In Penglai, Jen continues to meet with you.

"I see you support the Kingdom of Franz with 'automobiles'"

"That's what I'm talking about. In the kingdom of Klein there is an enclave in the village of Toka. The Empire of Shouro is home to a memorial to magic engineering. So, the kingdom of Franz has an automotive racetrack"

I don't think about it for the moment because the Kingdom of Areas has a Potrok race, as well as the home of the 'Nostalgia Party'.

"What about the Kingdom of Egerea?

I am familiar with Ernest Elm Andrea, the third prince.

"Life related magic equipment...... or something?

Jen thought of that because it is the birthplace of 'Craft Queen' Beana.

"In any case, it's a little bit to spread your hands any further"

I want to avoid spreading my hands too far with that and this, Jen said.

"You're right."

"I just want to do something about it because magic hormone (mana) stands everywhere are dysfunctional."

Do you want to use "Column 5 (Quinta)"?

"That would still be fine with regard to this. Let's just keep what I made and the equivalent."


Meanwhile, The Split Doll (Doppel) was still in the kingdom of Franz and had a dinner feast.

It is the old man who is currently piloting Jen D and Elsa D.

"I'll catch your eye first. My name is Oneca de Cleo."

Heavy towns, including finance ministers, also participated in a large number of them.

This dedication is half a standing party style, so I can grab whatever I want and eat it while I'm bickering.

A chair is also available because it is a standing party 'wind', and Jen D and the others are sitting down and eating.

Of course, Her Majesty the Queen was in on it.

"I didn't think the day would come when I would be able to greet Lord Jin face-to-face."

Jen thought, "Oh, my God."

"Today was a good day. My country is relatively peaceful, but that's why I felt the culture was stagnant."

Apparently, the queen speaks in a dignified tone externally, but begins to speak in vegetables when she is identical within herself or herself.

"The backbone of the country is' people ', right? Is our country able to take care of its people?

Queen Caroline de Lafayette asked Jen D in a vegan tone.

"Well, I don't know all the people, but if I may put it disrespectfully, I think it's more than a 'point of reference'."

Some bureaucratic faces seemed to have caught on, but the queen smiled at the words.

"Well, don't worry about it first. It's only my third year on the throne, so everything is in a state of hand exploration."

The queen was a queen, and Jens did not speak up, but thought in her heart that there was a lot of hard work.

"Can I say one thing?

And, Jen D said, both the queen and the prime minister nodded at me.

"Of course, Sir Gin Nido."

"Uh," clothes, "" food, "and" residence "become more important than the backbone of the country being" people ". And when these are filled, it means," Enough clothing and courtesy. "

"Yeah, you learned that when you studied at Avalon before."

The queen nodded loudly.

"Please continue"

"Yes.... we want you to think about spreading magic and convenient tools"

"Uh, what's that?

"With tools, you can perform your work more efficiently than your manpower. Then you'll have plenty of time, more work, more work."

"Ooh, being able to do a lot of work means being productive."

This is the Chancellor.

"Yes, and that's not the only time available, it also helps in the form of leisure time"

Leisure time is the time necessary for the development of culture, with increased productivity and income, and increased consumption with the development of culture. And this develops the economy, Jen D. explained.

"Of course, it won't be that simple, and sometimes it won't go well. But it shouldn't be wrong in the big muscles."

The words were all snorted out by the queen, the prime minister, the minister of general affairs and the finance minister.

"I know what you're saying. Well, it's also important to bring people's lives to the bottom."

Let us say that, in the wake of this welcome, the Kingdom of Franz has been sown with several new seeds of policy.

"My Lord, the heads of the kingdom of Franz are quite enthusiastic."

"Oh, yeah."

In Penglai, Lao Young and Jen were analyzing the state of this welcome.

"Queen Caroline de Lafayette has only been in power for three years, and you want a track record of not being a decorative queen,"

"Do you have that kind of struggle?"

"Yes, the investigation revealed that the predecessor was often ill and seemed to have collapsed young."

Kind of resembles the Empress of the Empire of Shouro, I thought, Jen.

"In the kingdom of Franz there is no bondage called male lineage, so it seems that the queen also has a king's mate"


"Yes, but still, things seem complicated in the home."

I would imagine Jen would find it more difficult in a position to be the husband of Her Majesty the Queen, but it didn't go very well.

"Brother Jin, the king and his wife at times like this, they don't really get out into the social world. So stressful, couples get unfriendly... Apparently"

Elsa accompanied the words.

"Is that what happens..."

"Mm-hmm. In a bad way, I can even say a mere existence to leave the royal offspring behind"

"Oh, that's hard..."

Kings are difficult to maintain and exercise, Jen felt a little sympathy.

And I mentioned something that you care about. [M]

'Speaking of kingdoms, about 120 years ago, the king of time, boasting of kingdoms… I have a saying, but anyway, you made me create a large golem of gold to let you know about kingdoms'

"Huh? Don't you know the details, too, old man?

"Yes, my lord (My Road). Stop working... no, because it was the time I was caged in the junction"


After that, you didn't even investigate, Old Man replied.

"Ask the owner about it..."

"By the way, Your Majesty, may I ask you one thing?

"Oh, can I help you?

"Much of the time ago, I hear stories about a large golem dedicated to the king, is it true?

Queen Caroline de Lafayette looked surprised at this question from Jen D.

"That's Magic Engineer Magicraft Jazz, isn't it? I didn't know you knew that.... Magic Minister, can you explain?

The queen left the explanation to the magic minister.

"Yes, Your Majesty. … Lord Jin, indeed, the golem, three meters tall and golden, named 'Sovlin', existed in the past"


"That's right. … to be precise, it still exists…"

Jonas Tigrina, the magic minister, clouded his words there. But from the flow of the story, I can more or less imagine what's going on.

"... doesn't work anymore, does it?

"Yes, it is."

Now the Queen has taken over the explanation.

"It breaks down and stays that way because of its unscrupulous use right after it was built."

"That's... that's a waste"

As for Jen, who manipulates Jen D, he definitely wanted to see the golem in the name of "Sovereign" or "Sovereign".

"The country's 'Guardian' Golem, right? I'd love to fix it if I could."

"Ooh!! If you can see the Magic Engineer Magicraft Jazz, you must!

"Please, Sir Jin Nido."

Thus, Jen decided to see the "Sovrin" the next day.

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