But at this moment, an ominous voice sounded, making Lyu's heart beat like an alarm bell.There was a deep crack on the side, and before Lyu saw it, she followed the alarm and backed away.Immediately after, a thick arm emerged from the wall and swept across the space where Lyu had been before.

  "Barbarian Warrior!"

  Two curved horns, sharp claws and teeth.Like the Elite Lizardmen and the Wolf-Headed Men, they are warrior monsters.At this moment, a sense of malice was felt, and the barbarian warrior born from the labyrinth pursued Lyu, who had been released from the Iai state by a surprise attack.

  Led by the savage warriors, the lizardmen group also charged towards Lyu. .

Chapter 377

  Nangong Xiao, who ran over, used a flying kick.It was powerful enough to break the sternum, causing the barbarian warrior to fall backwards, crushing the lizardmen elites who were following behind.

  The blood-stained monsters let out a scream.Ignoring the constant screams, he swiped the sharp blade down at the monster's body countless times.There is no trace of sophistication in this scene, it is very primitive, or even curious.Blood splattered on his face, eyes wide open.

  After the huge arm of the last monster twitched violently and stopped moving, only the sound of their breathing could be heard in the road.

  Lyu said slowly, "For the time being, let's rest..."

  This is a small hall with only one entrance.The slanted shape is so far removed from the square that it is more appropriate to use the cavity of the cave as a metaphor.

  "That's when I lost my comrade and completed my revenge... when Xier picked it up. I'm afraid it was the magician... The man in black appeared in front of me."

  "Never tell anyone about the information about the saboteurs encountered in the dungeon."

  Under the dark, raining sky, in an alley with only two people.Calling out the alias of Ryu, who no one knew of his true identity, Fellowes said he was here to "warn".

  "That one can never be summoned again. If you can keep this promise... I'll stop it completely. Considering your achievements in the righteous faction (Asteria Familia), I won't ask you for the crime. ."

  I wait, referring to the upper guild...or Lord Uranos?In other words, Lord Uranos issued an edict that the guild would only carry out its duty to put her on the list of dangerous people, and no longer track the whereabouts of [Galeous Wind], right?-.

  Seeing that Lyu nodded silently and agreed to this "warning", Fellowes seemed to disappear into the darkness.

  "If the magician is a private soldier of the guild, it means that the guild has recognized the existence of that monster. It may be the power of the god Uranus, who is said to offer "prayer" to the dungeon..."

  It seemed that Lyu also sensed the true face of Fellowes.

  Nangong Xiao fell into deep thought, trying to simulate the situation in his mind.

  After all you were at that time!Greed for life and fear of death!Sacrificing allies, finally drove that monster away! !

  That animal trainer did say so.

  That is to say, is it possible that he is still alive?

  Liu she refused to answer.The pursed lips just returned silence.Only those fists were clenched tightly, even trembling quietly.

  "The enemy is coming."

  There was more than one cry from the depths of the intersection.

  "It" is wandering around.He exhaled a warm breath, and the shell fragments that fell off his body fell to the ground.With the phosphorescent light flickering on the wall, the claw held by the left hand emits a strange blue-purple brilliance.The labyrinth surrounded by darkness was silent.The other monsters held their breaths as if they were afraid of it, never appearing in front of them

  Only the footsteps that shook the darkness sounded.A monster called "Zagnot" by the gods and adventurers is roaming the 37th floor.

  - The body is seriously damaged.

  He has an intellectual part that can be called thinking.With this as a premise, he quietly examined his body.

  The reverse joint of the right foot that was hit by the slash.Although it can still jump, its mobility is greatly reduced compared to when it is in a state of perfection.The high-speed movement that scares adventurers is no longer possible.

· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·???

  The power of the slaying that brought him to the end of the era also affected the right half of his body. Half of the armor's magic-reflecting armor shell was shattered, and half of his tail was also lost.The whole body was shaved off.The damage is serious.There will always be a moment when you can't move.

  Zagnot is very short-lived.It has a uniqueness that other monsters do not have, first of all, there is no magic stone.

...... 0

  It's good to think of the whole body as a huge magic stone, and that's why he can use his extraordinary strength and agility to dash forward.Potential abilities will vary with the level that appears, and the deeper the level, the stronger the individual will be.Enough to wipe out Astoria's family, or even enough to ravage the ranks of first-level adventurers.

  Therefore, during the battle, regardless of whether Zagnot lost his head or his chest was pierced, he could continue to move, and it would end only when his entire body was completely shattered.

  No magic stones or drop items are left.It leaves no trace, was born for the mother, eliminates the dangerous elements, and then disappears in no one's memory.

  - Without a right arm, that would not kill the prey.

  ——The arm is needed, and the claw that kills that guy is needed.

  Zagnot's bright red eyes twinkled slightly.In the next instant, he attacked his fellow clan who passed his vision.Several overlapping screams and shocks of destruction, and chewing.In the darkness of the labyrinth, ominous voices echoed around..

Chapter 378

  The sound of swords and halberds is endless.In the labyrinth, which was dyed as thin as night, countless sparks were scattered.The adventurer's turbulent breathing sounded, and the monster's roar sounded.

  Earthborn, the second type of skeleton monster that appeared after the Bone Sheep.

  The bone body was as tall as him, or higher.All were armed with weapons made of bones and stabbed violently with swords or spears.The Earthborn Group and other warrior-type monsters surrounded them.

  At that time, a cracking sound came from the ears of the two people who were alerting the monster's breath.However, it was not the wall that was cracked, but the ground.The skeleton warriors were born from under their feet and attacked like corpses awakened in the cemetery.

  It has no skin or even muscles, but its strength surpasses that of lizardmen and cunning wolves, and its agility is much higher than that of large monsters.The movement of the body is more like an adventurer than a monster.

  The most important thing is that the strategy cannot be used smoothly.

  Swords and shields, as well as spears and axes, drive tactics, and the place where these various weapons are used for battle is a wide passage, and it is also disadvantageous that there is no available terrain.It is impossible to push the battlefield according to the mind.

  Now is not the time to hesitate, the next blow must open up the situation.

  Light particles lit up in Nangongxiao's hand, and a beam of spiritual energy shot into the Earthborn Group. This was a battle to break through the enemy's corner and first break through the encircling net.

  From the blind corner of the field of vision, a black rock slowly ran out of the shadows of other monsters, and immediately before the beam burst, it significantly weakened its power.

  It has a distorted body, and at the same time, it emits a jet-black luster that can be mistaken for a gem, and the part where the head is located has a strange purple light like a one-eyed.

  Obsidian Soldier, a rock monster with an obsidian body.Compared with the warrior type, the movement is cumbersome, and only the defense is excellent.It is said that among the monsters on the 37th floor, this monster, which has a low fighting ability, possesses the characteristic of killing magic.

  As if pursuing further, a new monster appeared.The monster had a slender body like a snake and four feet.The skin color is a frightening dark green.Countless thorns grow from its back like a hedgehog.At first glance, it looks a bit like a lizard, but its race is a genuine dragon species.

  The ability it possesses is - Vicious Poison.

  The three Perudas who appeared together shook the countless needles growing on their backs as if accumulating strength, and then fired them out in one go.

  Seeing the thorns that were shot like a barrage, Nangong Xiao hugged Lyu's body.Then he rushed towards the alien who was holding a shield like a kite shield.Immediately afterwards, the swift needle pierced the surface of the shield.At the same time, deafening screams were heard around.

  It was the lizardmen and the cunning wolf who were pierced by the poisonous needles.The lizardmen who were bathed in the attack of their kin instantly fell to the ground, their skin turned black, their bodies kept twitching, blood spurted out of the perforations, and even the blood that came out was dyed jet black.

  The needles fired like rapid-fire cannons threw the monster's siege into chaos.On the other hand, the only monsters who can move while bathed in poison needles are obsidian soldiers and earthlings.The joints and pitch-black eye sockets of the reduced number of monsters were pierced by thorns, making it impossible to approach them at will.

  In the end, presumably feeling irritated by the endlessness, or the poison needles were used up, the Perudas let out another breath this time.Turns the surroundings into a sea of ​​fire with a searing scorching breath worthy of a dragon.

  The flames that have not yet been extinguished were raging, and countless bones and obsidian blocks that should have been dropped props also rolled everywhere.

  "That's an exaggeration."

  If it weren't for ordinary flames that were useless to him.Nangong Xiao picked up the spears that the monsters were holding before, and threw them out. Several spears whizzed past with a cracking sound, hitting the monster's eyes and open mouth accurately. into its body...  

  Lyu took out the scroll that was stuck at his waist, and it was a map he had taken from the corpses of the adventurers.Adding in the routes they've traveled, the completed map depicts a maze so complex that the blank sections are no longer sufficient.

  Although the owners created this map, they couldn't include all the surrounding areas.Every time you go to a new fork that isn't documented on the map, you'll encounter a dead end or a horde of monsters.

  (Considering the distance, it is also a good idea to return to the fork in the road that has not been taken before. Only the route recorded by the corpse is left...)

  Lyu's fingers traced the road ahead of others' handwriting, and could only follow the path blazed by the pioneers.

  (But, this road...why did they go back once?)

  The cause of death of the adventurers was poison.While advancing along the remaining road, the adventurers were poisoned, temporarily left, and returned to the small hall that served as their stronghold.Until now, Lyu thought so.

  However, when you think about it, it's very unnatural.Will a high-level adventurer who has been poisoned and has no antidote really do such a meaningless act of returning to a distant base?

  If it is Lyu, it will move forward.Since there are no props, it is to fight against the time when the poison kills the body. The behavior of returning to the original path and choosing to cut off the retreat are basically the same.Even more so when you can't count on someone to help.

  Desperately carve out the route ahead and discover the right path.If the advanced adventurer who can reach this deep area, wouldn't they bet on this kind of adventure?

  (Or, is there something they have to give up ahead of this road...?)

  A trace of worry flashed in Lyu's mind, who had been investigating repeatedly.

  "Follow the map and follow the previous path."

  There were no other options from the start. .

Chapter 379

  After walking forward for a while, the way forward changed.

  All the way up the stairs.It is no longer the ups and downs that go up and down as much as you climb, but you keep bumping into steps that keep going up.Even with 37 floors in a multi-layered structure, such a path forcing people to go up is rare.

  Doubts kept attacking Lyu who felt strange.

  (This terrain...could it be...)

  The steps are not broken.up, up.It was almost like being on the gallows, or being led to the execution platform.The doubts cherished turned into strong convictions.

  --how so.

  It looks like the dungeons really want us to be buried here.Lyu was so desperate that she even wanted to laugh when she realized the path she was walking on—where she was.

  "I just figured out where we are. Going along the road, there should be a big step."

  In the end, just as Lyu had said, a large, turbid white staircase appeared in front of her eyes.

  "Climb up on this and cross this front... 14 will be on the regular route."

  It was an oversized hall, but the structure itself was significantly different from the rest of the area.

  First of all, from where they were, the intersection was fifty meters away from the floor of the hall.On the floor far below, sharp rock protrusions filled the ground like a forest of guns.Even if it is an advanced adventurer, once it falls, it means death.

  The only thing that was built as a foothold was the long bridge that stretched out in front of their eyes.It extends all the way to the depths of darkness, entrenched in the structure in the center of space.There were several shadows that should be monsters swaying around the edge of that structure.

  Moreover, the roar of the undetermined number of overlapping is still sounding.

  Lyu, who was suppressing her emotions, said, "The arena... a killing space where monsters can be born infinitely."

  In the arena, only one large space was confirmed on the 37th floor.

  Living up to the name of the large space, the area is also surprisingly large on the same floor, but the correct area is not measured.Because it is too dangerous, people give up measuring this thing.

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