Medical road

Chapter 1096 - Patients Under Death

The meeting opened at a fast pace, almost always after the report, Zhang Fan began to deploy. No emergency can not, the specific death rate of influenza to date is still an approximate figure, but the death rate of hand, foot and mouth disease is clear, 3%. It doesn't seem obvious, but only if it's a child.

With Zhang Fan's order, first professional epidemic prevention personnel with disinfection supplies entered each kindergarten and elementary school at the first time. The disease hand, foot and mouth disease is resistant to alcohol and even weak acids, disinfectants like deoxycholate.

But to hydrogen peroxide, that is, hydrogen peroxide and potassium permanganate solution is extra sensitive, so a time Cha Su air seems to be filled with and the smell of hydrogen peroxide. Especially the crowd gathering area, enter the door first wash hands, a bottle of hydrogen peroxide sent to various units and schools.

The main battlefield is still in the hospital. Pediatrics has been too busy, the outpatient nursing department has asked for help, Zhang Fan had to pull nurses from various departments. This time, it really is like war, orders issued, must be the first line, there is no opportunity and time to make excuses for excuses.

With the outbreak of influenza and hand, foot and mouth disease, many of the elderly in the family also began to be nervous. Often no community senior center is an information distribution center, where retired seniors chat together parent to parent.

"My daughter has not been home for three or four days, the city hospital is now like a prison, not even agree to take time off work, it was promised to go on a blind date, but again, it fell through! To really delay my girl into an old girl, I went out of my way to go to the Cha Su City Hospital, looking for their President Zhang Fan. He got married himself, and does not care about others?"

A community, playing mahjong old lady while touching the tiles while either bragging or complaining about her girl, her girl is a pediatrician at the Cha Su Hospital, in the past, many old men and women whose grandchildren have any disease have asked her to find her girl, so in a group of old men and women, this lady still has a status.

The old men and women of China play mahjong, this kung fu is not ordinary powerful. Anyway, as long as people are not dead, they can call on friends to play mahjong. Earlier, there was a joke that the leader of the Golden Mao country visited the country of China.

He laughed at the leaders of China, saying that your space technology is still not good, send people to heaven, only sent up a person. Look at us, we send a bunch of people.

The Chinese leader smiled slightly, not our technology is poor, we dare not send too many people to go, send two, they will play chess, send three they can all landlord, send four, they just play mahjong. So had to send a person to heaven ah! Although it is a joke, but also can see the heart of the Chinese people of mahjong.

Other old ladies old man slightly ingratiating compliment each other's girls, incidentally one old lady asked, "Is your girl busy working overtime because of the recent outbreak of infectious diseases."

"Who says it's not!"

"Which how to prevent ah, your girl to you did not say ah!"

"How not to say, to wash hands more, with eight four hands, but also more mopping, more disinfection. If you have any disinfectant at home, use it all." The old lady girl is said to wash her hands more and go out less, this old lady is tuned to what she would like to hear, more hand washing, as for the latter, all her own added.

This speaks casually, but listen to the people on the heart. Then some old ladies went home and rolled up their sleeves and started disinfecting. There are even a few old ladies, regardless of three or seven twenty, anyway, the disinfectant at home, all poured together, while pouring said, see I do not kill you, see I do not kill you.

Then, the virus killed not know, anyway, their home almost all the loss. Disinfectants are generally not weak acids on weak bases, or complexes or oxides, these things can not be mixed together, mixed together, may be able to make a six six six to.

This thing is to die.

Cha Su people are on edge, next door Stan country also came to the hustle and bustle, while stoned on melons while watching China's hustle and bustle, but also through diplomacy to Cha Su side sent a diplomatic letter, meaning that they are very concerned.

The leader forwarded this diplomatic letter to Zhang Fan, meaning that Zhang Fan should look at the response, using professional language. Zhang Fan was busy and anxious, and concerned about the buttocks, but the secretary of the leader brought this thing again, very angry, took a look at it, and casually threw it into the arms of the secretary, "None of their business, no time to take care of these things."

Finished, shouted to Lao Jue, "President Jue, quickly draw some of the doctors to Hanggai County. It must be the best and strongest, and it's best that you personally lead the team there."

Old Jui is the deputy head of the first line, in Cha Su, on anti-infectious diseases, infectious hospital's are not Old Jui's opponent, after all, Old Jui did the virus in the first line of SARS back then, so his first-line experience is very rich.

The old residence towards Zhang Fan side while walking, while taking off the mask, "the surrounding counties influenza patients have flocked to our hospital, now pulling manpower, this side of the pressure is even greater."

"There is no way, there are not enough professionals in the county, the county hospital is not even able to work properly. We have to go over there and lead them to carry out their work, otherwise, the source of infection can't be controlled, and there will only be more and more patients.

I can't give you too many people, you take five doctors and then a dozen respiratory nurses, just so you can work in two shifts in rotation. This time it is up to you, you are not only responsible for the main treatment, but also for the prevention of sudden illnesses!"

Zhang Fan gave Lao Jue's burden is not light.

Old Jui nodded, "Okay, I'll go pick someone now, and then set off immediately." Not much to say, say more or less, in fact, are similar, the on or must be on.

Lao Jue pulled a part of the doctors doing flashing lights 120 went to Hanggai County, Cha Su side of the manpower is even more lacking. Almost all of the off-duty internal medicine doctors have become respiratory doctors, even Zhang Fan with a mask in pediatrics and respiratory two departments not quite patrol.

In the past, the leadership is not in, in fact, the same, but now is different, the leadership in, even if the doctors are tired, the heart is not satisfied, but also willing to press the impatience of the heart to work, to contact patients, afraid that the doctors are working hard, while the leadership is ......

Pediatrics is haunted, children do not pretend to be sick, originally uncomfortable, and then came to the terrible group of white, more haunted. Doctors are now, one by one, as hot as the black-hearted bandits, no matter how much the child cries.

First pinch open the mouth to see if there is herpes in the throat and mouth. Because once there is herpes, there will be pain in the mouth and throat, which then leads to the young child refusing to eat and drink, once this happens, it must be isolated and treated with good oral care, and absolutely no carelessness.

This herpes is not one or two, especially obvious, when the herpes appears, pinch open the mouth of young children, you can see, pink and tender mouth and the bottom of the little tongue, dense red as the size of a pomegranate seed herpes, and herpes above one by one with a grayish-white pus cap.

It can be said that when the herpes surrounds the throat and the child opens his mouth, it looks really scary. With the writhing of the oral muscles, the red herpes undulates up and down in waves, just like worms crawling in the mouth.

Really, the child is especially pitiful at this time.

Parents look heartbroken.

There are no effective preventive shots for hand, foot and mouth disease, and there are no special drugs to treat it. The disease itself is not terrible, what is terrible is its complications, once the symptoms become severe, there will be neurological abnormalities, circulatory and respiratory system failure.

And this time, what's even more troublesome is that this thing broke out with the flu.

Some children were already having a hard time with herpes, and then they got the flu, adding insult to injury. The crying is breathless, touching the pacifier, the little head bobbing one after the other, the little hands weakly refusing.

Isolation, symptomatic.

Infectious disease is like the force in physics that we all learn, there are three elements.

Want to control infectious diseases, you must be in this three elements, cut off a.

The three elements of infectious diseases infectious sources, transmission routes and susceptible people. By cutting off one of these three factors, transmission can be stopped.

The most difficult thing to control is the source of infection and the route of transmission, not to mention finding the source, your own wife hiding RMB, when the husband can not find, let alone a living person.

The actual fact is that you can find a lot of people who are not able to get a good deal on a lot of things.

So, we can only start in the susceptible population, and then slowly in the other two to figure out.

The good thing is that there are not many critical cases in pediatrics.

But the respiratory department, which looks like a dead sea, is really like a dead sea at this time.

"Zhang Hospital, there are not enough ventilators." Zhang Fan was on the pediatric side, helping to reassure the parents while helping to handle the patients, when the deputy director of the respiratory department called at this time.

Zhang Fan had to put down the child and rush to the respiratory department.

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