Earl William frowned, his face was not so good, but he did not dare to attack again. His wife and daughter were all facing Lei Lie. If he continues to embarrass the Lei family, it will only make people feel bored...

Lei Zhenting smiled slightly: "Poor parents in the world. Parents are for the good of their children. No matter how he is or his ability, children should be filial to them."

"Uncle Lei is right." William Field looked at Lei Zhenting admiringly.

Earl William was very uncomfortable. His daughter had never seen him with such a look. Since childhood, he had no place in this family. With the disappointment over and over again, it made William Faye hate him. I want to be a man who makes his wife and daughter worship, but unfortunately he is powerless...

"Let's go out first, Her Majesty should be coming over soon." Madam Sophie reminded.

"it is good."


A group of people came to the hotel entrance and waited. Soon, a Lincoln drove over and everyone greeted him. Unfortunately, it was not the queen who got off the car, but the queen’s personal entourage. The entourage first saluted Lei Zhenting. Then respectfully said: "Chief Lei, Your Majesty is unwell today and cannot come over. She specifically asked me to come over to thank you. I hope you understand!"

"Your Majesty is sick? What is the disease? Is it serious?" Earl William asked quickly.

"It's just a cold, it's not particularly serious, but it's not suitable for going out," the assistant replied.

"Then let's go see her." Earl William said eagerly.

"No, Earl William, you should stay to greet Chief Lei." said the assistant.


"William!" Madame Sophie interrupted Earl William and said tactfully, "Her Majesty the Queen is already very guilty for not coming tonight. If we leave too, she will apologize even more. Let's visit her again someday. ."

"Yes, yes, Her Majesty's intention is to let you treat Chief Lei well." The assistant said quickly.

"Okay." Earl William said nothing more.

Lei Lie frowned. He knew that the queen must have done it deliberately. If she was really unwell and couldn't come over, she would have already called to notify her. There was no reason for people to wait for her for so long.

Because Lei Zhenting made her lose face at the airport this afternoon, she deliberately gave Lei Zhenting a prestige in the evening. This political person really had enough scheming to deal with matters such as these small things must be calculated. .

Lei Zhenting didn't care, and said politely: "It doesn't matter, Her Majesty the Queen manages Wanji every day. It may be overworked. Please greet Her Majesty for me. We will visit her again when we have the opportunity."

"Thank you, I will tell Her Majesty the Queen." The assistant lowered his head, "Then I will leave first. I wish you a good night!"

"Okay, goodbye!" Lei Zhenting and others watched him leave.

"Let's go up, the food is ready." Lei Lie greeted everyone.

The family returned to the hotel again. Mrs. Sophie took a deep look at Lei Zhenting and admired this person from her heart. She knew that, except for Earl William, everyone knew that the Queen had deliberately missed the appointment, but Lei Zhenting did. Behaved so calmly,

This is the real general style, worthy of being a man who does great things, and Lei Lie also inherited the advantages of his father. Although he knew in his heart, he did not show it at all. He has always been calm and indifferent. Such a boy should be worthwhile. Entrust it for life. .


This family dinner passed peacefully and warmly. The main thing was that Lei Zhenting and Mrs. Sophie talked about Lei Lie and William Faye. Mrs. Sophie was very supportive of them being together, but she said that William Faye was still very happy. Young, can't get engaged so early, I suggest they get along for another two years, and then consider getting engaged when William Faye is 20 years old.

Earl William felt more relieved after hearing these words, and Madame Sophie was not confused. Although on the surface she was arguing with him, she actually listened to his opinions.

Lei Zhenting also agreed with Mrs. Sophie’s suggestion. After all, Lei Lie and William Faye are still young and immature. Many things need to be tempered slowly. It will be fine for another two years. At that time, the relationship was stable and the relationship between the two was more stable. Trust, then the engagement will be a matter of course.

The three elders all held a unified opinion, Lei Lie naturally did not dare to say much, nodding his head repeatedly, but William Faye was unhappy, pouting his mouth in silence...

In fact, she also knows that it is not suitable for marriage now, but she is a little afraid of nights and dreams, and even more worried that Austin will pester her in the future, so she hopes to settle with Lei Lie sooner, anyway, engagement is not marriage...

But now everyone agrees to wait for another two years, even Lei Lie has no objection, and William Faye can't hold on anymore, even if he is unwilling in his heart, he has to nod his head and agree.

It’s almost done, and it’s too late. Mrs. Sophie and Earl William are going to go home. Before leaving, Mrs. Sophie sincerely invited: "Chief Lei, why don’t you and Lei Lie come to live with us? As a family, there is no need to stay in a hotel."

"Yes, you can save some money by living in our house," Earl William agreed.

Madam Sophie and William Field's white eyes swept over immediately, he curled his lips and stopped talking.

Lei Zhenting smiled faintly, and said politely: "Thank you for your kindness, no need, I still have a lot of government affairs to be busy, and I have already scheduled a flight back to China tomorrow morning."

"Leave tomorrow? Isn't it too urgent?" Mrs. Sophie was a little surprised, "I plan to invite you and Lei Lie to my house tomorrow."

"Yes, Uncle Lei, I also want to take you to our winery to see." William Feier said.

"I have been in the United States for a long time before, and I can't delay it anymore. I really want to go back tomorrow. Next time, there will be opportunities in the future." Lei Zhenting said, "Lei Lie can stay and play for a few days."

"Huh?" Lei Lie looked at his father in astonishment, "Really? Did you criticize me as a fake?"

"You are not my subordinate, why is it my turn to approve your fake?" Lei Zhenting took a sip of tea and said solemnly, "but your boss has reported to me about your unauthorized resignation, and I have asked them to You are fired, and you have nothing to do when you go back anyway. It's better to stay with Mayfair."

"What???" Lei Lie widened his eyes in astonishment, "Resign, resign???"

"Lei Lie can't be a colonel?" William Field panicked. "He came to France for me, Uncle Lei, forgive him once. Tell his boss, don’t fire him. I will follow him tomorrow. He will return to Hong Kong together."

"Mayfair, it's not your fault, it's his problem." Lei Zhenting said seriously, "Besides, this is an official business and has nothing to do with private affairs. He should be punished if he resigns without authorization, and his dismissal is the result of the normal handling of the rules. It’s not my personal wish."

Lei Lie was speechless, clutching his forehead with a nerve, and feeling very down. He admitted that he had something meaningful, but he never thought about leaving the army. Now the army has fired him. What will he do in the future? ?

"Uncle Lei, as long as you say a word, Lei Lie's boss will not dare to dismiss him, you can help him to talk about it." William Faye still did not give up.

"Lei Lie should have told you that I never show favoritism." Lei Zhenting said with a smile, "Privately, he is my son. I should give him the same education and care, but in public affairs, He is a soldier and he will be punished if he does something wrong, and I will not interfere."


"Forget it." Lei Lie took William Phil's hand and sighed helplessly, "My dad is like this, even if you persuade him for three days and three nights, he will not change his decision."

"This is not my decision, this is the rule." Lei Zhenting glared at him coldly. "If you make a mistake, you should accept the punishment frankly. If you want to return to the army in the future, you have to start from the lower level."

"I know." Lei Lie pursed his lips displeased. "Isn't someone in the same situation as me before I was punished? It's my turn to be fired. It's too severe. Oh, who's calling I am your son!!!"

"It's fine if you know it." Lei Zhenting sipped the tea leisurely, "If you are in business or other industries, I won't bother at once, but since you are in the army, I have to be strict with you. But you are too Emotional use may not be suitable for development in the army, so take this opportunity to think about the future. Which way to go and how to go, you have to know in your heart!!!"

"Chief Lei is really harsh." Earl William couldn't help but said, "It's the first time I have met my son so harshly. Maybe we French think differently from you. I think sometimes we use our power to promote ourselves. There’s nothing wrong with your child. If I had the power like yours, Lei Lie would definitely be at the level above the minister."

"Yeah!" Lei Zhenting raised his eyes and looked at him, "Then his character is as domineering and powerful as Austin, but I am the only one to dominate."

In a word, Earl William was speechless, and the others were also shocked.

Indeed, different family environments and education methods will educate different people.

Lei Zhenting’s strict requirements for Lei Lie made him the kind of honest, kind, youthful, sunny, optimistic and cheerful today; and the way of education mentioned by Earl William is the same as Edward’s, educated son, only Will be like Austen...

This time, Earl William had to lower his head...

"It's getting late, I'll send you out." Lei Zhenting broke the deadlock, "Mayfair, you will go home with your parents tonight. I want to talk to Lei Lie alone. At 8 o'clock tomorrow morning, he I'll find you again."

"Yeah." William Field listened to Lei Zhenting's words very much, "I see, Uncle Lei. Then I will drop you off tomorrow morning!"

"No, I booked the flight earlier. It departs at seven in the morning and leaves for the airport at five o'clock in the morning. You don't use it to take me off, and Lei Lie doesn't need to go to the airport. I and my assistant will go by themselves."

"How did you order it so early?" Lei Lie frowned and asked.

"It's cheap, you can get a discount at that time." Lei Zhenting smiled, "Dad has to save some money for you to marry a wife."

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