Kaguya thwarted the momentum of Lyu, who was about to refute, and said, "Is it better to understand?" Then he continued.

  "Don't think that with our level of strength, everything can be saved."

  With sharp eyes and a cold tone.

  "Leon, you are very strong. It is enough to be called my good rival. But in this [family, you are the most immature."

  "It's not that you're insulting because you're a goblin. I mean, you're the most vulnerable at heart."

  The sudden insult caused Lyu to raise her eyebrows, and just as she was about to grab Kaguya—

  "If you are right, why is Shakti's sister, Yati, dead?"

  Hearing these words, Lyu's outstretched hand stopped.

  "It died in front of us, that guy. He was killed by the dark faction because of an inexplicable self-destruction device."

  The labyrinth city at that time was a dark period.Led by the Rudra family, many evils have risen, bringing destruction and grief to Orari.

  Order was destroyed by rogue thieves everywhere, leaving only chaos raging in the impossibly city.The powerless inhabitants shed blood and tears, and those who held strength and held back evil were also forced to sacrifice.

  "Look at the streets. There are still crying voices. It took sacrifice to be this way. How can we shout for spotless 'justice'?"

  "Save everyone? Didn't this save you, you idiot."

  While touching the two small daggers stuck in his waist, Kaguya said contemptuously.There is neither anger nor disappointment there, just a faint message of unshakable truth.

  "The 'justice' you're talking about is just a convenient 'ideal'. Anyone will be forced to choose one day. So am I, and so are you."

  The girl's black eyes seemed to have lost interest, and she looked away from Lyu.

  "You should, learn more about the thing called the world."

  After leaving such words as if to make fun of her, Kaguya left.Lyu who stayed behind had no choice but to shake hands into fists and hold them tightly.It wasn't anger towards Kaguya, but anger towards himself who couldn't refute anything.

  "It's another big fight, you two."

  At this point, sigh.As if passing by by chance, the head of the regiment, Alize, stuck his face out of the corridor.Seeing the red-haired girl entering the room, Lyu hurriedly looked away.

  "It's okay to talk to each other. Can you lower your voice? Let alone me, who was passing by, even Astoria-sama heard it. That god will feel heartache."


  "However, Asteria-sama feels that she will talk about it as much as possible. Then, Kaguya won this quarrel? Leon is too straightforward, and she is really good at being pointed out by others."

  While joking, Alize smiled at the lost Lyu.Lyu fixed her gaze on the floor and dropped her words.

  "I... can't allow it. Even if I'm stupid, Kaguya is right. This kind of practice that presupposes sacrifice from the beginning... This kind of thing is the same as succumbing to evil. It's just that Showing your weakness and forgetting to give everything for justice!"

  When Lyu-yue said that his emotions were getting more intense and his voice became excited,

  "Everyone said calm down, Leon."

  Alize said so, holding her little finger.She tightly wrapped Lyu's slender fingers with her index finger and thumb.In this way, Lyu's mood will become mysteriously transparent.

  Always been this way.This girl, Alize, will calm Lyu's heart like a calm sea.Lyu felt like she was about to be sucked into the green pupils in front of her.

  "Did Alize hear what Kaguya said?"

  "Ah, what do you have to give up? Did you hear that?"

  "What do you think? Alize also feels that sacrifice must be made... Is that so?"

  When she recovered, she had already asked like this.And Alize quickly answered her.He raised his thin chest without hesitation.

  "...That kind of thing, of course, it's better for everyone to be saved. I think what Leon said is better!"

  Liu was stunned.Because the ambition that should have been confused was easily affirmed.

  Looking at Lyu who kept blinking, Alize continued, "But, I don't know if it's right."


  "After all, I also think that if you pursue the 'ideal' foolishly, everything will not go your way."

  That could instead be the price, she said, resulting in a greater sacrifice.Alize did not deny either Lyu nor Kaguya, she said this not from a personal, but from the position of Heaven.

  "When Kaguya was in the Far East, he seemed to have experienced a lot of things. Maybe he saw a world that we couldn't even imagine?"

  "Political struggle in the far east, isn't it?"

  "That's right. Maybe it's because of knowing this that Kaguya said such harsh words... No, she said that to protect what she really cherishes."

  The girl who was the leader explained Kaguya's heart by guessing.

  "I don't think there will be a correct answer. Some are just doing what and how much effort to make a wish come true. Even if I am pure and honest, smart and perfect, I can only say things to this extent."

  I don't know if the second half is serious or joking.After Alize said this (Wang's Zhao), she smiled.

  "However, 'ideal' is important, right?"

  It was a smile that was as soft as a white flower.

  "Even if it's nice, we should aim for this. No matter what we are mocked as, or how insulted by others. If it weren't for this, we would be weak creatures who would accept no matter what the outcome."

  Alize's words at that time, and her straight eyes.Lyu still remembers.

  "If you don't pursue the "ideal", what you get at the end of the compromise will definitely be smaller.

  I think so.I believe so.Alize said so clearly.

  "I don't know if this is correct. But it's not good to give up. Because the "ideal" that I pursue should be full of happiness."

  "So, it makes sense to seek the 'ideal'."

  Every word from Alize slammed into Lyu's chest at that time.A lot of ripples appeared in the heart of the single-minded search for "justice".

  "What if someone realizes the "ideal"?"

  Lyu asked her again.Hearing this, Alize smiled back like a child.

  "Don't you know? This kind of person is called a hero.".

Chapter 376

  "Lyu, there is nothing abnormal up front."

  "Huh? Oh..."

  A voice interrupted Lyu's memory.

  "Since there is no abnormality ahead, then if we continue like this, we will soon find a way."

  "Just come, I'm not good at this."

  However, the seemingly omnipotent Nangong Xiao said such words.

  "Is there anything you're not good at?"

  To Lyu's question, Nangong Xiao replied: "Of course, everyone has something they are good at and weaknesses, so they can be called creatures."

  "Then what does Mr. Nangong think that kind of existence is called?"

  "It should be said that it is God. No, after all, God is only a creature with a higher level of life, so this kind of existence should be called..."

  The voice behind Nangongxiao was getting smaller and smaller. Liu didn't hear it clearly, but he didn't interrupt his thoughts. The two walked quietly like this.

  The roar of the monster roared, and this was the battle zone that unfolded in a deep corner.

  The 37-story labyrinth between each "large ring wall" is the same as the water mystery, and it is a multi-layer structure.The ceilings in the individual halls are terrifyingly high, and one has to climb up and down a series of steps in order to move forward.

  Needless to say, monsters coming up from below had a hard time attacking, but two people with a high line of sight could easily hit them.The geographical advantage generated by fighting on the steps is to use the height difference.

  With the stolen white stone stick, he swung it down at the wolf-headed man who showed his flaws.For the wolf-headed monster below, this is the equivalent of a blow that is raised overhead and then swung down.Although it hurriedly raised its arms, it was smashed together with its head, and its entire body was squashed to its chest.

  Without seeing the sight of the magic stone turning into dust and the body turning into ashes, he threw away the broken white stone stick and quickly killed another monster.

  "Ow, ooh, ooh!"

  Looking at the monsters below, you can clearly see that they are getting impatient with the attack.

  "so annoying......."

  During this period of time, the two have encountered nearly a hundred waves of monsters, and Nangong Xiao would rather fight them all at once than go through a wheel battle.

  Due to the effect of the terrain, the movement of monsters is significantly restricted compared to when fighting on flat ground.Actions are restricted, which means that opponents can be induced according to their own thoughts.Being able to induce means that the prediction here can be infinitely close to predicting the future.

  Nangong Xiao had no intention of using spiritual power, because he wanted to take this opportunity to hone his fighting ability, instead of relying on a higher realm to suppress his opponent.When fighting the monster named "Zagnot", he realized this - his melee ability is far from that of the monster.

  From behind Lyu, who was at the rear, from the depths of the road, there was a howl of a monster.This road is a straight road.Lyu was under attack and had nowhere to run.

  "Do you need help?"

  "Mr. Nangong, you concentrate on dealing with your enemies."

  There is no reason to always hand over the battle to the avant-garde Nangong Xiao, and he only concentrates on supporting.She has long understood that since it is a team of two, the scene where the guards must also meet will definitely come.Now is that time.

  "Can't hold you back, I have to fight too."


  Looking at the approaching lizardmen, Lyu drew the sword from his waist.Lyu pinned it to her left waist, facing the group of enemies, and knelt down on one knee.

  Seeing the elf standing on one knee, the lizardmen's eyes flashed with surprise.The scabbard was inserted into the waist, and the hands were placed on it in a motionless posture.To the monster it was just strange.Seeing the prey as still as a stone statue, the lizard people stopped for a while, and then they attacked in unison.

  The first one took a big stride and was about to cut her in half with a long sword of natural weapons.Even if you are not proficient in kendo, humans should be aware of this "stance" when they see this posture.Lyu responded with a response to the monster who was rushing towards him carelessly.

  Lyu's body shook, and a silver light flashed.As soon as the monster entered the range of the weapon, she quickly drew the knife and slashed.The lizardmen elites were shaken when they saw the end of their comrade who was beautifully slashed in two with a magic stone on their chest.

  "Kaguya... I'll lend you a move."

  Ryusho released it as a tachi move that Iai, a now deceased friend from the extreme east was proud of.

  Seeing the goblin sheathing the sword again, the panicked lizard people had to shout and rush over.With one eye narrowed, Lyu drew his sword again, and cut through the magic stone before the enemy's stone sword slashed into his skin.

  No matter how many times you attack, the ending is the same.Individuals who step into the range of the sword are cut off in sequence, and even if they want to attack at the same time, they are limited by this narrow road, and there are only two at most at a time.With Lyu's technique, it was enough to pile up two mountains of ashes with the two strikes of the sword that he swung out and then pulled back.

  The silver flash released with all the strength, its trajectory turned into a barrier of slashing.

  "If I were here, I would probably laugh at me being boring..."

  Although it is a Taida move that he learned from his comrades, it is still not as good as the original.

  However, this is very dangerous for the deep monsters.Approaching her, the sight of being cut open the moment they tried to break through was like magic to them.They were afraid to release the sure-kill Ryu, and hesitated to attack.

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