"Miss Tione..."

  Lefia and Ais also looked over there.In the middle of the street where the people had dispersed, Tione stood with her back exposed.She kept watching the Amazons who had gone away until they disappeared.

  "It seems to be more serious than expected..."

  A gust of wind took away Loki's muttering and sent it directly to Tione.The girl with long black hair fluttering in the wind, forgot to wipe the blood from the corner of her mouth, and tightly gripped her still aching chest with one hand.

  Serudas.The name buried with a few memories disturbed Tione's heart.Hateful memories that were revealed, fragments of the past that I didn't want to recall, quickly revolved in my mind.

  Tione didn't know how to deal with this feeling that had nowhere to express, and looked up at the vast blue sky above her head, just like the scene she recalled.

  The sky was the same blue that day.The arena scorched by the scorching sun was enveloped in an astonishingly fiery atmosphere.The vast battlefield (arena) covered with dirt was dyed red with blood.

  "Zhe Weigao! Zeweigao! Zeweigao."!"

  A thunderous chorus of hymns erupted all around, surrounding Tione, who was standing in the center of the battlefield (arena).

  The Amazons who looked down at the venue from the auditorium gave their blessings to their petite bodies.

  Chewei high.This is a phrase that is unique to the Amazons and is only limited to Douguo (Tirskula).

  It means - you are the real warrior.

  The continuous congratulations given to him made his hearing meaningless, and the young Tione became unable to hear any sound, and walked to the presence in front of him.With trembling hands, she took off the mask of her compatriots who lay in the sea of ​​blood, the Amazons she killed.

  It was a familiar face.It was for Tione to heal her wounds, snuggle up to sleep, and nourish her dry face.She was Tionne's love, and like her sister, Tionne may have sought maternal love from her.


  Even if the spasmed lips said the name, her dull eyes would never react again.

  Ritual did have a law, but they misunderstood that law.It's no big deal, the reason why the compatriots in the same room don't have to fight is to wait for the time to come.Build friendships with your roommates while exercising your physical instrument.Make them love others.

  Then, let them kill each other with their loved ones.To make them overcome their anger.In order to let them overcome the sadness.To make them cry.Those who transcend emotions and are committed to the struggle can become true warriors.

  Everything is to pave the way to become a true warrior.

  When she took off the opponent's mask, Tione heard the sound of the world she was in collapsed.Perhaps killing the beloved gave Tione the first ethical idea.

  In the slaughter of monsters and compatriots, the deformed ethical concept that will undoubtedly take lives has reached this time, and for the first time in Tione's heart, he has become no different from ordinary people.

  At this time, she was like a sister and like a mother, and she taught Tione the most common and important things.Teach her the grief of losing a loved one.

  At the same time, she also left Tione hurt.No, not her.It's this country, that main god, the evil (Wang Hao) vulgar who pursues "true warriors", and my compatriots——

  Tione roared towards the sky with blood and tears.

  "...You are the real warrior! You are the real warrior! You are the real warrior!"

  The compatriots who witnessed everything roared loudly and blessed the girl who shouted to the sky.It's like praising ancient warriors who came closer to the gods through rituals.A congratulatory message from the Amazons, nothing but a curse.

  On her fifth birthday since she was born, Tione killed her beloved and rose to Lv2.From this day on, her eyes gradually became cloudy. .

Chapter 416

  The moon wheel hangs high in the sky, illuminating the mountains, forests and lakes equally.

  Mellon fell into the night.

  From the port city surrounded by low town walls, no matter when and where, you can see the huge city wall standing in the northeast.Even if night comes.Behind the city walls with no interior visible, the flood of light resembles a fountain.Like affirming the propaganda phrase "the hottest city in the world", the labyrinth city that sleeps all night seems to be turned upside down, shining brightly towards the night sky.

  This was a familiar sight to the residents of Meren, and an exciting sight to those who were planning to go to Orari.

  Although inferior to this kind of Orari, Meren's night was also very lively.

  Magic stone lamps hung on pillars or on the walls of buildings come on, and orange lights fill the bustling streets.The market with its row upon row of vendors is almost like a festival, and the crowds are constantly flowing.Shipyard craftsmen and fishermen are particularly conspicuous, and travelers are attracted by seafood dishes and enter the store individually.A port where people from different countries are mixed can only be said to be crowded.

  Nangong Xiao walked on the street, Lily followed closely.

  "Why does my brother suddenly want to come out for a walk?"

  And it was just the two of us.

  "I just want to enjoy the night view of Melen, it's really beautiful!"

  "Yes, yes."

  (It's just me and my brother, isn't that an appointment, a date!)

  "where are we going."

  Nangong Xiao turned back and reminded Lily who was in a daze.


  Lily showed a sweet smile and trotted over.

  (It's weird, there's definitely something wrong with that guy today.)

  Nangong Xiao, who didn't know what Lily was thinking, became suspicious of something in the morning.When the guy from the guild branch came over and asked him to make a request, Nangong Xiao had said to ask the guild to help find information about the piranha, but he was taken away by a perfunctory answer.

  Nangongxiao is strange, you don't need to do it yourself to find information, can you just leave it to the staff under your command?Is it necessary to procrastinate?

  There was also a problem with the god named Nijord. When Hestia came to him, he seemed to panic for a moment.Taking what Hestia said, "Nyod is not good at lying." In this sentence, he must be hiding something from others, and he was relieved after hearing that Hestia's family was only here for vacation. .

  "Forget it, if you have time tomorrow, exchange information with Loki."

  In the tavern, many demi-humans and a few gods held a cup with strangers.

  "How is Tione now, Riviria?"

  A tavern near the inn owned by the Loki Familiar.Amid the din among the drinkers, Loki sat at the two-seater round dining table and asked Riviria, who had come into the store.

  "Tiona and Ais are with her, but... no, she's out of control. It's obvious that she's in a state of turmoil."

  She pulled over the chair opposite Loki, sat down and said briefly, "Looking at her, it's not very optimistic."

  Riveria didn't meet Ais and the others before and gathered information on her own. At this time, she seemed to regret not being there when the disturbance occurred during the day.

  When she heard the commotion and rushed to the scene, she and Alicia and the others saw the deserted bustling street, Tione who was standing still, and Ais and the others who were watching her.

  By the time they apologized to Lu Bai and other guild members who appeared in a hurry, repaired the damaged store, and dealt with all the follow-up matters, it was already evening.After returning to the hotel, she had been treating Tione until just now and calming her down.

  Seeing Riveria holding back her sigh, Loki raised his head and drank the ale he ordered earlier.

  "Since the piranha appeared, we can only continue to investigate, but... in the worst case, maybe I have to let them go back to Orari first."

  "Let's not talk about Tiona, I don't think the current Tione will be obedient..."

  "Yeah. I'll go talk to her two people later. I'll be optimistic."

  Loki and the others were worried for a while, and decided to put aside Tione and the others for now.They talked about the main purpose of coming to the tavern specially, and exchanged information about the piranhas they traced.

  The main god of the family and the deputy leader temporarily left the group members, and the two of them began to discuss the matter.

  "Let's sort out the information first. Tiona and the others said there is nothing unusual about the cave at the bottom of the lake. It is well sealed. Although the entire lake has not been searched, but if the lake has nothing to do with the second entrance and exit of the dungeon..."

  "This means that the piranha that appeared yesterday was lurking in the brackish lake through the surface."

  "That's it. Orari's underground waterways have piranhas lurking. There's some guy...some guy behind the scenes that brings some suspicious stuff out of the city, like maybe a box or cage of a monster, and sneaks into it. Here comes the lake."

  For Loki's opinion, Riveria also nodded affirmatively.The remnants of the dark faction, or those who are related to the weirdos, are likely to be here in Hong Kong.

  "Did you find anything while walking around town today, Riveria?"

  "I'm afraid it's similar to you. The waterside itself is safe. I heard that pirates are more troublesome than monsters at present. Regarding the piranha, there seems to be no sighting information from yesterday to today."

  "Where's the guild branch?"

  "It's been a branch minister from beginning to end, and a guy named Ruburt talked to me, but...something suspicious."

  Riveria closed her eyes after saying that.

  "You mean it's a little weird?"

  "It's a little unnatural. He brought up a topic that I didn't think bothered him, and wanted to divert my attention from the piranha to the Kali family."

  Loki fully believed Riveria's suspicion of Ruburt.

  Finn's mind and intuition were trustworthy, but Riveria's insight was also sharp.Her eyes can see through the subtle changes in people's hearts, and even Ais, who has a mother-daughter relationship with her, is no match for her ability.

  "Alishia and the others went to the mayor to talk, have you heard anything about that?"

  "It was said that the other party suspected that they were related to the guild, and they were indifferently rejected. That person seemed to have a very hard attitude. Listening to what they said, the other party seemed to not listen to what they said at all."

  "Mmmm... Although we have something to do with the guild, but we are outsiders..."

  Loki put his beer mug to his lips with a puzzled expression.She served thinly sliced ​​fish with light green oil and sauce as a side dish, and fell into deep thought as she ate it. After a while, Riveria asked her back, "Is there nothing to gain from your side? You went to Nielsen. Joad."

  Hearing this question, Loki was silent.The hand holding the fork stopped, and she glanced slightly at Riveria's face.

  "I mean, Riveria... do you think Njord is a prisoner?"

  Hearing this statement, Riveria's emerald eyes were filled with shock.

  "Are you doubting him? Suspecting Njord?"

  "It's a little bit..."

  "How is it possible, I don't believe it. Although there was only a brief exchange, before we entered Orari, Nijord took care of us so much. He is a god with a noble personality (personality)."

  Riveria believed what she saw with her own eyes; Loki scratched at the scarlet hair at the tone of the royal family.Of course, she knew this very well, as she had a relationship with Nijord in the heavenly realm.However, during the conversation with him, there was a scene that Loki couldn't ignore.

  "Unlike when facing children, even if you have the eyes of a god, you often can't see through the lies of the gods. However, Nijord is relatively good at lying, as far as I can see."

  She remembered the profile of the male god with his back turned to her and reluctant to meet her eyes.At that time, unfortunately, Loki had a bottom line.

  "Njord has something to hide from us."

  "Are you saying it has something to do with the piranha?"

  "I don't know that, but... I'm sure he definitely did something wrong."

  Hearing the Lord God's assertion, Riveria shook her head and said, "I can't believe it..."

  In the face of his relatives with tightly closed eyebrows, Loki felt an atmosphere like never before in Melen.

  Seemingly peaceful, the port city of the shadow of piranhas flashes from time to time.This feeling is not dangerous, but like Ais and the others, there are some contradictions in some things, and a sense of incongruity with these issues.The best way to say it is to be puzzling.

  Loki was puzzled.

  "Things are getting a little bigger... no, it's a little more complicated."

  There are several suspicious presences.If you only look at characters and fetishes, there are three.Ruburt of the guild branch, the mayor Borg, and the chief god of the Neyod family.

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