Chapter 302

Tony quickly thought of what was missing.


There were referees in the first Holy Grail War, but the referee Quezal was a silly eldest sister. When there was no live broadcast, he was addicted to wrestling. When there was a live broadcast, he looked decent, and 2233 two heroes born from the desire for entertainment. Not inferior, very popular.

The point is that Quizal has no record of shots, so that people are almost neglecting that she is a referee.

Master Tony thought for a while, and told the hero himself to Nick Fury about the referee.

There are some things that Tony doesn’t need to say, Nick Fury will do it too. This is Nick Fury.

Although Nick Fury is unscrupulous and does not speak the truth, and looks like an agent leader with no lower limit, Tony has never doubted Nick Fury’s role, especially in the face of unusual events that have an impact on humans.

But Tony didn’t expect that someone would catch it one step faster than him, or find Gordon.

New York City has recently added an enthusiastic good neighbor who can wander between buildings. This good neighbor usually hangs out from dusk to night.

It sounds like a superhero, but it is more popular among ordinary citizens than most superhero.

Because this uniform is very down to earth, it looks like pajamas, and there is no distinction between file size for doing good things, small enough to pick up something to catch the thief, large enough to fight criminals and stop car accidents, etc., just do it whenever you see it.

It is better to say that he is a superhero than he is a good person who specializes in doing good things.

Although no one has seen the face of this superhero, everyone feels very kind, so he was given the nickname of a good neighbor in New York.

This is just the beginning. If New York selects a most popular superhero after some time, Tony and Steve will lose out in all likelihood.

Tony and Steve are too far away from ordinary citizens. The former is a rich man, and the latter is an antique of history textbooks. Even if they often appear in the headlines of major media, they are a lively event for ordinary citizens, far less enthusiastic than good neighbors. Welcome and get close.

But no one knows that the good neighbor who wanders around New York’s streets and alleys playing bungee jumping every evening is actually a half-file-size child who has just started high school and the fluff on his mouth has not faded.

It’s another day to be a superhero.

Peter Parker wandered in the city wearing a uniform that was ridiculed by some people as pajamas. The experience of the Holy Grail War as a child had a great influence on him, but it did not make him give up the superhero.

An accident not long ago gave Peter an extraordinary power, and he put his ideals online the first time.

Peter Parker does not have a definition of being a superhero. To be a person like Captain America or Tony Stark, his idea is simple, how big is the ability to do big things, and do his best to help more people.

There is no difference between being weak and strong. They are all things that can be done within their own limits, but there are more things that can be done when they are strong.Just like gangsters, Peter used to be helpless, but now he can pick some less powerful players.

It’s not that Peter is bullying and fearing hardship, but it’s not easy to be a gangster these days.

After all, the opening of God’s Domain, especially the second layer, has given all mankind the possibility. You will never know whether an ordinary person is really ordinary or possesses a special skill. At the beginning, outside of Hell’s Kitchen. The gray business almost couldn’t go on.

Peter Parker is habitually swinging, and his super vision allows him to easily see what is happening on the ground and hundreds of meters away.

He has summed up a certain pattern. Crimes generally occur in corners that ordinary people can’t see, perhaps abandoned factories, or dark and remote alleys, so he has been wandering in these types of places recently.

The sky gradually darkened, Peter landed on a corner of a certain building and took a breath. He estimated the time and was about to go home. He was still a student. Even though his high school studies were not heavy, he wanted to get into a good university. He must put a burden on himself.

And I helped a lot of people tonight. Although I didn’t encounter any criminals with particularly bad plots, this is actually good news.

Thinking like this, Peter stood up, flipped his wrist, pressed the switch, and the mechanism on his wrist hit a white silk thread to a building tens of meters away, and then jumped down.

Peter fell extremely fast, and he turned suddenly under the pull of the flexible silk thread, dangling through the street in an arc, and at the limit, he was less than one meter from the ground.

The wind hit his face and body, not only did Peter not panic, but he especially enjoyed the high-speed movement in the air. At the lowest point, he left the newspaper and other things he picked up to curl up in the dark corner. Homeless man.

Peter doesn’t know why these hobos with sound hands and feet become like this. His ability is limited and he can’t help more, but bringing some scraps to make these lives less difficult.

Recently, the weather has turned cold. Peter picking up discarded newspapers is not to entertain the homeless, but to set off the fire to keep out the cold, even if it is only for one night.

I don’t know if it is an illusion. Peter always feels that there are fewer homeless people in the neighborhood than the last time.

As for doing more, Peter is powerless. He knew since he was a child that he didn’t have the Ability to solve all the problems in the world, and he might not even be able to solve all the problems he saw.

The feeling of weakness is uncomfortable. Peter sighed slightly, and suddenly there was a flower in front of him. Before he could see what it was, he felt that he had hit something and flew out in an instant. Fortunately, the cobweb was pulled by it, but it was just shaking. It didn’t hit the ground directly.

The strong physical fitness made Peter wake up quickly. The previous touch and the vaguely captured scenes made Peter predict that he had hit someone. When he was sober, he quickly looked at the opposite side nervously and saw dozens of meters away at a glance. People struggling to get up.

Peter heaved a sigh of relief when he saw this, grabbed cobweb and swayed, letting go when he approached the opponent, and flew over, a little embarrassed and nervous:

“I’m very sorry, you… are you okay?”

Peter saw the other person’s eyes blocked by the sarcoma, his heart jumped, and he paused slightly, and he felt even more guilty, thinking that he had hit a disabled person because of his distraction.

But soon, Peter stopped thinking like that…


PS: Spider-man Web Shooters, I remember spraying a special glue, and then encountering the air condensed into a solid silk thread···

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