Mage Joan

Chapter 2964: Parsing artifact

The "Ever Spring Sacred Tree" is evergreen in all seasons and never withers.

The life level is as high as 30, and the natural defense is 30.

The six attributes are: Strength 39, Agility 8, Constitution 26, Intelligence 10, Wisdom 18, Charisma 18.

If the caster chooses to give the Everchun sacred tree intelligence, the sacred tree can gain language ability, and it can also communicate with intelligent creatures within 300 feet of the surrounding through telepathy.

In addition, the Everspring Sacred Tree also has the following special abilities:

Regenerate 3 levels (flame suppression).

Damage reduction armor 5 energy level legendary slash.

Resistance to electricity, cold, acid, and sonic waves, each with 10 energy levels.

Constant "Eternal Spring Enchantment", within 10 miles of the surrounding climate is warm and suitable, to prevent severe weather such as wind, snow and sandstorms, increase crop production, as if "plant growth" has been imposed, and the growth of evil plants is curbed.

"300-foot rejuvenation circle", creatures in the area gain "rapid self-healing" physique, automatically stop bleeding and heal injuries.

"Ever Spring Sacred Tree" is almost a replica of "Ilmin Suer Ancient Tree" except for its lack of mythological ability!

"Heart of Nature", this legendary magic that can create an unlimited amount of sacred trees, how difficult is it to cast the spell?

It's scary to say it, and the energy consumption is as high as 55 degrees!

Compared with the most difficult legendary spell "Eternal Freedom" recorded in the Dragon Book of the Archmage of Vafronir, the energy consumption is 5 degrees higher!

Qiao An stared at the surprisingly complicated set of legendary spell configurations that he had parsed from the "Branch of Ilminsur". After a moment of contemplation, the corners of his lips rose slightly, and then he copied it into the Dragon's Book.

The difficulty of "Nature's Heart" is indeed very high. Under normal circumstances, Qiao An will have to rise to at least 7 levels before he can hope to master this spell.

However, there is no absolute thing in the world. In addition to the step-by-step practice upgrade, there are other shortcuts that can greatly increase the caster level, and thereby meet the mana threshold of learning "Nature Heart" in advance.

For this reason, Qiao An needs to find a "ladder" that crosses this threshold, and there is such a "ladder" in the legacy of Archmage Wafrunel.

Now Qiao An has proved that "mythological analysis" is right

Secondary artifacts such as "Branch of Ilminthul" are also effective, so the next question is...

Is "legendary analysis" also effective for higher artifacts?

Qiao An took off the "Essence Necklace" between her neck and tested it by hand.

After waiting for another hour, the analysis was partially successful.

"Essence Necklace" has four functions. Among them, "absorbing cold energy" and "calling the mythical giant worm night shadow" require a trace of the magical power of Hull, the "goddess of the underworld", which is beyond the level of legendary magic and cannot be resolved.

There are also two functions, "High Giant Transformation Technique" and "Group Giant Enslavement Technique", both of which belong to the level of legendary magic and have been perfectly resolved by Qiao An.

"High Giant Transformation", each time it costs at least 30 levels of legendary mana, the caster himself can become any giant or giant subspecies creature with a life level of no more than 30, and it perfectly simulates the opponent's physical attributes and special abilities .

The deformation effect lasts forever, and the caster can also change back to its original form at any time.

On this basis, for every additional 5 levels of magic power when casting, the upper limit of the simulated object's vitality is also increased by 5 levels.

For example, spending 40 degrees of magic power to cast the "High Giant Transformation Spell" can become any giant creature with a life level of not more than 40.

The next one is "Swarm Giant Slavery". The caster can exert mental control on all giant creatures whose life level does not exceed their own caster level in the area covered by the spell. In fact, it is a specialized version of "Group Monster Domination". The contraction is limited to giant human creatures, and the enhancement is that "enslavement" is more perverted than "domination"-even if the subject is ordered to commit suicide, the other party will execute it without hesitation.

In addition, there is no limit to the duration of the "massage of giants", which is also a big advantage.

Putting away the "Essence Collar", Qiao An finally tried to analyze "Tears of God", but it didn't work at all.

This result is indeed regrettable to him, but it is also reasonable.

Although both are artifacts, the grade of "Tears of God" is much higher than "Branch of Ilminthul" and even "Essence Collar".

"God's Tears" did not come from the hands of a certain god, and the power contained in it has even exceeded the level of most true gods.

Of course, Qiao An would like to know where the "Tears of God" came from, and how many secrets are hidden in this magical gem. However, these mysteries cannot be solved by "legendary analysis" alone.

According to Hull, the goddess of the underworld, Qiao An must first complete the 10th-level mythology trial before he can obtain clues to solve the above-mentioned mystery.

Withdrawing his thoughts, Joan flipped forward the dragon skin magic book of Archmage Wafrunir to check the legendary spells copied in the book.

Sure enough, after tens of thousands of years of time erosion, most of the text written in dragon blood ink has become faint and difficult to distinguish.

Fortunately, the incantation engraved on the stone slab was well preserved, and Qiao An could interpret it smoothly, and at the same time reproduced the spell configuration on the stone slab into the dragon's book—in fact, he reprinted it on the faded page.

Fifteen stone slabs correspond to fifteen legendary magics. Seven of them have been seen by Qiao An, which are the "Legendary Dispelling Technique" and "Legendary Bull Power" and other six spells that enhance physical attributes.

Qiao An compared the spell recorded on the stone slab with the spell of the same name that had been copied before, and found that there was no big difference, so he skipped it for the time being.

The "Legendary Activation Technique" engraved on the eighth stone slab was the technique used by the Archmage Wafrunel to activate the raw material of the Adamantite Colossus during his lifetime.

It consumes 30 degrees of energy and can permanently activate an inanimate object. Its length in the three dimensions of length, width and height must not exceed 1 foot caster level.

With Joan’s current cast level, cast "Legendary Activation" to activate a huge sphere with a radius of 48 feet at most.

Obviously, the height of the Adamantite Colossus is more than twice this size, and the "legendary activation" of the basic model is not enough to activate the huge colossus at once.

But it’s okay. With "Mastery of Super Magic" + "Spell Expansion", you only need to add 2.5 degrees of magic power to increase the size of the "Legendary Activation Art" by 4 times, and the activation volume is larger than the Adamantite Colossus. Excuse me.

In fact, in addition to solid matter, "Legendary Activation" can also be used to activate liquids, gases, and even magic and spiritual energy!

Activated solid, the species type is usually "constructed organism".

After the magic and spiritual energy are activated, they usually become slime-like "mud monsters", such as the "activation spell" sisters and brothers.

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