Her pupils looked around the crowd.

  "I've wanted to know for a long time...what are my prey screaming. Angry? For mercy?"

  Seeing Algana revealing her sadistic temperament, Tione clicked her tongue in disgust.

  Nothing has changed.She is only interested in great power, in bloodshed and struggle.

  Facing the Amazons who have a deep feud with her in her homeland, Tione can't stop the blood turmoil.Her hands clenched into fists.

  "I heard that, Tione? You seem to be strong in the outside world?"

  "I also heard that you, like me, became an angry snake."

  "Don't get me involved with you."

  There was a sound of something breaking from Tione.The corrected way of speaking returned to his natural rudeness, and his features were stained with anger.Algana, whose lips were curved into a crescent shape, slowly tilted her head to one side.

  "So—how much stronger have you gotten?"

  In an instant, there was a blank time on the street.

  The next moment, the feet of both sides kicked into the opponent.Tione's upper kick was blocked by her left arm, and likewise Algana's upper kick was blocked by her left arm.In an instant, a fist-fighting battle began.

  "It's over, which idiot is causing me trouble?!"

  There is a high possibility that the two adventurers of lv6 were fighting on the street, and soon spread to the ears of the guild branch. The guild branch that was unable to solve it by itself naturally found the Hestia family. .No, to be precise, Nangong Xiao himself, as Lv7, it would be better for him to solve this battle.

  So, Nangong Xiao, who had no clue about the piranha incident, left the commission temporarily and came here.


  Tiona and Ais arrived at the scene, but one step too late.

  Afraid of being affected, the crowd screamed and pushed each other and fled; behind this scene, the two punched and kicked like a storm, and the fierce fight was like dancing.The long black and sand-colored hair curled up and danced, and the fists and feet that could easily shatter the body of an ordinary person did not give in to each other.The dull sound through the defense made the eardrum tremble.

  There is no difference between the two sides... No, compared to Tionne——

  Seeing the two perform extremely similar body techniques, Ais's chest swayed as sharply as a small needle.

  In terms of fighting with bare hands, Tione and Tiona still possessed unparalleled strength even among the Loki Familia.In terms of strength, Grace is the most important, and speed is the advantage of Bert, but from the point of view of skill, the Amazons' unique martial arts are stronger than anyone else... If Ais didn't have a sword, she would have three skills. He was beaten to the ground twice.

  However, Tione, who is so good in kung fu, was beaten by her rival Algana and retreated.

  The long limbs growled like snakes and beat Tione continuously.She guessed moves extremely fast, and the opponent took action before he could counterattack.The level must be Lv.6, and the ability value is probably slightly better than her.

  Facing the bright-eyed Algana, Tione's expression twisted, overwhelmed her anxiety with anger, and accelerated her attack speed without admitting defeat.

  Ais and Tiona easily jumped over the crowd, eager to stop them, but...someone stood in front of them.Another amazon with sand-colored hair.

  "Get out of the way, Bajie!"

  To the shouting Tiona, the expressionless Bajie said a word from under the veil surrounding her mouth.It was a language that Ais didn't know, but she couldn't understand the meaning, and she could understand the meaning of rejection.

  Tiona's eyebrows stood upright, and she rushed over from the right, trying to push her away.Encountered with two first-level adventurers who had a tacit understanding and developed a joint action in the dungeon - Bajie dealt with two people at the same time.

  She caught Tiona's fist with one hand, kicked the ground almost at the same time, and launched a flying kick at Ais.

  Although the opponent floated in the air, he used only one arm to swipe at Tiona. Although Ais hurriedly dodged, there were still a few blond hair cut off by the majestic foot knife.

  No time to be frightened at all.Ais and the others put their hands on the ground and wanted to quickly restore their messy postures, but Bajie didn't give them room to breathe and attacked immediately.She spun like a top, top, middle, bottom, punches and feet from various angles like rapid-fire cannons, attacking Ais and Tiona on the left and right at the same time.

  So fast!

  Contrary to the indifferent eyes, Ba Jie, who used the raging combo, made Ais stare blankly.

  You can't defeat such an opponent without a weapon.Ais realized this in an instant, and drew a substitute sword from its scabbard—the one-handed sword used in place of the Sword of Despair that was sent for repair, but at this moment, the remaining Amazons also attacked.

  They may understand that to deal with the two first-level adventurers who enter the battle situation, even Bajie will suffer, and join the battle with weapons.

  Just let them fight...

  Looking at the group of people fighting together like berserkers, he felt that these people might enjoy it.

  Anyway, the guild branch felt that it was not easy to stop things. The condition of the entrustment was only to ensure the safety of the residents. As long as it did not affect the storage area of ​​any valuables, they were free to fight. .

Chapter 414

  Butterfly dealt with Tionne, and the Amazons dealt with Ace.Tiona and the others had already started a fierce battle, and Ais was also pulled into the melee.

  "Hahahahahahaha! You've changed, Tione, you've changed!"

  In another battlefield, Tione, who was fighting with the laughing Algana, was so angry.

  That is the anger of the opponent, but also the irritability of oneself.Her skill [Berserk] will increase her attack power whenever she takes damage to herself, and the more anger she gets, the stronger the effect will be.

  Even though this special skill made her punching power continue to rise, Algana was able to strike Dione through the defense, parrying her attacks.Even if it is an attack that can smash the enemy, there is no point in hitting the opponent's body.

  Algana, whose skill is slightly superior, used Tione's body art like a mirror.

  However, this is also of course.Because Tione performed the physical technique, which the Amazonian 14 in front of her forced her to learn along with the pain.

  The powerful high kick just kicked Tione directly behind and retreated to the street vendors lined up on the side of the road.

  Tione reluctantly defended, ignoring her numb arms, and immediately wanted to rush forward—but unfortunately she noticed.


  He noticed that behind him, a human girl huddled in fright.

  How can there be children here?She was anxious at first, then blamed herself for losing her mind and being stupid enough to start fighting on the street.This girl stayed here because it was too late to escape.

  The little girl looked up at herself with teary eyes, and Tione was speechless for a moment; a shadow pressed towards her.

  It's Algana.With a fierce smile, she swung her fist up high.

  Now he can barely escape, but the girl behind him can't.The force of the attack, which could easily shake the Pegasus with just a single touch, would shatter her; just being swept away by the aftermath of smashing the ground would break her slender limbs.

  And the opponent will not mind the girl who is affected at all.Impossible to take it to heart.In the eyes of the female warrior, only Tione could be seen.Without any hesitation, Algana fired a punch.

  "It's time to end."

  He knew that sooner or later something would go wrong.

  "Stop for me!"

  A voice rang throughout the audience, and everyone who knew the owner of the voice stopped, but the Amazons who only had a relationship with Nangong Xiao would not stop.

  Nangong Xiao first flashed towards Algana, feeling the punching wind, the female warrior subconsciously put her hands in front of her, but it didn't help.The powerful force in the fist shattered her hand bones, and made her fly backwards, falling to the ground and rolling in two circles.


  She barely stood up, but blood rushed up from her throat.Then, if it wasn't for Nangong Xiao's mercy, she would turn her entire body into minced meat!

  At the same time, Nangong Xiao flashed through the crowd several times, and the Amazons everywhere were instantly killed by one move.In less than a second, the Amazons who did not listen to the advice were all lying on the ground.

  "This is......."

  "The strength of the most advanced adventurer?"

  This kind of power is like a gap that cannot be crossed.

  "If you can move, get up and clean up the scene for me, don't force me to say it a second time!"

  After that, Nangong Xiao left.

  (So ​​strong.... his power has become stronger!)

  Ace's eyes gleamed with brilliance.

  "Just now, what do you mean...? You stood up to protect, that?"

  Algana looked at the girl who was lying on the ground trembling, and then pulled her gaze back.

  "You've changed, you've changed, Thione... stronger, but also weaker."

  Then, she gave Tione a sincere disappointment look.

  "You are no longer a warrior."

  Algana seemed to be disappointed, and lost her fighting spirit, although she did not have the strength to fight at this time.

  "In the past, you never defended that kind of garbage. You should continue to fight with us in your hometown (Tyrskura)."

  "What are you kidding... Who wants to stay in that kind of place..."

  Seeing Tione answering herself with resentful eyes, Algana narrowed her eyes.

  "You... are you still regretting killing Theroudas?"

  The time around Tione stopped.

  "Didn't you become stronger because you killed her?"

  Immediately afterwards, her vision was dyed red.An unspoken growl burst out of his mouth.Tione forgot the injury and pain, indulged her violent impulse, and punched her opponent again.

  "Okay, that's it for now."

  However, just when the fist was about to approach Algana who was about to take the attack.The sound of clapping hands echoed throughout the street.

  That calm but divine voice made Tione's body sway reflexively, and her clenched fists stopped as if she had regained her senses.Algana also turned to the direction from which the voice came.

  It was Loki, who appeared with the breathless Lefiya and other adventurers.

  "If you continue to be excited, you will not only cause trouble for others, but cause trouble."

  In the direction of the fishing port, the goddess who appeared behind Ais and the others opened her eyes slightly and called out to the battlefield.The Rabbit Sarkta used his bunny-like skills to take the girl who was slumped on the ground away from the battlefield.

  The Amazons were more or less injured, and they stared at Ais, who were beaten too hard to fight back, as if they were seeing a kinslayer.

  Loki waved his hand like he was chasing bugs, and the Amazon goddess Kali smiled back at her and turned away. .

Chapter 415

  "Ai, Miss Ais! Miss Tiona! Are you all okay?"

  "I'm fine, but..."

  "It hurts... I was beaten so badly~"

  Tionamo folded her arms.Her brown skin has several marks from bruises.Tiona, who was suppressed by her opponent like her sister, looked unwilling, but turned her attention to the person she cared more about now.

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