With such a simple sentence, Lei Lie felt a little sour in his heart...


Lei Lie and Lei Zhenting sent away the William Field family together, and then returned to the hotel room.

As usual, Lei Lie made tea to his father. Lei Zhenting took off his jacket, put on his glasses, turned on the computer to read the mail, and did not go back for a few days. There was a lot of official business that was left unhandled.

"Dad, drink tea." Lei Lie brought the brewed hot tea to Lei Zhenting.

Lei Zhenting took the teacup and stared at the computer: "Why didn't you respond for a long time?"

"It's dead, let me take a look." Lei Lie took the computer to check, "Your computer is all intranet, and the defense-specific protection software is installed. Generally, there will be no problems such as poisoning, but you really It’s been used for too long. It’s almost ten years. The system is outdated and the new system can’t be installed. It’s better to change one earlier. I bought three for you and put it at home. You just refuse to use it and say you are I don’t believe in saving money."

"It's been a long time, I have feelings, and I can't bear to change it." Lei Zhenting took off his glasses and drank tea slowly.

"You are nostalgic." Lei Lie smiled at him, "Just like your feelings for your mother, it hasn't changed in decades."

"Speaking of your mother, I texted her today, and she won't return me." Lei Zhenting said disappointedly. "When you call, she always makes excuses. She hangs up after a few sentences and doesn't reply to the text messages. WeChat. , It's useless, and I don't know what she is up to."

"Not long after Uncle Shen passed away, my mother was sad, maybe it was deliberately avoiding you, besides, now Yejia's business is not finished yet, she has a lot of things to do every day, maybe she really has no time." Lei Lie comforted.

"Speaking of Yejia, I'm worried about you." Lei Zhenting sighed, "Look at Ye Yan, what a shrewd person? But he was still planted. They all say that the high places are too cold. The meaning is really deep. The higher you stand, the more villains around you. Ye Yan stood at the top of the world at a young age. There are countless people who want to deal with him. You think Wen Hai alone can do it. Knock him down? Without the support of people from the European Business Association, how could Wen Hai get things done so easily?"

"I understand these principles, but what does it have to do with me?" Lei Lie asked puzzled.

"Actually, when Earl William said those things, I was very emotional." Lei Zhenting looked at Lei Lie deeply, "Did you blame me in your heart these years? I was too harsh on you. , Always suppressing you everywhere, don't mention mentioning you, if you are not my son, even if you are just an ordinary person, maybe you are not what you are today."

"Dad, why do you say that? I have never complained about you?" Lei Lie said quickly, "I know you are doing me well..."

"Yeah, Dad is really good for you." Lei Zhenting patted Lei Lie on the shoulder——

"Dad has never explained to you, always let you bear it silently. Dad knows that you are also under pressure. Sometimes seeing you look down, Dad feels uncomfortable.

The sons of Dad's old comrades-in-arms, and even relatives, are all better than you, not because they are better than you, but because they are supported.

In fact, sometimes within the scope of ability, the support that does not exceed the standard, does not violate the regulations, the above is allowed, but Dad never does that. Do you know why? ? "

Lei Lie shook his head. In fact, this question has been in his heart for many years. He wanted to ask a long time ago, but he never dared...

"Because Dad doesn't want you to bear the pressure you shouldn't bear at your age." Lei Zhenting said solemnly——

"The world above is not as good as you young people imagine. Look at Ye Yan. He became a business wizard when he was a teenager. He was the richest man in Asia at a young age. He climbed fast enough, right? When I came down, I fell so badly.

You have been innocent since you were young. Dad never talked about political affairs before you, and didn’t say anything negative in front of you. It’s because Dad wants you to grow up healthily and happily and maintain a pure and kind heart when you grow up. Has a youthful and sunny character.

I don't want you to roll around in the deceitful politics at a young age, and you don't want you to be like other young people with a scheming life.

That kind of life, no matter how high you stand, is unhappy. So Dad always requires you to be very strict. Dad hopes that you will walk steadily step by step. Even if you climb slowly and stand lower, it doesn’t matter. Even if you don’t have that much sense of honor, at least in your heart It's practical, and Dad doesn't have to worry about you..."

"Dad, I understand." Lei Lie was very moved. "Actually, I know in my heart that you are for my good, and you are strict with me. There must be your reason..."

"I haven't finished talking yet." Lei Zhenting sighed--

"This year you are twenty-six years old. I am very pleased. Your growth has exceeded my expectations. You have a personality of integrity, kindness, and unhinderedness, as well as a fearlessness and courage to move forward.

Although dad is dissatisfied with you on the surface, in fact, dad has always been proud of you, because, no matter how strict I am with you, you still climb to the position of colonel by your own ability, which is already beyond My imagination.

But at the same time, Dad is also very worried that your advantages will become your disadvantages. You are my son. Sooner or later you will have to face many big things, but you are too simple and have no scheming. What are you going to face? "


"In the beginning I always opposed you and Mayfair, not only because of her entangled relationship with Austin, but also because of a very important reason. Her family background is too complicated and that family background will cause many problems. With your character, I’m afraid it’s not easy to deal with, but since you love each other deeply, I can’t force you apart. I don’t want you to be like me and regret for life. Therefore, even if you are worried, I still have to support you."

Having said that, Lei Zhenting sighed again——

"I always persuade myself in my heart, don't worry, don't worry, Lei Lie has grown up, he is no longer a child, he will take care of anything, but I still can't get past my own hurdle. Nineteen, long worry about a hundred years old, maybe this heart, dad can't let go of his life."

"The son is not filial!" Lei Lie's eyes reddened. His father had never talked so thoroughly with him and told him so many psychological things. At this moment, he knew that his father, who has always been serious, had so many thoughts.

"Lei Lie..." Lei Zhenting patted the back of Lei Lie's hand and said earnestly--

"So many things happened to Ye Yan. Fortunately, there was Qianyu by his side. Qianyu was so weak before. In order for Ye Yan to become tough, he used his weak shoulders to support the family, and he never left Ye Yan. Ye When an accident happened at home, she was even more shocking to turn the tide.

I can say without exaggeration that if Yejia didn't have Qianyu, I'm afraid she would have collapsed long ago. Of course, if Qianyu hadn't met Ye Yan, maybe she wouldn't be who she is today.

Therefore, I always say that a woman has to meet a good man in her life, and her life will become more and more exciting. A man must marry a good woman in this life to be worthless.

You don’t need that woman to help you in your career, and you don’t need to ask her to give you much financial support. She can be an ordinary girl, she can have nothing, but she must have the belief in sharing the ups and downs with you. .

If you are lucky enough to stand on the top of the world in the future, she is qualified to walk shoulder to shoulder with you; if you unfortunately fall to the bottom in the future, she can never leave you.

It is said that young people nowadays have fragile marriages and divorce at every turn. It means that they did not choose the right person before getting married, and instead of suffering the pain of separation later, why not just keep their eyes open and find the right one before the marriage?

Dad didn't say that Mayfair was not good, but she was still young, and she was always spoiled from childhood. I was worried that she could not go to the end with you, so today her mother asked you to stay for two years before making a decision. I immediately agreed.

This is good for you and her. Two years is enough to let you know each other more deeply, make your relationship more stable, and it is enough to make you mature and stable.

At that time, if you are still together, then your relationship has been tested, and then stepping into the palace of marriage will be a matter of course. Dad will be happy for you! ! ! "

"Dad, thank you. I will remember what you said." Lei Lie said gravely.

"Today Dad told you a lot, what should be said, what shouldn't be said, and about your career, Dad won't say much, because Dad knows that you are measured and capable, so I don't need to worry about it!

In short, Dad will give you one month. You can rest assured to play in France for a month. Whether it’s a rest or a new search for yourself, you can go back after playing for a month. At that time, about your career, Dad hopes you Can hand in a satisfactory answer sheet. "

"I know, I won't let you down."

"That's good..."


Lei Lie talked with his father until late at night before returning to the room. Thinking of the words his father had said, his heart was very heavy. Before, he always thought that his father was a stubborn and stubborn person, but now he knows that his father has so many things hidden in his heart.

When we parted just now, my father smiled and said to him that he wanted him to call him every day to report his safety.

At that moment, he clearly saw the reluctance in his father's eyes, and his heart trembled. Inexplicably, an unknown premonition surged into his heart, as if something bad was about to happen...

Over the years, he was not with his father from time to time, and he often ran around. He didn't know how many times he had to be separated from his father every year. His father had never looked like that before, but this time, his father seemed to be in a heavy heart.

Why on earth? ? ?


In the room, Lei Zhenting looked at the text messages on the phone, frowning tightly, his expression dignified, he knew that his disaster was coming...

In fact, he was not willing to let Lei Lie's leave, but deliberately distracted Lei Lie, hoping that within that month, he could solve the problem and not worry Lei Lie.

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