Chapter 187 32, Emperor: "Uh-huh-huh-huh--"

In the underground library of Mars, where infinite wisdom is stored, everyone has found the knowledge they dream of.

Duker read the manuscripts left by the Emperor thousands of years ago. In these drafts, he gained great inspiration, and gradually gained a clear idea about the creation of the Star God Power Armor.

The technological development of the empire has always been confusing - AI has its own ideas, and machine souls also have their own ideas. AI will betray humans, and machine souls will also betray humans. However, AI is hateful, but machine soul is sacred.

Many times, even those mechanical priests will confuse the difference between AI and machine soul.

Duker also has his own understanding. He believes that the biggest difference between machine souls and AI is whether to treat machines as unique living entities. Most of the time, AI will operate according to a rigid logic system, while the machine soul obviously has fuller emotions and is more like a life.

So Duker planned to create a real mechanical life, a living powered armor, in one step.

Tear apart the active metal shells created by the Necrontyr for the Star Gods, allowing these ancient gods to exist in the form of armor and become the most extreme weapons of mankind.

Even in Duke's opinion, this crazy idea is unlikely to succeed.

But it's worth trying.

Just as he was using the quill pen to calculate his thoughts on the scratch paper, his pen tip suddenly stopped, his expression immersed in thinking became cold, and a vague will to kill surrounded him.

The temperature in the entire library seemed to drop instantly at this moment.

The anger of the Lord of Destruction made the biological parts of the servitors working here tremble with instinct.

"Dulquer, what happened?" Guilliman, feeling the will to kill, walked over. He also held a book on the meaning of war written by the Emperor in his hand.

"The storm in subspace is coming." Duker's tone was low, full of murderous intent. "This storm brought violent ocean currents over, and they flowed out of the gap in the great rift. I smelled the smell of blood, violent The power of Khorne is oppressing Terra. The minions of Khorne are trying to perform a ritual on the throne world of mankind, these damn madmen."

Guilliman showed an expression of disbelief. He was very powerful and confident of defeating any human enemy, but he was not sensitive to subspace.

After hearing Duker's words, he immediately put down the book in his hand.

"These damn lunatics!" On Terra, Waldo, the commander of the Forbidden Army, looked at the bloody scene that looked like the end of the world, and the same curse arose in his heart.

Now that the four primarchs are gathered on Terra, even if Dulquer and Guilliman temporarily stay on Mars, their legions can still support Terra at any time. Chaos is bound to know this kind of information that is not considered secret, not to mention that even the Emperor is now. It is indeed impossible for Chaos to know the news that the Emperor has temporarily recovered.

Could Khorne be confident of defeating the forces on Terra, even the four Primarchs?

Of course, this is just Waldo's fleeting thought. Demons are disorderly and crazy, and everything they do is reasonable.

Valdor wasn't even sure if Khorne actually planned to invade Terra, but he was certain that a greater crisis was brewing.

"Assemble our legions." Waldo fulfilled his duties as the commander of the Forbidden Army and gave the order through the voice channel.

"We must guard our throne and this sacred land." At his call, nearly a thousand Imperial Guards walked out of the palace of Terra.

After the ban on the palace was lifted, the operational efficiency of the imperial army has been greatly improved, and more people are arriving continuously.

The alarm sounded in the palace area. Except for the guards and legions who had to guard the palace gate, everyone else responded to Waldo's call.

"In the name of His Majesty." The Imperial Guards chanted. Under the command of Waldo, these powerful extraordinary warriors, along with their mortal escorts, rushed to all parts of Terra to prevent the further spread of the disaster.

They left as quickly and efficiently as they had come.

After issuing the tactical order, Waldo led an auxiliary army of about ten thousand people to defend near the Lion Gate.

Whenever Terra encounters a war, the Lion's Gate is always the most tragic place. During the war of the Horus Heresy, the corpses in front of the Lion's Gate even piled up to a thickness of several meters.

Waldo looked at the parade street not far away. Countless automatic guns made mechanical buzzing sounds. Amidst the chants of the mechanical priests, the energy shield was activated again.

The planetary defense systems in Terra's outer orbit are also fully activated, and the dense light spear arrays are all in a charged state. Their firepower can ensure a decisive effect in any war.

Even in the shortest possible time, Terra was ready for war, but Valdor's eyes remained worried.

The celebration for Dukel to take over as Warmaster is about to begin. During this time, dignitaries from all walks of life in the galaxy have arrived. If they die in large numbers in this dispute, many worlds will lose their masters.

Countless worlds will fall into turmoil as a result, and the madness of human beings killing each other will once again become the fodder of chaos.

Once the disaster on Terra lasts for too long and the human world in various parts of the galaxy loses control, Waldo can foresee the crisis and the empire will inevitably face an unimaginable disaster.

Just thinking about this terrible future makes Waldo worried.

At this moment, the roar of the aircraft engine sounded, disrupting the thoughts of the commander of the Imperial Army. He raised his head and saw several Blood Angel aircraft passing by in the low sky.

One of them seemed to have discovered him, changed its course in the air, and landed on the tarmac.

Sanguinius, with wings on his back and a holy face, stepped off the dark red aircraft. Mephiston, the chief think tank, was guarding him, looking at everything here with vigilance.

Although Sanguinius's face was still childish, the arrival of a primarch seemed to have an invisible, peaceful and sacred aura that instantly enveloped the place. Under this aura, the uneasy heart of the commander of the Imperial Guard gradually calmed down.

"I salute you, Lord Sanguinius." Valdo, wearing heavy golden armor and holding a spear, walked towards the original body and saluted solemnly. He didn't show disrespectful contempt because of his young age.

"I didn't expect that even you would be alarmed. This is our fault." He continued apologetically.

"It's worse than it looks, Waldo. Maybe it's just the breeze before the tsunami." Sanguinius showed a little sadness, but it was quickly replaced by determination.

"Many people in the Star Language Court have lost their minds in the impact from the subspace. They are screaming crazily about the omens of the Skull Lord. I have sent them to the spiritual meditation room. Only there can they Get a moment of peace."

Hearing the description of the original body, Waldo looked shocked, "Sir, are you saying that this riot is just the tip of the iceberg? The tyrannical evil god has even sent his demonic army to our throne world?"

"That's right." Sanguinius nodded, his tone heavy.

The eyes of the commander of the imperial army burst out with indescribable killing intent for a moment, and the huge anger made his body tremble slightly.

This is Terra, the capital of the Empire and the seat of the Lord of Mankind.

Now, the demons want to trample their dirty feet on this sacred land. The evil god of chaos has even sent out his demonic army in an attempt to destroy everything he protects.

Just thinking of this, Waldo was dominated by great anger.

"Calm down, Commander of the Forbidden Forces. The most important thing we should do now is to drive them back." Sanguinius could understand his anger. After warning him, he walked to the elevator platform and prepared to go to the city wall.

Soldiers built fortifications on the city walls, and a large number of artillery arrays were ready to fire. Sanguinius looked past these busy soldiers and looked into the distance.

This is the place where Sanguinius once fought. During the Great Rebellion thousands of years ago, he also fought to the death with his blood brothers near the Lion's Gate.

Unexpectedly, when I landed here again, I would see Terra still in flames of war.

In his sight, the rioting flames were connected together, everything was burning, the sky was as scarlet as blood, and thick smoke was gathering in the sky.

The cultists who believe in the Lord of Skulls are attacking the mortal army. Even though their power is vulnerable, the flow of blood is so disturbing at this time.

"Father, I wonder if this blood is what you want." Seeing these rioting cultists being slaughtered, the blood spilled promoted the ceremony.

Sanguinius knew clearly that the arrival of Khorne's army could no longer be stopped.

He stood on the city wall, holding a weapon as he did thousands of years ago, with a serious look on his face.

There's just one thing he still can't understand.

He is one of the very few people who knows the current situation of the Emperor. Therefore, he could not understand even more why Khorne's demon army could invade the territory of the Lord of Mankind so easily when the Emperor was awake.

And at this time,

Inside the Throne Hall of the Royal Palace.

The great being emitting dazzling golden light is still sitting on his throne.

Three Custodian Captains stood guard at the foot of the throne's steps, serving as the Emperor's last line of defense in the turmoil that spread across Terra.

The three Forbidden Army captains loyally adhere to this mission, but from time to time, they will look back secretly.

After the speaker was installed on the Golden Throne, the Imperial Guards knew that the Majesty they had been guarding for thousands of years was awake.

It was precisely because of this that during this turmoil, the three imperial guards suddenly became curious as to whether His Holy Majesty would show his emotions because of this.

But the result was destined to disappoint them.

Even though this king's territory is being trampled upon by sin.

Even though his people are being murdered by cultists.

In that dazzling golden light, the emperor on the throne still maintained the same posture as he had for thousands of years.

His eyes were closed tightly. This indifferent old god seemed not to care about everything that was happening in the empire and the life and death of his people.

The three Forbidden Army captains looked at each other, and they could all see the hatred for the evil god's minions in each other's eyes.

They have been brothers for thousands of years. Even without using words, they can understand each other's meaning just by looking at each other.

At this moment, they are communicating with their eyes——

"This armor is very uncomfortable to wear."

"Me too, but it's necessary, we're in a war."

"Have you noticed that the speaker is particularly quiet today."

"My guess is that it was closed."

"Who closed it? How dare anyone block His Majesty's will?"

"In the early hours of last night, the Lord of the First Legion came to visit secretly. After that, the speaker never made any sound again."

"Lion King? Oh my god, why would he do this? The talking device is the only way for His Majesty to express his emotions now!"

"Then how about we restart it?"

"Agree." "Second."

After receiving unanimous approval from the brothers, a forbidden soldier carefully came to the throne.

"Your Majesty, please forgive us for taking matters into our own hands. Your servants need your guidance."

After consulting the Emperor, he activated the instrument again.


The chaotic sound of electricity came from inside the speaker, and then——

"Uh-huh, uh-huh, uh-huh--"

"Zombie, bring your dog brain a little closer, a little closer. Uh-huh-huh-huh-uh-huh-"


Three Forbidden Army Captains: "."


The speaker was turned off again, and the sound stopped abruptly.

"Brothers." The Forbidden Army returned to the throne again with a solemn expression. "Our master is busy with something, so we'd better not disturb him."

"Agree." "Second."

The three commanders of the imperial army once again guarded the throne like statues.

Silence returned to the hall.


"Blood sacrifice to the blood god, skull sacrifice to the skull throne!"

In the camp of the cultists, a man blessed by the Blood God roared with fury.

Roaring, roaring, the voices of the cultists gathered in one place, resounding in the lower nest of Terra's hive city. They held blood-stained weapons and used blood to outline abominable runes.

They charged together, smashing into the army of loyalist soldiers with blood and fury.

The sky is burning, the earth is shattering, and the fury of blood and fire is spreading wantonly.

The artillery exploded near them, but was isolated by the power of the dark god. Only a few people were torn apart by the roaring gunfire, and the bodies engraved with blasphemous runes were also shattered in the explosion.

But more cultists broke through the artillery blockade and fought with the imperial soldiers.

Scarlet blood flows freely in the war, and along with the killings and disputes, the ominous omen becomes more and more terrifying.

For these crazy cultists, this is a sacred ritual dedicated to the Blood God. Whether they kill the enemy or be killed by the enemy, it is their supreme glory.

The roar from the highest sky became brighter and brighter, the blood-like storm gradually gathered into a solid body, and the curtain of reality was almost completely torn apart.

A terrible will shrouded all of Terra, and the barriers of the material universe were overwhelmed.

They are coming.

They are coming!

Countless psykers hid in the spiritual meditation room amid desperate screams. Only by entering the virtual realm could they avoid the erosion of the sea of ​​souls.

Horrible nightmares haunt them.

An unbearable horror is about to come.

The pure will to kill turns this place into the realm of Shura. The bite of blood and the cry of flesh and blood. No matter noble or humble, everyone will drown in the blood.

Sanguinius and Valdor stood on the walls of the Lion's Gate, watching more and more cultists trying to attack this sacred portal.

The Blood God blessed them and made them revel in killing. They were huge in size. Although their equipment was simple, they still brought a huge sense of oppression. The will of the Lord of the Skulls spread across the land of Terra with the footsteps of this team. , they presided over the blood ritual and also served as ritual sacrifices.

In the sacrifices of these cultists, the already fragile barrier of reality inside the Great Rift has cracked, and some truly terrifying existences are about to descend here.

"Be prepared and destroy them as quickly as possible." Sanguinius gave the order. He stretched out his white wings and sat here personally.

Waldo obeyed his orders, and when the cultists launched a death-defying charge, the roar of artillery continued for a moment.

The dense firepower net emitted by the fortifications on the city walls and towers tore apart all the cultists who wanted to get close almost instantly.

But one man among the cultists who survived caught Sanguinius's eye.

With the blessing of the dark evil god, even artillery fire cannot destroy this man.

Sanguinius had fighting spirit in his eyes. In this place where he had fought before, he could no longer hold back this almost boiling desire.

"My lord, let me execute him!" Upon seeing this, a Custodian shouted to Sanguinius.

In this case, the cultist's fighting ability depends entirely on the blessing given to him by Khorne. If it is the original body in perfect condition, the Imperial Guard will naturally not worry.

But Sanguinius currently looks like he is only in his early teens.

A ten-year-old primarch is not necessarily weak, but it is difficult to say how much fighting ability the original primarch still retains when it looks like it is only ten years old.

"Stick to your post, Custodes, I am not weak!" Sanguinius flew past him, the tip of his golden spear flashing with the arc of the phase force field.

This is not the weapon Sanguinius used thousands of years ago.

The armor and weapons currently equipped on the Archangel are all manufactured by the Second Legion Factory.

He waved his white wings and jumped down from the tower. The original body was the god on earth and synonymous with the power of the empire.

But since his resurrection, Sanguinius has lost most of his power and is unable to participate in the war.

This situation should have continued until all the fragments of his soul were found, but Dukel's virtual realm plan once again gave him hope of returning to the battlefield.

In the virtual realm, he also learned a lot of knowledge and made extraordinary progress. Whether it was spiritual cultivation technology or life magnetic field technology, his progress rate was far beyond the imagination of ordinary people.

After being thrown into the war again after thousands of years, Sanguinius was not as excited as he imagined. He calmly stared at the man blessed by the evil god, that flesh-and-blood monster.

This monster, under the watchful eye of the Blood God, is reaping more blessings as the war progresses. If left unchecked, it will definitely cause greater harm.

The man's only remaining eyes, covered with scarlet bloodshot eyes, stared at the flying archangel. He roared like a beast, and the sound waves spread to the entire battlefield.

Countless mortal soldiers trembled at his roar, and then he waved the weapon in his hand and charged at the archangel.

"Go to hell, accomplice of the cursed!" The endless anger distorted his reason, and the original body that he used to be too awed to look directly into became the enemy he wanted to hunt.

Only killing can satisfy his anger.

Sanguinius's martial arts was outstanding even among the original bodies, and the wings behind him made him extremely flexible in the air. When he was about to get close to the opponent, he suddenly flapped his right wing in mid-air.

The huge reaction force in the air caused the archangel's figure to deflect in mid-air, elegantly avoiding the monster's attack.

Before the monster had time to retract its weapon, the flaw in its back was completely exposed in front of Sanguinius, and the spear with the arc of the phase force field easily penetrated into the monster's back.


The sharp spear tip pierced through the flesh and bones of the cultist in an instant, and penetrated into the land of Terra without losing any force.

Sanguinius pulled the gun's device, and the weapon made by the Second Legion instantly burst out with powerful energy, and red flames detonated in the monster's body.

The monster, which had long been unable to feel pain, now let out a miserable howl. But driven by endless anger, he forgot about the gap in strength and martial arts between him and the archangel, and still attacked without fear of death.

Sanguinius drew his spear and responded calmly. The monster, which was seriously injured by the red flames, could no longer pose any threat to him, seizing the interval between the opponent's attacks.

The golden spear was swung, and the blade instantly chopped off the evil god's beloved son's head.

Red flames burned on the monster's corpse, and in the blazing flames, the soul's howl of pain could be vaguely heard.

The archangel flapped his white wings, raised his weapons high in the air, and declared his victory to all loyalists.

"Noble soldiers, nothing can harm us." He said, "Our swords are indestructible, our spears are invincible, and our strength is unmatched because our hearts are extremely pure!"

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