Qu Qingge repeatedly thought about the pros and cons in her heart as she clenched his fists and told herself: I will never accept fate in this life.

She obediently followed Qu Qingyu into the pavilion, listening to her naively talk about which flower was pretty, and which one was suitable for inserting itself in grandmother's room. She then chose and selected a wintersweet on top of the pavilion.

Of course, Qu Qingge didn't recognize the things that she did not do. She had cried for his mother behind her back, causing Second Mistress Qu Yu to angrily look for the sick Qu Qingyu to confront him. There was a conflict with the Aunt Liu who took care of Qu Qingyu, causing the Aunt Liu to fall to the ground and bleed.

Qu Qingge cried for half the night, and when she woke up the next day, she saw the Yu Family hanging on the beams of the ancestral hall.

She had lost her mother!

… ….

"Ahh …" Qu Qingyu's body fell down the pond like dried meat. Without enough time to think, Qu Qingge shouted towards the back, "Third sister, why did you push me and then jump in as well. Before Qu Qingshuang could see it, Qu Qingyu had already adjusted the positions of the two of them as she jumped.

She was, Qu Qingyu was.

When he fell into the water, Qu Qingge felt that the water was very cold and his heart was very hot.

This was different from before. She would not be punished to kneel, and her mother would not commit suicide out of guilt.

… ….

"Cough cough …" Qu Qingge felt an itch in her throat, and coughed lightly while covering her mouth.

She was initially sick from the cold and had soaked in the pool, but this time she was even more ill. After sleeping for two days and two nights, Lady Yu's heart was in pain and she took care of her without rest. When she heard the commotion, she grabbed her hand and called her gently, "Darling, mother's darling …"

"Mother, is that mother?" When Qu Qingge saw her beautiful face under the candlelight, her face flushed red. For a moment, she was so enchanted that she couldn't help but pinch her own face.

"Hiss, it hurts, that's great, I'm still alive, and you …" Alive.

"Silly girl, didn't you just catch a chill? How could it be wrong to use your grandfather's jade token to invite an imperial physician to see you!" Lady Yu looked at her gently.

"Mom, how long have I slept for?" She was dizzy and hungry.

"You're scaring your mother! You've slept until the winter solstice, so I'll help you up and get Dong Chong to bring a bowl of dumplings for you. If you don't eat dumplings, you might freeze your ears off!"

Winter Solstice …

Tonight would be the day Yu Shi's death. Qu Qingge's body stiffened as she suddenly stood up and held onto Yu Shi's waist tightly, not allowing her to leave.

She didn't dare to tell the truth about her origins. She could only shamelessly say that she was afraid to sleep alone, insisting that Lady Yu accompany her to sleep.

Madame Yu always doted on her as if she was his own child, and agreed to help her since she was sick. After she first ate the porridge and then symbolically ate the dumplings, the mother and daughter pair washed up and went to bed.

The night passed peacefully.

After finally passing through Yu Shi's life and death trial, Qu Qingge was so excited that he didn't sleep for the entire night. It was only when he was properly prepared in the morning did he remember to ask her about falling into the water at the same time as Qu Qingyu.

Madame Yu's beautiful face tightened as he said hesitantly, "It's all thanks to mother that he was useless. He couldn't even beat a tiny concubine like her. Clearly, he was the one who pushed you into the water. Qing Shuang even testified for you, but that old lady … Your grandmother was biased towards her, and said that she did not do it on purpose. He must have slipped and was forced to pull you into the water to stabilize his body … "

Yu Shi's tender red lips were biting down hard, the brocade handkerchief in his hands was unconsciously stirred into a ball.

"Mom, forget it. We will record this in advance here. We will settle it with them after we have completely passed this trial!" Qu Qingge was completely immersed in the joy that she had changed the fate of the Yu Clan, so she didn't care about anything else.

In any case, there was still a long way to go!

She caressed her daughter's black hair that was flowing like a waterfall, with a cold look in her eyes: "Just watch, Mother has long heard of the unscrupulous things she did. I will take care of her after Mother sends her the monthly allowance!"

Qu Qingge had originally planned to tightly embrace Yu Shi beside him to prevent her from doing anything, but Yu Shi carried the responsibility of being the Palace Mistress, so it was natural that she would not be able to accompany her.

Before she left, Qu Qingge tightly held onto her hand, unwilling to let go.

In her previous life, when she was fifteen and her mother died in her twenties, her soul had been destroyed after five years. It was like a lifetime ago.

"Good Nannan, what kind of person is she to be so charming?!" "Remember, you are the proper young mistress of our house, the cousin of our Duke Yu's Mansion, and no one can look down on you. You may be as fierce as you wish, but your mother will not be able to keep up with your reputation, and your grandfather will not be able to!" Yu Shi scratched the tip of her nose, got up and left.

However, he didn't know that her departure was actually …

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