Love at First Night

Chapter 114 - No Texts

Joanna then went home to change and fixed her make-up, she put all her important stuff in the bag, and then I offered her to drive her to Nicholas' address. 

It was already 9 pm but she seemed relieved not to have spent the entire evening and night there but with Evelyn and Carol instead. She said we helped her to allow her mind a break after thinking of Nicholas for the entire night and day.

Yet as soon as I stopped by his house, Joanna seemed hesitant whether to get out or not.

"Go." I insisted squeezing her knee and smiling at her.

She nodded and walked down, I spotted with the corner of my eye, Nicholas peering at us from the balcony but I pretended I didn't see him not to lead Joanna to panic. 

She hugged me, and then when she felt ready to go she waved at me and ran to knock on the door. 

I walked back in the car and waited to see her fade away climbing the stairs before leaving.

No messages from Cameron yet and I sighed, slightly concerned. 

I spent the night reading and then went to sleep.


The next day Joanna came back home at about 11 am, it was Sunday so she didn't have to worry about work, and neither did I. 

I immediately walked to her looking forward to having news about the night they spent together.

"How did it go?" I asked way too excited and curious to hide it by behaving normally.

She smiled, "he didn't even try to...." she pretended to cough, "to sleep -in that way- with me." 

I smiled relieved, I always doubted boys since I broke up with Carl so even if Nicholas seemed like a good man who treated her well I still had my doubts hiding under the surface.

We sat on the sofa and then she continued, "he only kissed me a lot and asked me to tell him if I didn't feel comfortable. He also said we didn't need to rush. I guess maybe he understood I was nervous."

"Did you spend a good evening and night despite that?" I inquired switching the subject to ask her if she enjoyed the time there. 

She nodded as a smile enlightened her face, "I did, I felt like I had known him for years. There is some mind connection between us, we can speak about anything. From the silliest things as our favorite cartoons as kids to even about our deepest fears." 

My heart skipped in happiness hearing he was a good boy and that he didn't even force her to do things she wasn't fully sure of.

Yet I didn't want to sound too happy because I knew how easily people could change and turn in people you never knew at all.

"That's positive." I limited myself to say. "You will slowly get in there with time."

She nodded as she stretched her legs on the sofa, "he tried to bake a cake to impress me but the cake was awful." She laughed at the memory. "Burned out from the bottom and he forgot to add sugar."

She shook her head. 

"I have to teach him how to follow a recipe next time."

She was in a good mood, which meant that she enjoyed the night spent with her boyfriend and that everything went right. I took a breath of relief hearing she was okay but now I wanted to hear more. I wanted to know all the spicy details. 

"Was he a good kisser?" I asked out of curiosity leaning forward.

A smile appeared on her face. "He is." She replied with a shy tone of voice. 

"He is very good indeed." She said as she giggled in a shrug.

"He said he likes the taste of my lips and how sweet I am to blush when he compliments me."


"He is very romantic," Joanna murmured joyfully.

"I still can't believe I have a boyfriend for the first time in my life."

I raised my eyebrows and folded my arms, "I can't believe you will begin cooking for him and not for me." I pretended to be angry but she exploded in a laugh.

"I will cook for the both of you as soon as we have the double date."

We continued to joke amusedly until she asked me how the situation was with Cameron. Then my facial expression changed and she realized something happened. That was one of the positive and at the same time negative things about being so close with one person, that we both knew how to decipher each other's mood from the way our facial expressions changed.

"He was sad for some reason and found him drunk." I sighed. "I never saw him that devasted before. His maid mentioned it was the date October 10 to have caused him such an emotional withdrawal. I am waiting to hear from him tomorrow. I hope he is alright."

Joanna caressed my shoulder, "I am sure, everything will be fine." She smiled to reassure me.

I nodded, "I hope so." I returned the smile even if her words didn't reassure me at all. It hurt so much to see him that broken but not as much as not being able to help him to soften up the pain.

I accompanied her to work and then went back home to do the cleaning and keep my mind busy from the preoccupation of Cameron and how he was. 

It was hard not to think of him but it was even hard to impede myself not to texting him or walking to his house asking him how he was.

Hours passed by but he didn't text me, he probably hadn't recovered yet.

I took a reassigned breath and gave up on the idea he would probably text me the following day assuming that in the early morning and afternoon he hadn't texted me yet.

I left my phone to charge and continued to clean the house.

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