Fan will come out soon. of.

At that time, he may still be able to bargain.

After all, once Chen Fan agreed to the ultimate challenge, it would be equivalent to giving in. Since he gave in, his anger would weaken, and if his anger weakened, he could naturally do whatever he wanted.

People's hearts are delicate, as a veteran who has been in the entertainment industry for many years, he naturally has a deep understanding of this, and he can use it with ease.

However, the next moment.

Click! Suddenly there was a sound, and then the whole place was pitch black.

Shi Ning was drinking tea, and was taken aback by this sudden scene, and it took him a while to react.

"Off...the lights are off"

He couldn't believe it.

"That guy Chen Fan turned off the lights and left me in the dark hall... Is he crazy? That's [-] million!"

Imposing a circle of ignorance.

He had no idea that he would encounter such a thing and be rejected mercilessly! He was also thrown into a dark hall! "This...this... "

Shi Ning couldn't believe it, and finally he stood up and shouted: "Boss Chen, are you there? Is there something wrong with the lights in your hall?"

However, there is no response.

Chen Fan ignored him at all.

"This guy... looks like he really left me here."

Shi Ning was so angry that his teeth were itching, but he couldn't do anything. After all, he couldn't run in and give Chen Fan... call it out, that would be really messed up.

"What the hell is this Boss Chen thinking about? This is five hundred million!"

Shi Ning, who was deeply beaten, complained depressedly, and left here unhappy.

When he came, he could be said to be full of self-confidence, and he wanted to cast a horse, so naturally he was able to catch it.

At that time, you can also pretend to be a force in front of Huang Lei and the others.

After all, Huang Lei and the others all thought that he could not succeed.

Now it looks like he's been a complete failure.

Not only was he unsuccessful, he was also kicked out, and his posture was very embarrassing.


Shi Shi Ning sighed and returned to the program group with a depressed mood.

Coincidentally, Huang Lei hadn't slept yet, and was walking outside, holding a copy of Cao Yu's "Thunderstorm" under the light of the street lamp, and muttering in his mouth.

Thunderstorm is a classic domestic drama. Basically, actors who want to further their studies in acting will come into contact with this drama.

Although Huang Lei is participating in a variety show, as long as he is free, he does not forget to review these...Classic plays, try to figure out the lines in them, and chew: the characters in them, so as not to lose the basic skills.

When Huang Lei was trying to figure out the script, he saw Shi Ning come over.

Judging from the direction he came from, he should have come back from the gym.

Knowing that he must be looking for Chen Fan, Huang Lei smiled and asked, "Director Shi, how's the talk going?"

Shi Shi Ning smiled awkwardly, "He didn't agree."

Huang Lei laughed and said, "Look, I'm not mistaken, it's impossible for Boss Chen to agree."

Huang Lei smiled happily.

"stop laughing.

I've been slapped in the face!"

Shi Shi Ning gave him an angry look.

After Huang Lei laughed a few times, he stopped his mouth and said, "I reminded you before, but you just didn't listen."


Shi Ning still wanted to explain, but his face was flushed, how could he think that five hundred million won't be able to invite others? "However, I can give you an idea, you can invite him to make a cameo, only for a day or two or something. Yes, maybe he finds it interesting and joins us."

"A day is not enough"

Shi Shi Ning said: "If there is only one or two episodes, even if the traffic of the program can be brought up, it will soon drop again."

"Then I have no choice."

Huang Lei spreads his hands.

"You said that this boss Chen is really strange!"

Shi Ning couldn't help complaining, with an angry look on his face.

"What's wrong"

Huang Lei asked with a smile.

"I heard you say that this boss Chen doesn't care about money, I don't believe it, I think it's just not enough money.

As a result, I paid [-] million tonight and asked him to come to our show, but he left without saying a word, left me in the hall alone, and turned off the lights."

Shi Shi Ning said angrily, "Why is this person like this? Does he really disdain money?"

"Five Billions"

Huang Lei was also surprised when he heard this number.

"You paid so much money and he didn't agree?"

Huang Lei asked in surprise.


Shi Ning nodded.

"My God, Boss Chen is really unusual. It seems that I thought him simple before."

Huang Lei exclaimed.

Even if it is him, facing a figure like [-] million, it is difficult to refuse.

This is definitely a huge sum of money! Shi Ning is definitely very courageous to be able to spend so much money, but he didn't expect that Chen Fan would still be dismissive of this.

Chapter [-] Zhao Xiaoying sneaks in

"Do you think this guy is weird?"

Shi Ning is still: complaining, obviously he was very depressed by Chen Fan, "I paid [-] million! A full [-] million! He even refused! What was he thinking in his mind? Isn't the structure different from that of ordinary people?"

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