Medical road

Chapter 1095 Presiding over the meeting

In the outpatient hall, Chen Sheng led a group of people to set up the outpatient clinic, the original pediatric clinic only six outpatient clinics, Chen Sheng moved other departments in the vicinity, instantly, the whole floor became a pediatric clinic, the original vacation doctors, doctors who went to assist the community, all called back.

For a while, the third floor of the clinic became a world of children, crying, shouting, screaming, accompanied by the sound of parents' coaxing, scaring, and grandparents' complaints, the third floor was as lively as the opening of the Bazaar.

This is the case in pediatrics, the respiratory department is even worse.

The respiratory department is originally a large department, and in all the tertiary hospitals, although the respiratory department does not seem to be as urgent as the cardiology department, nor as high as the surgery department, and there is little income from stents and so on, but the annual income of the respiratory department is quite a lot.

This is a high input and high return department, as long as the bedside ventilator is open, the money is like the water of the Yellow River, flowing to the hospital, not exaggerated at all, or look at the private respiratory hospital in Jiangsu and Zhejiang, the size of the large are almost bigger than some high officials don't tertiary hospitals.

Moreover, this kind of department, a field hospital also dare not intervene, rich is rich, but they have no scientific research reserves.

Pediatrics is a haunted sea of words, and the respiratory department is the sea of death. Breath-holding, gas-holding, dry and thin old men and women, one hand covering the mask, the other holding an oxygen bag, family members calmly with a variety of laboratory test sheets, waiting in line for the doctor.

"Old man Li is here again! Everyone pay attention, stop arguing with him, it's not easy, look at the face is suffocated into eggplant color, everyone give way, got it?" The head nurse of the respiratory department, while arranging for extra beds, saw the familiar voice and shadow in the corridor, and gave an explanation to the nurses under her hand.

The patients in the respiratory department, don't look one thin, but one big temper, but whenever you can take two breaths, you will definitely hear and people quarrel, really, either quarrel again, or on the way to quarrel.

Inside the respiratory building, walk sideways, because all extra beds. In this way, there are still some patients can not enter, the old patients generally have experience, before the weather becomes cold, early in the hospital into the ward.

And new patients do not understand ah, and so on the onset, even a bed can not find.

"Li Hui, Li Hui, hurry up, the old man Wang suffocated, quickly, people are dying." The nurse who closed the bed shouted out to the doctor on duty today.

Li Hui, who has a child, is now a completely different person. People who used to be so jumpy are now as steady as if they had entered high walls and been reformed.

Hearing the nurse shouting, Li Hui let go of the keyboard and ran towards the ward.

When the first snow came down, Cha Su Hospital represents the busiest time to enter.

Zhang Fan set his mind to Chen Sheng, who was busy, but not timid.

Ouyang is now setting Zhang Fan's heart. To be honest, inside this profession, the most and most frightening is actually to meet a large epidemic, which is much more frightening than a difficult disease.

To lead the doctors to deal with this kind of thing, to be honest, Zhang Fan heart is not bottom, not afraid, but worried.

When there is no flu, every year the common cold can be like cutting wheat in this season, a crop of the harvest crowd, if a flu outbreak plus a hand, foot and mouth, to be honest, not worried are amateurs.

"I just read the document, now elementary school and kindergartens are closed, and still multiple counties and cities have appeared affected children, the peak has not yet arrived, I have no bottom in my heart." Zhang Fan had one thing to say in front of Ouyang.

"There has to be a first time for everything." Ouyang took off his eyes and spoke to Zhang Fan.

"But, this time is different." Zhang Fan was a little anxious again.

"How different, what is different, hand, foot and mouth disease found all how many years, the treatment plan are mature. 03 years, you think I have a bottom in mind? The army sealed off the national border, and the armed police surrounded the hospital.

Many of our doctors have written medical advice, who had a bottom in mind at that time? The old residence why so bull, bullishness are rushed to the sky, happy to see the Cha Su leadership shouted, unhappy to shake his face and leave, he had the bottom back then? No bottom.

What is a doctor, a mature doctor, is growing up in a time of danger and unknown diseases, if only to see the mature disease, it is not called a doctor, it is a craftsman. A craftsman, need the state so much trouble to train?

You can't practice your tolerance now, if one day in the future, there are more terrible infectious diseases, what will you do. My comrade brother, think of danger in times of peace, we are doctors, we are a special profession. The number of human lives under the hands of a famous doctor definitely exceeds that of a general!"

Zhang Fan looked at Ouyang, the early morning sunlight shining into the office, Zhang Fan all seem to see the old lady's teeth are glowing.

A few words, said Zhang Fan heart as if the earth without him after no one to save the world. The heart is a little hot.

"Yes, what are you afraid of, it's a mature program, what's so scary about the disease mix? I'm not on, he's not on, who's on!" He thought to himself.

The older the jianghu is, the less courageous it is, this saying was not felt by Zhang Fan in the past, but now he increasingly appreciates the meaning of this saying.

Because human life is not a number, especially in the first line of doctors, the face of one after another patient down, the heart can not be soft, because this thing, soft, there is a weakness, a weakness, it is easy to fall.

Just like a man in his old age, often packed by his wife low, it is not his wife's temper has become bigger, it is because ......

"I also know that this time is a bit special, two diseases combined outbreak, is difficult, but the more difficult the more you can exercise people, I and the old residence to you as a helper. The government side fully cooperate, you do it with confidence and boldness!"

Really, the old lady said and stood up, waving her fist, erected triangle eyes, too inspiring, this old lady agitated people, definitely has a hand.

Zhang Fan nodded his head, Chen Sheng said, "Good!"

When this good word was said, Zhang Fan's heart also inexplicably had an impulse.

It really has the momentum of the iron-blooded death squad drinking the last bowl of guillotine wine.

This feeling ordinary people can not feel, and it is best not to feel.

"Good! Now that's right. Go, now start deploying it, Cha Su's medical resources are in your hands at this time."

Ouyang added another fire.

Out the door, Ouyang purposely walked slightly behind Zhang Fan.

Previously, it was Annie with the dog bear, but now it was a change of formula.

Not long after, the director of the Chasu Regional CDC also rushed to the conference room in a frenzy, Lao Jue also rushed back, and the government leader in charge of health also arrived in the conference room. When Zhang Fan and Ouyang entered the office, the originally noisy conference room was instantly much quieter.

"Hospital Zhang, Hospital Ou, the situation is rather serious." The director of the CDC's head was as big as a bucket at this time, like being stung and swollen by a wild bee, and the sound of cursing in his heart was gone.

The director of the CDC, this position, to be honest, if there are no infectious disease outbreaks on weekdays, is really a good position, a day to arrange to addicts and AIDS patients to play shots, and then to children to play vaccinations, and then to the dog bite people to play rabies vaccination.

Then just waiting for the state funding on the line, if the doorway is wide, a year to arrange a few charges for vaccination, it is definitely a year a suite of rhythm.

Don't look at the vaccination is not a few money, but win in the population base ah, a manufacturing free vaccine companies are rich in doing private helicopters, you can imagine, this industry has to be more profitable.

But once the outbreak of infectious diseases, and did not deal with it in a timely manner, the end of the epidemic is the time to change his position, and some were even removed from office immediately at that time.

So, it is also a high-risk, high-reward position.

At this time, the director of the CDC, the heart has been as sad as a dead mother. Because he has not been in office for long, the result is an outbreak of infectious diseases, and he did not control, really big loss, but he now does not dare to take it lightly, removal from office is a small matter, the pursuit of responsibility is a big matter. So, now he is more anxious than anyone else.

Zhang Fan nodded and looked back at Ouyang, who, like his secretary, kept his mouth shut. The old lady really used her heart in order to cultivate Zhang Fan, this kind of moment is often the highlight of people, but now Ouyang held back from speaking.

"Let's summarize the situation first!"

Zhang Fan sat in the leadership position. China is too preoccupied with the matter of the name is not right. Zhang Fan did not say anything, several other leaders did not say anything. Even the leader in charge of health did not say a word.

He is also clear that he is here today as a helper, just listen to the command. For the medical unit of Cha Su, he has lost the confidence of control.

Earlier, there was an Ouyang, and he was in the face of the drums and gongs of the quarrel, then took Ouyang no way, and now Zhang Fan is up, although Zhang Fan does not argue nor make a fuss, but he can not do more. He is also quite disturbed, a good health culture and education tourism, the result is hard to be cut off the health, or by his so-called subordinates cut off, are no place to complain.

"Now to Cha Su as the center, the surrounding counties and cities more or less appeared hand, foot and mouth disease concurrent flu cases, especially Hanggai County's Nurganjiang kindergarten and even more than twenty young children have appeared herpes, and even three patients appeared aseptic meningitis ......

Moreover, there is currently a significant increase in the number of patients with respiratory diseases because of the combined influenza cases, and even a collective influenza symptom among the elderly in the positive community ......"

Hand, foot and mouth disease, was first discovered in 1969 in the Golden Mauve country, and the first case only appeared in 1981 in China. And 08 years when there was an outbreak in the country of China, then throughout the country's provinces, it is estimated that there are friends absolutely image profound.

This disease is divided into two kinds, that is, it has two sister strains, a simple a little more often outbreak, and the other although not often outbreak, but once the outbreak, the power is definitely greater than the simple strain.

This disease, not only can be transmitted from the digestive tract, but also from the respiratory tract, especially young children, is extremely prone to high incidence.

Often many parents, stare at making their children wash their hands, but not themselves. This is useless. Although adults are not easily infected, they can easily carry it, so when this disease breaks out, both adults and children should wash their hands properly.

"Are the government supplies in place now?" After listening to the CDC director's report, Zhang Fan then asked the government about the situation.

Without supplies, everything is paper talk, being seen is usually people do not care much about the thermometer, as if it is not very rare, but once everyone goes to buy, this thing definitely becomes a scarce commodity.

"At present, the government has mobilized a large amount of medical equipment and medical materials, hydrogen peroxide and other disinfectants have been stockpiled." Stiffly reporting to his subordinates, the leader in charge of health in Chasu is estimated to have definitely not been a fasting and chanting person in his previous life.

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