Chapter 301 The Action of the Knight

After the first night of temptation, almost all the heroic spirits knew each other’s existence, and they hid themselves in a low-key manner. Some didn’t care about the Holy Grail. Recognize the lack of strength.

The second night of the Holy Grail War was calmer than ever before, but everyone knew that it was the calm before the storm. The longer the quiet time, the bigger the storm.

But not everyone stayed in the nest on the second night, just like Tony Stark recruiting knights, other heroes and masters are also making their own preparations.

Definitely, the combination of Moses and Strange is the most relaxed and leisurely combination. When everyone else is working hard, only the two play from morning to night.

On the one hand, strength and self-confidence, on the other hand, both of them do not have a high desire for the Holy Grail.

Compared with the Holy Grail, Moses prefers to experience modern life and use various novel objects. Although these objects deny the existence of ‘god’, he doesn’t care.

In fact, Moses was regarded by the Egyptian pharaohs as his own since he was a child, and because he was the second son, he did not have to shoulder the responsibility of the country like his elder brother. The pharaohs and his wife were relatively conniving to him. Therefore, Moses learned of his life and took on Before rescuing my compatriots, I was very fond of jokes.

As the heroic spirit was called, there was no mission that had to be completed, and Moses naturally liberated a part of his own nature.

It should be said that he was a former dude who came to this world, and after a short period of adaptation, he became proficient in eating, drinking and playing.

If it’s known by those believers, I’m afraid it’s not because of myocardial infarction…

On the same day, the number of missing persons in New York was a little bit higher, but not many people cared, because those missing were not big shots, not even middle class, they were all roadside beggars or street gangsters…

However, some people still know.

Tony Stark originally didn’t care about how many people disappeared every day in New York. He was very busy. Handing the burden of business to Pepper doesn’t mean he has eased much. He puts a heavier burden on himself and thinks about things every day. The experiments and analytical formulas are enough to burn the brains of ordinary people.

Compared with the entire human race, the inaction or even self-willing individuals in the race are insignificant in comparison.

Even if Tony has the ability to duplication, he is not limitless in energy.

Although it sounds cruel, the reality is so cruel.

And now Tony doesn’t care because he is idle or energetic, but because he needs to find the hive through those humble, missing people.

Heroic Spirit Tony comes from the future of parallel time and space. Although S.H.I.E.L.D solved the hive before he had time to meet the hive, Tony still has a complete database, so he knows the hive very well.

In order to catch the hive, Tony focused not only on New York City, but also every place where the Terrigan Crystals existed, and the largest gathering of alien races on earth, the ‘afterlife’.

At this time, the advantages of the technology side heroes also play a real role. As long as there is enough time, the knowledge and technology of the technology side heroes can be displayed, and then they can exert their power far beyond their own arrival. This is the power of knowledge. .

I have to say that the hive is very cautious and wise enough, but unfortunately, in order to accumulate strength, some things have to be done, and when they are done, they show their feet.

Tony’s process of finding people was not so smooth, at least not as smooth as he imagined. Most of the missing people were invisible under his investigation, but the hive has not been caught yet, but many illegal experiments have been caught. Institutions and organizations.Regarding these institutions and organizations, Tony did not take action by himself, but threw it to S.H.I.E.L.D. In Tony’s view, S.H.I.E.L.D is just using it now.

The Master Tony sat on the sofa in the lobby on the top floor of the Stark Group, half-lying, his gaze sweeping through the scattered and orderly projections in the sky, and affirmed:

“It can’t disappear out of thin air.”

“Yes, so we need to screen the people around…”

Heroic Spirit Tony nodded, swiping his finger to clear all the virtual screens, and then replaced the J.A.R.V.I.S artificial intelligence butler for this time and space:


Following Tony’s order, the data was retrieved again on Friday, including scenes in the neighborhood of the missing persons, and several prototype magic and ability detection devices jointly created by two generations of Tony were also distributed to relevant locations.

This time it was much smoother than before. In less than an hour, both the monitoring data and the monitoring devices were harvested.

The monitoring device captured the residual anomalous energy field outside of the magic power, and in the monitoring data, a strange person was also found on Friday.

Gordon, whose eyes disappeared, or covered with uncooked meat, is different from ordinary people. It is always conspicuous. Even if the artificial intelligence that is not really smart like Friday has discovered his difference, it will immediately clear the pop-up window to show it. In front of two Tonys.

“this person···”

Heroic Spirit Tony fell into deep thought, perhaps because of becoming a heroic spirit. His brain is much easier to use than before. In the literal sense, both memory and thinking speed have been strengthened.

After a while, he looked up and said:

“A member of the “Afterlife” of the Inhumans, his name is Gordon, and Ability is Teleport.

It seems that they are still involved, but their position is in the rabbit, which is a bit troublesome… Friday, help me connect Nick Fury. ”

Tony, the heroic spirit, decided to let Nick Fury, the nominal director, contact the branch that did not listen to the announcement. The situation there was special and silent. In fact, the accumulated power was not weaker than the superhero in any country. Even his Iron Man doesn’t have much face in time and space. This time and space is more special. He doesn’t want to make himself faceless.

After a series of things in the future, I have more trust in S.H.I.E.L.D or Nick Fury than the master Tony. It may also be that after trying it once, I learned how to share the burden.

Master Tony had no objection to another decision of himself, and turned his head and said:

“Friday, Gordon’s energy field data was uploaded, and the factory started to work, searching the city for fluctuations of the same frequency.

Existing searchers also began to patrol and search, not only the same fluctuations, but other abnormal fluctuations were also recorded and uploaded for comparison. ”

“Yes, sir.”

On Friday, I have to listen to the orders of two people at the same time, but it is not busy for her. With a little computing power, everything can be arranged in an orderly manner.

Master Tony touched his chin and said:

“Speaking of it, I always feel that something is missing in this Holy Grail War.”

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