Man in Warhammer, starting Primarch

Chapter 186 31, Emperor’s Manuscript

When Guilliman walked out of the space passage and came to this battlefield, everything had settled. Dukel was holding the fragment of the Void Dragon in his hand, seeming to be thinking about something.

"Brother, what do you have in your hand?"

"The Dragon of Mars." Duker replied, "I'm thinking about where it should be applied."

He had previously obtained two Star God fragments from the Endless One. His only way to deal with the previous two fragments was to use them to attack the 250,000-horsepower bottleneck of the life magnetic field.

But this fragment of the Void Dragon is obviously different.

This fragment is equivalent to almost half of the Void Dragon's main body. If it hadn't been dormant for too long, there would be no time to replenish its power. Whether it is the Emperor tens of thousands of years ago or Dukel today, it is not easy to defeat him.

The fragment contains almost all the will of this ancient god. Absorbing it hastily may bring unpredictable consequences.

"Dulquer, destroy him completely." Guilliman drew out the Emperor's Sword, and the golden flames on it carried the meaning of pure destruction.

"The power of the Dragon of Mars is too dangerous. Leaving him here may cause huge disasters at any time."

"If he can be eliminated so easily, why did our Majesty leave him here?" Hearing the words of the Imperial Regent, Dukel slowly shook his head.

"These devourers of planets are the darlings of the material universe. To completely obliterate his will may bring an unbearable curse to our race."

Completely destroying a star god is actually not too difficult. The Emperor himself represents pure destruction. If he wants, his power can turn everything into dust; Dukel can even absorb the energy of the Star God and transform it into his own power.

But they can't do this easily. The Necrons once completely destroyed a star god, but this resulted in a terrible curse.


Guilliman stopped talking. No matter where the C'tan fragment was placed, it would be a time bomb, and its complete destruction would trigger a curse. So, like Dukel, he looked at the piece of metal and fell into deep thought.

"My lords, I have a proposal."

At this time, a female voice sounded.

The original body looked in the direction of the sound and saw a slender figure walking out of the dark shadow.

Efilar and the Destroyers were also alarmed and looked at the source of the sound.

They noticed that this was the woman who had fought with the dragon before. Her previous armor had been broken in the battle, and now her whole body was covered by a dark red robe.

"Who are you?" Guilliman asked somewhat warily.

The wings of flame spread out from Efilar's back, also guarding against this unknown woman.

The Doom Slayers even raised their double-barreled shotguns.

They can roughly guess the woman's identity, but this does not prevent them from being highly wary of each other.

As the Primarch's guardians, they would not put their master in any danger that might come.

They know what a great being they serve and regard this as their highest honor.

Gris and Caul also looked at each other with their mechanical eyes. The flashing red light spots were particularly conspicuous in the dark cave.

They all saw the scene of a woman fighting with a dragon. Facing such a powerful woman, no one dared to take it lightly.

Duker still stood where he was, only he remained relaxed and did not make any fighting gesture.

With his strength, he doesn't need to care about a woman's approach.

Even the Immortal can be killed if he wishes.

Duker looked at the woman with interest, and he was curious about what kind of proposal the woman would give.

The woman who walked out of the darkness revealed her face. She looked about thirty years old. It was hard to imagine that there would be such a young woman in this isolated place.

"Thank you, great scion of the Emperor, for saving me and nipping a disaster in the bud." The woman's eyes stared at the original body. Her eyes were not commensurate with her external age, with a hint of immortality. The vicissitudes of life are like a calm lake, hiding the wisdom accumulated over the years.

"I thought there would never be any visitors here again, but I didn't expect that today we would welcome the arrival of two Primarchs."

"Dragon Guard?" Duker asked her, looking down at her.

"Yes, my lord." The woman lowered her head sadly and said guiltily, "I'm sorry that I failed to fulfill my duty. The Emperor entrusted me with the great mission of imprisoning the Dragon of Mars, but I failed to complete it. , causing the dragon to break free from its cage."

Her words were filled with deep self-reproach, and she stood respectfully and safely away from the primarch, repenting of her mistakes.

"When did you guard this place?" Guilliman asked.

"When Karabo released the Death Skull Titan Army to attack Lava City, I inherited this ancient mission." The woman's eyes seemed to be looking at the end of endless years.

Ten thousand years is really a long time for human beings.

So much so that she often doubted the authenticity of time. If she hadn't still been able to understand the information from the outside world, it would have been difficult for her to perceive the passage of time.

"Before I came here, Mars was in chaos. The seal of Moravec's underground palace was lifted, causing the pollution of chaos to erode the oracle network of the Mechanicus. Everything fell into disorderly chaos. I accept your majesty's guidance. Here, I have inherited everything from the previous Long Wei.”

"Karabo? Did you protect this place thousands of years ago?" Gris exclaimed.

Karabo was a radical Mars-forged general ten thousand years ago.

At that time, the Adeptus Mechanicus, which had just formed an alliance with the Empire, and the radical faction occupied the orthodox position. They were dissatisfied with the Emperor's demarcation of boundaries for knowledge and the restriction of their pursuit of truth.

This deep-seated resentment lasted for centuries, until Horus launched the Great Heresy, and the radical faction naturally participated in the betrayal of the Emperor.

As a representative of the radicals at the time, Karabo received a promise from Warmaster Horus - as long as Horus successfully took over the position of Lord of Mankind, the ban on knowledge would be lifted immediately, which even included research on abhorrent intelligence. , Horus allowed the Mechanicus to explore the truth without any taboos.

The appeal of this promise was undeniable, and Karabo unleashed a flood of forbidden knowledge, plunging the entire planet into chaos.

"During the ceremony under the Mars underground, I inherited everything from the previous Dragon Guard, including the eternal life that mortals dream of. The Emperor ordered me to guard this place until the end of time." The woman continued, "You can call me Da Liya.”

While talking, Dalia tried to walk in front of Dukel again, but Efilar stopped her and showed a warning.

The sage never allowed a woman to approach Dulquer until she gained trust.

Dahlia also saw Efilar's determination, so she no longer tried to get closer, but just stared at the original body quietly.

Waiting for the original body to give her trust, or for judgment.

In any case, the fact that the Dragon of Mars broke free from the cage is a fact that cannot be ignored. She is willing to bear any punishment for her dereliction of duty.

Dukel was also observing her. After Guilliman and others' probing questions, he was almost certain that the person in front of him was none other than Dragon Guard Dalia herself.

"Dalia, why did the Dragon of Mars suddenly lose control?" After confirming the identity of the other party, Dukel asked the question he wanted to know most.

"The hidden danger of losing control was laid thousands of years ago." Dalia replied, "When I became a dragon guard and came to this silver cave, I found that the book containing the huge lie of Mars was stolen. I knew then that the dragon would break free. Now, the damage has finally been done."

"Since you already knew that this day would come," Duker asked her, "you didn't make preparations for it?"

"In fact, if it weren't for those preparations, the dragon might have already reached the surface of Mars." Dalia did not feel angry because of the questioning, but said helplessly,

"Even so, the power of the dragon is still beyond my expectations. The preparations I made cannot trap it here forever. Thank you again, great existence. If it weren't for your timely arrival, once the dragon escapes from Mars, it will absorb The energy of the star will bring great disaster to mankind, and I will become a sinner who cannot be redeemed."

Dukel nodded, "Now I believe in your identity, Dragon Guardian."

No wonder he was so cautious and wanted to test the other party's identity again and again. It is really difficult to guard against Chaos' tricks. If the other party is impersonated by a Chaos believer, it is hard to say what trouble will happen in the future.

"Children, let your guard down, she is trustworthy," he said to the Sister and the Slayer.

Then he looked at Dalia,

"Dragon Guard, now I can tell you your proposal, how should I deal with the Dragon of Mars next?"

Daria: "The dragon has already broken out of its cage once, and it is obviously inappropriate to place it here again. You cannot kill it completely, as that will bring a huge curse. In fact, the Emperor himself also I used to worry about it.”

She continued,

"I once read through the manuscripts left by His Majesty in the underground library of Mars. He seemed to intend to make the Dragon of Mars into a weapon. Unfortunately, Horus' betrayal forced him to ascend the Golden Throne. Great ideas are not destined to become reality. I hope this can inspire you."

"Weapons? What a crazy idea. He is worthy of being the craziest scientist in the galaxy." Duker muttered to himself, and used the calculation power of his mental network to calculate the feasibility of the idea.

In fact, this is not impossible. The Necrons wield tools crafted from C'tan fragments.

"It is indeed feasible." After finishing the calculation, he said to Dahlia, "Lead the way for me. I need the manuscripts left by the Emperor in the library."

"I am willing to serve you, my lord." Dalia saluted.

Under the leadership of Long Wei, the group once again traveled through this chaotic maze.

"Brother, do you really plan to make the Star God into a weapon?" Guilliman walked beside Duker and said in disbelief, "This is so crazy. I never thought that one day, humans would be able to use These ancient gods. What are you going to make of Him?"

Duker did not respond immediately, but after careful consideration, he replied,

"How about power armor?" He pointed to the armor on his body and continued, "We are still wearing these models from ten thousand years ago. They can be thrown into the museum as ancient relics for display."

"Power armor?" This answer also surprised Guilliman. Speaking of weapons, the first thing that came to his mind were blades and guns. But strictly speaking, armor is also a weapon. With just one thought, he understood the value of the armor crafted by the Star God.

"Is this really possible?" he asked excitedly. As a warrior, he knew very well the increase that a piece of armor could bring to a warrior.

"We need to try it before we know the result." Duker replied rigorously, "There are many fragments of the Star God scattered throughout the galaxy. If all of them are made into armor, it will be enough to equip every great warrior. As for me personally For my part, I hope to succeed.”

Amid the conversation between the two primarchs, they arrived at the huge library located underground on Mars.

The Lord of Mankind once studied and worked here, and left behind many precious manuscripts.

When this huge library was revealed in front of everyone, whether it was Dukel, Gris, or Kaul, their eyes revealed their greed for knowledge.

But they didn't notice it.

A huge storm is brewing on Terra.

The commander of the Forbidden Army, Waldo, was in the trial court, flipping through the files of the recent period, and his face became more and more serious.

After Duker went to Mars, the heretics on Terra became extremely active. They were almost fearless of death and held evil rituals.

In the face of severe shortage of manpower, the Forbidden Army participated in the cleanup of heretics.

This is nothing at first. After all, there are a large number of heretics who live and die every year, carrying out their final madness.

But now, Waldo, the experienced commander of the Imperial Army who acted as the tribunal, was keenly aware of the unusual meaning.

One day ago, Mars experienced a huge tremor. It seemed that an energy powerful enough to tear Mars apart was about to erupt from the depths of the earth.

Such anomalies naturally attracted everyone's attention, and fleets were dispatched to investigate.

But at this time, Khorne's cultists broke out in an unprecedented riot in just one day.

There were a lot of disgusting blood sacrifice rituals, and the cultists seemed to be having a last carnival. They even crawled out of the dark smelly ditch of the lower lair and attacked everyone they saw indiscriminately.

"Tomorrow is the day of the celebration, and Duker will become the Warmaster at that time." Waldo counted the time, "I hope there will be no trouble in this celebration."

He thought silently in his heart.

When the Supreme Warmaster takes over, countless dignitaries in the galaxy will come to watch the ceremony.

The importance of celebrations is self-evident.

What's more, once the celebration is disrupted and Dukel loses his face in public, it's really hard to predict what he will do.

As the Imperial Guard who protects His Majesty, he doesn't like unpredictable things.

Waldo only hoped that Terra's stability could last until the end of the celebration.

Unfortunately, the development of things is destined not to change according to his will.

Waldo, who was still deep in thought, suddenly raised his head.

Because of his extraordinary hearing, he heard screams from all over the city. Mortals ran out of their homes crying. They ran to the church and to the statue of the emperor, praying in fear. .

Then Waldo witnessed that the sky was ignited in an instant, and scarlet thunder and lightning streaked across the blood-like sky. Roars of violence sounded everywhere, flames burned, and smoke billowed. The heart of the human empire, Holy Terra, was instantly transformed into a Shura field by the indescribable power.

Blood and battle, this is the expression of the power of chaos.

They came uninvited to participate in the celebration of the High Warmaster.

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