Magi Craft Meister

58-22 Repair Request

Royal patron saint (Guardian) "Sovrin".

Jen, who wanted to know more about what kind of golem it was and why it broke, switched to 'Split Doll (Doppel)' during the night.

Of course Elsa is switching with me.

At that time, "What Happened While You Were Piloting" was known in "Knowledge Transfer (Transinfo)".

Because if you don't, you're likely to make the mistake of saying hello to the first person you're supposed to know.

And the next day.

"This way."

The Queen herself had guided Jen and was on her way to the back of the royal castle. The queen is accompanied by Magic Minister Jonas Tigrina.

Elsa, Reiko, and Hope are with them.

"Usually only royalty gets in."

With that said, the queen went down the stairs and guided Jens to the floor, which she thought was equivalent to the first basement floor.

There was a boneless, seemingly sturdy door there. In the keyhole, the queen inserts the key in her hand. And the door opened without sound.

(Is it well maintained or well made...)

Jen was thinking about that because of how the door wasn't working in a tanned fashion.


"Go ahead. 'Sovlin' is inside"

The queen urged me, first Jen, then Reiko. Elsa, Hope and continued, the magic minister, and finally the queen entered the room.

"This is..." Sovlin ""

There lay the remains of a fairly blurry golem.

"That's awful."

Imagine what the hell happened, Jen... No, I'll analyze it.

If you look at the area of destruction, you can imagine to some extent what force has been applied.

"This place is... it's been broken with the help of external forces. This one is dented, but is this dented blunt instrument?"

"Father, the chisel way here is screwed. There's no such thing as destruction without quite a difference in power."

"Here, if you look at the head wound, it still seems to be caused by blunt weapons,"

"Master, this dent was put on a bar about 50 mm in diameter."

Jen, Reiko, Elsa and Hope mouth each finding.

"... if you try this, you fight an opponent about three meters tall with a rod-shaped weapon and it looks like it's been broken"

Given the angle of the dent attached to the head and shoulders, such a conclusion was drawn.

"Is that all you can tell?"

"That's Magic Engineer Magicraft Jazz..."

The queen and the magic minister were astonished.

"It's true that before that time, temporarily, we've heard that there were times when the golems representing these countries competed with each other."

"I see..."

Jen knew that the relationship between a country and a country can sometimes be a boring competition for pride and will. Perhaps this' Sovrin 'was also taken up and broken by such strife.

"What do you think, Sir Gin Nido? Can you fix it?

Jen replied without putting her hair in.

"Of course I can fix it. But can you promise me that you won't do anything to make the golem compete with willfulness or glory...... no, I won't let you fight?

To this word, Queen Caroline de Lafayette nodded quickly.

"Yes, of course."

The queen promised me that she would not let the country's iconic golem be fought lightly.

"Thank you"

To the words, Jen finds a satisfactory way to repair them.

"Your Majesty, in order to repair it, you need to bring it back to your base."

Above all, there is no material, Jen explained.

"Can you forgive me?


After a little thought, the queen shook her head vertically.

"Fine. Rather than…, please,"


Jen thus obtains permission from the Queen, instructs Reiko and Hope to "Sovrin" and carries them out once.

Let's get him in the car first.

"Sire, I want to get to work on the repair as soon as possible, so I'd like to keep being rude, can you forgive me?

To such Jen's words, the Queen and the Magic Minister nodded with a little surprise.

"Hehe, Sir Jin Nido is the person you heard him talk about. Yeah, sure, please."

The Chancellor rushed there.

"Oh, you made it.... Lord Jin, my country would like to give you the status of" Honorary Nation "and the title of" Honorary Advisor to the Royal Family ". From now on, you are free to enter and leave the royal castle."

said, handing the letter and the plate of metal to the queen.

"Your Majesty, I have not heard of Lord Jin leaving so soon."

"I'm sorry, Prime Minister. But thanks for making it."

And the script and the metal plate were given to Jen by the queen herself.

"Sir Jin Nido, can you take it?

It is clearly stated in the letter that this status does not impose obligations, nor does it impose titles.

It was only to avoid tying Jen's actions in the kingdom of Franz.

"Yes, I accept it"

Now one more thing, Jen was happy to receive this certification in the sense that freedom of movement had been extended.

The metal plate is made of misthrill and is about size A5. Jen decided to ask Reiko to keep it.

"I'll take care of it"

Reiko turns it into an apron pocket.

It is an iron wall pocket that has never dropped its contents before. It was safer than a safe.

Jen Yi, who left the royal castle after being dropped off by the queen or less, the prime minister and the magic minister, goes first east. Because there are forests there, and you can avoid the eyes.

And the old man sent me on a transporter, Pelican 2, to accommodate every automobile and ascend into the sky.

"You're in a hurry."

Jen apologized to Elsa for being on board.

"Yeah, it was a lot of fun"

Sometimes a small trip in exchange for 'Doppel' reminded me of my former journey with Jen, Elsa said.

"Sometimes, let's go again"


While Jen and Elsa are shouldering each other, 'Pelican 2' approaches Penglai Island.

I didn't use the Transition Gate this time because I didn't want the end of the trip to end with a transfer.

"Pelican 2" landed in the square behind the lab.

Immediately, four "Craftsmen" arrived and brought "Sovlin" to the workshop.

Jen, who himself tried to go to the workshop, is held back by Elsa.

"Brother Jin, the time over here is already lunch. We should have light lunch to reduce jet lag"

"Oh, yeah"

So Jen followed Elsa's advice to the dining room. There was a whole 'Jen Family' in Penglai.

Jen explains as he crunches his lunch sandwich.

Though the explanation had been given by the old man, it still seemed more interesting to hear from the parties, and they all listened enthusiastically.

"I wonder what happened"

And, Reinhardt.

"When we repair it, we'll find out what happened by checking the information on the Control Core."

Everyone seemed to wonder how that golem had been so destroyed.

At the time, Jen was already in the other world, so he did little to gather information about the world.

Okay, I'll help you analyze it.

Reinhardt says intentionally.

Other faces are intriguing.

"All right, let's do it."

And Jen was nagging, and the tea after the meal was there, and he went to the workshop.

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