Love at First Night

Chapter 113 - Introducing Carol

"Good morning," Joanna said when she walked into the kitchen and found me. She headed to her cup of coffee and smiled.

"Thank you." She whispered with a low sleepy voice, "where have you been?" 

"Cameron's place," I said, not fearing having to lie anymore.

She drank her coffee quietly and when the caffeine finally began to kick in she was energetic enough to speak again.

"Today is the night huh." She shut her eyes and I immediately remembered, she should go to sleep at her boyfriend's place tonight.

"I lotioned and shaved and put oil on my legs." 

I exploded in a laugh, "good, good."

She joined the laugh too but only in a light chuckle.

"How do you feel about that?" I asked finishing my cup.

She shrugged, "I had a nightmare tonight. When I told him I was inexperienced he broke up with me." 

I shook my head and went to pour some juices on both our glasses.

"That can't happen Jo, I am sure your concerns will disappear when he treats you as well as you deserve."

She shrugged once again as if she hoped my words were true but couldn't believe it at all. 

"I'll get to work now."

She stood up and went to change, in about twenty minutes she was ready to go and she cheered me before crossing the door.

I had to change too, fighting the urge to keep Cameron's shirt on an entire day. I could still feel his scent and his warmth through the smooth fabric. I folded it and placed it on the edge of the bed 

Then I dressed and went to work after sending a message to Cameron saying that if he needed anything, even the smallest thing, I was there for him.

He didn't answer the message but I knew that he read it and he smiled knowing I wasn't lying or just saying that because that was right to say. I really meant it and whatever he was going through or that day meant to him, I was there for him.

I unlocked the door of my company and when I walked in I saw the painters finished painting all the walls of the second floor. 

I waited for them to arrive and then paid them a check and tipped them for their good job.

I unboxed a few of the things that I ordered and began to set a few of the desks for the offices.

Then I watered the plants and cleared the floor and the dust on the furniture.

Evelyn called me and as we chatted she told me she was ready to tell mom the truth.

We planned a date to visit mom on next week while she wanted to tell Joanna that day.

So when I hung off the phone I called Joanna and told her Evelyn invited us to eat pizza in a restaurant close to her house.

I finished cleaning and setting up a few things and then I reached home early enough to have time to have a shower and change.

I wore a beautiful short thigh dress matched with heels boots and curled my hair.

Whereas Joanna straightened her already perfect straight blonde hair and wore a mini skirt with a black lace top.

I drove to the place where we planned to see and before walking down I checked my phone to see if Cameron had texted me back.

Still, no answer, and still 5 more hours before the day would pass and hopefully, he would be back to his normal mood.

"Are you coming?" Joanna asked me noticing I was taking quite long checking the phone so I slid it back in my bag and nodded before walking down.

We reached the entrance of the restaurant where Evelyn and Carol were waiting for her.

"Is that her friend? What was her name I can't remember..." Joanna whispered to me before we reached them.

"Her name is Carol."

Joanna nodded, reassured so that when we reached them she stretched her hand in Carol's direction, "Carol right? I am Joanna if you can't remember."

Carol shook her hand, "I do remember. It's a pleasure to see you again."

We walked inside and reached our table, I was anxious and nervous and I wasn't even the one who had to do a come out. I couldn't believe how nervous she would be to tell Joanna and later my mom too.

I wish I could soften up the stress somehow and ease up her decision.

"Well," Joanna began to speak right after we ordered and the waiter came, from my position I could see that Carol had rested her hand on Evelyn's tight and caressed it slowly probably to support her.

"I invited you here for a reason Jo, I already told Lily and I wanted to tell you too..."

Another brief pause.

"I lied to you and everyone else, Simon isn't my boyfriend. He is helping me to cover up because I am currently dating Carol." 

The shook morphed her face and despite she tried her best to hide it, Joanna's muscles tensed up and her eyes widened unconsciously.

She opened her mouth to reply but then she closed it again and decided to remain in silence probably to gain some more time to form a sentence. 

"I..." she smiled, "thanks for telling me." She only said smiling at the couple.

Silence lapsed over and we all fell into an embarrassing quietness for some instant on which we all were waiting for someone else to speak.

Until Joanna's voice rang to break the silence once again, "I figured out there was something off between you and Julien. I deduced you weren't in love but now that I see you together everything makes sense." Joanna smiled gratefully. 

"I argue often with Julien because Carol sometimes is jealous that's why there was distress between the two of us," Evelyn commented before drifting her gaze to her girlfriend and sharing a smile.

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